Installing Bein --------------- Bein consists of four components: a PostgreSQL database, a daemon named 'beind', an execution minion named 'bein-minion', and a web interface named 'bein-httpd'. All should run as user 'bein' on the same system. There is also a program called 'beinctl' which handles setting up and tearing down the database. 1. Make sure PostgreSQL is running and has the PL/Python language available. Bein connects to the database via a Unix domain socket, which appears as a file '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'. Make sure that file exists when PostgreSQL is running. If it does not, you will need to spend some time with the PostgreSQL manuals getting it configured correctly. 2. Create a user 'bein' on the operating system, and then, as a user with the ability to create roles in PostgreSQL, run > createdb bein > createuser bein Tell it 'no' when it asks if the user 'bein' should be a superuser. Make sure there is a line like local bein bein ident in PostgreSQL's 'pg_hba.conf' file, typically stored in its data directory. This lets programs running as operating system user 'bein' log into database 'bein' via the Unix domain socket on the local machine with no further authentication. 3. Uncompress the Bein package, and in the resulting directory run > cabal configure > cabal build > cabal install 4. Initialize the database by running > beinctl init 5. As user 'bein', run 'beind start' to start the execution daemon, and 'bein-httpd start' to star the web interface. Both should automatically connect to the database and configure themselves. TODO: * Add information on installing the Haskell Platform and necessary libraries like Happstack and Happstack-auth. * How to set up your path to run programs in the ~/.cabal/bin/ directory. * Add more detail on starting and controlling the system. * Setting up forwarding to bein-httpd.