-- |
-- Module      : Berp.Base.StdTypes.Dictionary
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010 Bernie Pope
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : florbitous@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
-- The standard dictionary type.

module Berp.Base.StdTypes.Dictionary (emptyDictionary, dictionary, dictionaryClass) where

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Berp.Base.Prims (primitive, showObject)
import Berp.Base.Monad (constantIO)
import Berp.Base.SemanticTypes (Procedure, Object (..), Eval)
import Berp.Base.Identity (newIdentity)
import Berp.Base.HashTable as Hash (fromList, empty, mappings, lookup)
import Berp.Base.Attributes (mkAttributes)
import Berp.Base.StdNames
import {-# SOURCE #-} Berp.Base.StdTypes.Type (newType)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.ObjectBase (objectBase)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.String (string)

emptyDictionary :: IO Object
emptyDictionary = do 
   identity <- newIdentity
   hashTable <- Hash.empty 
   return $ 
      { object_identity = identity
      , object_hashTable = hashTable 

dictionary :: [(Object, Object)] -> Eval Object
dictionary elements = do 
   identity <- newIdentity
   hashTable <- fromList elements
   return $ 
      { object_identity = identity
      , object_hashTable = hashTable 

{-# NOINLINE dictionaryClass #-}
dictionaryClass :: Object
dictionaryClass = constantIO $ do 
   dict <- attributes
   newType [string "dict", objectBase, dict]

attributes :: IO Object 
attributes = mkAttributes 
   [ (eqName, primitive 2 eq)
   , (strName, primitive 1 str)
   , (getItemName, primitive 2 getItem)

eq :: Procedure 
eq = error "== on dict not defined"

str :: Procedure 
str (obj:_) = do
   ms <- mappings $ object_hashTable obj
   strs <- mapM dictEntryString ms
   return $ string ("{" ++ concat (intersperse ", " strs) ++ "}")
   dictEntryString :: (Object, Object) -> Eval String
   dictEntryString (obj1, obj2) = do
      objStr1 <- showObject obj1
      objStr2 <- showObject obj2
      return (objStr1 ++ ": " ++ objStr2)
str _other = error "str conversion on dictionary applied to wrong number of arguments"

getItem :: Procedure
getItem (obj:index:_) = do
   let ht = object_hashTable obj
   maybeVal <- Hash.lookup index ht
   case maybeVal of 
      Nothing -> error "dict lookup failed" 
      Just val -> return val  
getItem _other = error "getItem on dictionary applied to wrong number of arguments"