-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -DDEBUG #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
-- uncomment one of the two above lines to turn debugging on/off for this module

-- |
-- Module      : Berp.Base.Class
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010 Bernie Pope
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : florbitous@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
-- Implementation of the Python "class" keyword. We call it "klass" (with a k) 
-- because "class" is a keyword in Haskell.

#include "BerpDebug.h"

module Berp.Base.Class (klass) where

import Berp.Base.LiftedIO (liftIO, MonadIO, writeIORef, readIORef)
import Berp.Base.Ident
import Berp.Base.SemanticTypes (Eval, Object (..), ObjectRef)
#ifdef DEBUG
import Berp.Base.Prims (printObject)
import Berp.Base.Hash (Hashed)
import Berp.Base.Attributes (mkAttributes)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Type (newType)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.String (string)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Tuple (tuple)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.None (none)
import Berp.Base.StdTypes.Object (object)

klass :: Ident -> ObjectRef -> [Object] -> Eval [(Hashed String, ObjectRef)] -> Eval Object 
klass className ident srcBases attributesComp = do
   -- if the source lists no bases for the class, then force it to be (object)
   let trueBases = if null srcBases then [object] else srcBases 
   attributes <- attributesComp 
   attributesObjects <- mapM getIdentObj attributes
   classDict <- mkAttributes attributesObjects
   typeObject <- liftIO $ newType [string className, tuple trueBases, classDict]
   writeIORef ident $ typeObject 
   IF_DEBUG((printObject $ object_mro typeObject) >> putStr "\n")
   return none
   getIdentObj :: MonadIO m => (a, ObjectRef) -> m (a, Object) 
   getIdentObj (ident, ref) = do
      obj <- readIORef ref
      return (ident, obj)