module Data.Binary.Derive
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Binary
import GHC.Generics
data ConsChoice = L | R
instance Binary ConsChoice where
put L = put True
put R = put False
get = do b <- get
case b of
True -> return L
False -> return R
derivePut :: (Generic t, GBinary (Rep t)) => t -> Put
derivePut = gput . from
deriveGet :: (Generic t, GBinary (Rep t)) => Get t
deriveGet = gget >>= return . to
class GBinary f where
gput :: f t -> Put
gget :: Get (f t)
instance GBinary U1 where
gput U1 = return ()
gget = return U1
instance Binary t => GBinary (K1 i t) where
gput (K1 x) = put x
gget = do x <- get
return $ K1 x
instance GBinary t => GBinary (M1 i c t) where
gput (M1 x) = gput x
gget = do x <- gget
return $ M1 x
instance (GBinary a, GBinary b) => GBinary (a :+: b) where
gput (L1 x) = put L >> gput x
gput (R1 x) = put R >> gput x
gget = do t <- get
case t of
L -> do x <- gget
return $ L1 x
R -> do x <- gget
return $ R1 x
instance (GBinary a, GBinary b) => GBinary (a :*: b) where
gput (x :*: y) = do gput x
gput y
gget = do (:*:) <$> gget <*> gget