Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module defines a bunch of types to be used as fields of records with Generic
-based deriving of Binary
For example:
data MyFileFormat = MyFileFormat { header :: MatchBytes "my format header" '[ 0xd3, 0x4d, 0xf0, 0x0d ] , slack :: SkipByte 0xff , reserved :: SkipCount Word8 4 , subElements :: Some MyElement } deriving (Generic, Binary)
- newtype Many a = Many {
- getMany :: [a]
- newtype Some a = Some {
- getSome :: [a]
- newtype CountedBy ty a = CountedBy {
- getCounted :: [a]
- data SkipCount ty (n :: Nat) = SkipCount
- data SkipByte (n :: Nat) = SkipByte
- data MatchBytes (ctx :: Symbol) (bytes :: [Nat]) :: Type
- matchBytes :: MatchBytesSing ctx ns => MatchBytes ctx ns
- type MatchByte ctx byte = MatchBytes ctx '[byte]
- data MatchASCII (ctx :: Symbol) (ascii :: Symbol)
- matchASCII :: (KnownSymbol ctx, KnownSymbol ascii) => MatchASCII ctx ascii
- newtype LE a = LE {
- getLE :: a
Zero or more elements of a
, parsing as long as the parser for a
Many Word8
will consume all your input!
Functor Many Source # | |
Foldable Many Source # | |
Defined in Data.Binary.Combinators fold :: Monoid m => Many m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Many a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Many a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Many a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Many a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Many a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Many a -> a # | |
Traversable Many Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Many a) Source # | |
Ord a => Ord (Many a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Many a) Source # | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Many a) Source # | |
Binary a => Binary (Many a) Source # | |
One or more elements of a
, parsing as long as the parser for a
Some Word8
will consume all your non-empty input!
Functor Some Source # | |
Foldable Some Source # | |
Defined in Data.Binary.Combinators fold :: Monoid m => Some m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Some a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Some a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Some a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Some a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Some a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Some a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Some a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Some a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Some a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Some a -> a # | |
Traversable Some Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Some a) Source # | |
Ord a => Ord (Some a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Some a) Source # | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Some a) Source # | |
Binary a => Binary (Some a) Source # | |
newtype CountedBy ty a Source #
First, parse the elements count as type ty
. Then, parse exactly as many elements of type a
CountedBy | |
data SkipCount ty (n :: Nat) Source #
Parse out and skip n
elements of type ty
Serializing this type produces no bytes.
Eq (SkipCount ty n) Source # | |
Ord (SkipCount ty n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Binary.Combinators compare :: SkipCount ty n -> SkipCount ty n -> Ordering # (<) :: SkipCount ty n -> SkipCount ty n -> Bool # (<=) :: SkipCount ty n -> SkipCount ty n -> Bool # (>) :: SkipCount ty n -> SkipCount ty n -> Bool # (>=) :: SkipCount ty n -> SkipCount ty n -> Bool # | |
Show (SkipCount ty n) Source # | |
Arbitrary (SkipCount ty n) Source # | |
(Num ty, Binary ty, KnownNat n) => Binary (SkipCount ty n) Source # | |
data SkipByte (n :: Nat) Source #
Skip any number of bytes with value n
Serializing this type produces no bytes.
Eq (SkipByte n) Source # | |
Ord (SkipByte n) Source # | |
Show (SkipByte n) Source # | |
Arbitrary (SkipByte n) Source # | |
KnownNat n => Binary (SkipByte n) Source # | |
data MatchBytes (ctx :: Symbol) (bytes :: [Nat]) :: Type Source #
MatchBytes str bytes
ensures that the subsequent bytes in the input stream are the same as bytes
can be used to denote the context in which MatchBytes
is used for better parse failure messages.
For example, MatchBytes "my format header" '[ 0xd3, 0x4d, 0xf0, 0x0d ]
consumes four bytes from the input stream
if they are equal to [ 0xd3, 0x4d, 0xf0, 0x0d ]
respectively, or fails otherwise.
Serializing this type produces the bytes
To easily create a value of this type, use the matchBytes
See also MatchASCII
matchBytes :: MatchBytesSing ctx ns => MatchBytes ctx ns Source #
Produce the (singleton) value of type MatchBytes
ctx ns
type MatchByte ctx byte = MatchBytes ctx '[byte] Source #
An alias for MatchBytes
when you only need to match a single byte.
data MatchASCII (ctx :: Symbol) (ascii :: Symbol) Source #
MatchASCII ctx ascii
ensures that the subsequent bytes in the input stream match the ASCII characters ascii
Serializing this type producers the ascii
To easily create a value of this type, use the matchASCII
See also MatchBytes
matchASCII :: (KnownSymbol ctx, KnownSymbol ascii) => MatchASCII ctx ascii Source #
Produce the (singleton) value of type MatchASCII
ctx ascii
An a
serialized in little endian byte order.
By default, Binary
serializes things in big endian byte order.
Use this wrapper to get little endian-based serialization.
Eq a => Eq (LE a) Source # | |
Ord a => Ord (LE a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (LE a) Source # | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (LE a) Source # | |
Binary (LE Double) Source # | |
Binary (LE Float) Source # | |
Binary (LE Int16) Source # | |
Binary (LE Int32) Source # | |
Binary (LE Int64) Source # | |
Binary (LE Word16) Source # | |
Binary (LE Word32) Source # | |
Binary (LE Word64) Source # | |