binary-search-0.9: Binary and exponential searches

Safe HaskellSafe




Pure counterpart for binary search.



data Evidence a b Source

The Evidence datatype is similar to Either , but differes in that all CounterExample values are equal to each other, and all Example values are also equal to each other. The Evidence type is used to binary-searching for some predicate and meanwhile returning evidences for that.


CounterExample a 
Example b 

Search Range

type Range b a = (b, (a, a)) Source

(value, (lo,hi)) represents the finding that pred x == value for lo <= x <= hi. By using this type, we can readily lookup a list of Range .

class InitializesSearch a x Source

A type x is an instance of SearchInitializer a, if x can be used to set up the lower and upper inital values for binary search over values of type a. . initializeSearchM should generate a list of Range s, where each Range has different -- predicate.

Minimal complete definition



InitializesSearch a ([a], [a]) Source

Set the lower and upper boundary from those available from the candidate lists. From the pair of list, the initializeSearchM tries to find the first (lo, hi) such that pred lo /= pred hi, by the breadth-first search.

InitializesSearch a ([a], a) Source

Set the upper boundary explicitly and search for the lower boundary.

InitializesSearch a (a, [a]) Source

Set the lower boundary explicitly and search for the upper boundary.

InitializesSearch a (a, a) Source

Set the lower and upper boundary explicitly.


splitForever :: Integral a => Splitter a Source

Perform split forever, until we cannot find a mid-value due to machine precision.

splitTill :: Integral a => a -> Splitter a Source

Perform splitting until hi - lo <= eps .


search :: (InitializesSearch a init, Eq b) => init -> Splitter a -> (a -> b) -> [Range b a] Source

Perform search over pure predicates. The monadic version of this is searchM .


smallest :: Eq b => b -> [Range b a] -> Maybe a Source

Pick up the smallest a that satisfies pred a == b .

largest :: Eq b => b -> [Range b a] -> Maybe a Source

Pick up the largest a that satisfies pred a == b .