;; Test that the --bigint option prevents i64s from being split up ;; Run without --bigint to get a baseline ;; RUN: wasm-emscripten-finalize %s -S | filecheck %s --check-prefix MVP ;; Then run with --bigint to see the difference ;; RUN: wasm-emscripten-finalize %s -S --bigint | filecheck %s --check-prefix BIGINT ;; MVP: (export "dynCall_jj" (func $legalstub$dynCall_jj)) ;; MVP: (func $legalstub$dynCall_jj (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) ;; BIGINT-NOT: legalstub ;; BIGINT: (export "dynCall_jj" (func $dynCall_jj)) ;; BIGINT: (func $dynCall_jj (param $fptr i32) (param $0 i64) (result i64) (module (table $0 1 1 funcref) (elem (i32.const 1) $foo) (func $foo (param i64) (result i64) (unreachable) ) )