(module (type $13 (func (param f32))) (table 282 282 funcref) (memory $0 1 1) (func $0 (block $label$1 (if (i32.const 1) (block $label$3 (call_indirect (type $13) (block $label$4 (result f32) ;; but this type may change dangerously (nop) ;; fold this (br $label$3) ) (i32.const 105) ) (nop) ;; with this ) ) ) ) (func $negative-zero (result f32) (if (result f32) (i32.const 0) (block $label$0 (result f32) (f32.const 0) ) (block $label$1 (result f32) (f32.const -0) ) ) ) (func $negative-zero-b (result f32) (if (result f32) (i32.const 0) (block $label$0 (result f32) (f32.const -0) ) (block $label$1 (result f32) (f32.const -0) ) ) ) (func $negative-zero-c (result f32) (if (result f32) (i32.const 0) (block $label$0 (result f32) (f32.const 0) ) (block $label$1 (result f32) (f32.const 0) ) ) ) (func $break-target-outside-of-return-merged-code (block $label$A (if (unreachable) (block (block (block $label$B (if (unreachable) (br_table $label$A $label$B (unreachable) ) ) ) (return) ) ) (block (block $label$C (if (unreachable) (br_table $label$A $label$C ;; this all looks mergeable, but $label$A is outside (unreachable) ) ) ) (return) ) ) ) ) (func $break-target-inside-all-good (block $label$A (if (unreachable) (block (block (block $label$B (if (unreachable) (br_table $label$B $label$B (unreachable) ) ) ) (return) ) ) (block (block $label$C (if (unreachable) (br_table $label$C $label$C ;; this all looks mergeable, and is, B ~~ C (unreachable) ) ) ) (return) ) ) ) ) (func $leave-inner-block-type (block $label$1 (drop (block $label$2 (result i32) ;; leave this alone (otherwise, if we make it unreachable, we need to do more updating) (br_if $label$2 (unreachable) (unreachable) ) (drop (i32.const 1) ) (br $label$1) ) ) (drop (i32.const 1) ) ) ) ) (module (memory $0 (shared 1 1)) (export "func_2224" (func $0)) (func $0 (result i32) (local $var$0 i32) (if (result i32) (i32.const 0) (i32.load offset=22 (local.get $var$0) ) (i32.atomic.load offset=22 (local.get $var$0) ) ) ) ) (module (type $0 (func)) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) (func $determinism (; 0 ;) (type $0) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.const 1) ) (global.set $global$0 (i32.sub (global.get $global$0) (i32.const 1) ) ) (unreachable) ) (block $label$2 (br_if $label$2 (i32.const 0) ) (if (global.get $global$0) (block (global.set $global$0 (i32.sub (global.get $global$0) (i32.const 1) ) ) (unreachable) ) ) (unreachable) ) (if (global.get $global$0) (block (global.set $global$0 (i32.sub (global.get $global$0) (i32.const 1) ) ) (unreachable) ) ) (unreachable) ) (func $careful-of-the-switch (param $0 i32) (block $label$1 (block $label$3 (block $label$5 (block $label$7 ;; this is block is equal to $label$8 when accounting for the internal 7/8 difference (br_table $label$3 $label$7 ;; the reference to $label$3 must remain valid, cannot hoist out of it! (i32.const 0) ) ) (br $label$1) ) (block $label$8 (br_table $label$3 $label$8 (i32.const 0) ) ) (br $label$1) ) (unreachable) ) ) )