(module (table 1 1 funcref) (elem (i32.const 0) $tabled) (func $user (export "user") (local $x i32) (local $y f64) (call $exported) (call $tabled) (call $multi) (call $multi) (call $ok) (drop (call $int)) (drop (call $double)) (local.set $x (call $int2)) (local.set $y (call $double2)) (call $with-local) (call $with-local2) (drop (call $return)) (call $multipass) (call $param (f32.const 12.34) (i64.const 890005350012)) ) (func $exported (export "exported") (nop) ) (func $recursive (call $recursive) ) (func $tabled (nop) ) (func $cycle1 (call $cycle2) ) (func $cycle2 (call $cycle1) ) (func $multi (nop) ) (func $ok (drop (i32.const 1)) ) (func $int (result i32) (i32.const 2) ) (func $double (result f64) (f64.const 3.14159) ) (func $int2 (result i32) (i32.const 112) ) (func $double2 (result f64) (f64.const 113.14159) ) (func $with-local (local $x f32) (local.set $x (f32.const 2.141828)) ) (func $with-local2 (local $y i64) (local.set $y (i64.const 4)) ) (func $return (result i32) (return (i32.const 5)) ) (func $multipass (call $multipass2) ) (func $multipass2 (drop (i32.const 6)) ) (func $param (param $x f32) (param $y i64) (local $z f32) (drop (local.get $x)) (drop (local.get $y)) (drop (local.get $z)) ) ) (module (func $child (param i32) (result i32) (i32.const 1234) ) (func $parent (result i32) (call $child (unreachable) ;; call is not performed, no sense to inline ) ) ) (module (global $hangLimit (mut i32) (i32.const 25)) (memory $0 1 1) (export "hangLimitInitializer" (func $hangLimitInitializer)) (func $func_3 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (select (local.get $0) ;; we depend on the zero-init value here, so it must be set when inlining! (local.tee $0 (i32.const -1) ) (i32.const 1) ) ) (func $func_4 (param $0 f32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i64) (local $3 f64) (local $4 f32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 f64) (loop $label$0 (result i32) (block (if (i32.eqz (global.get $hangLimit) ) (return (i32.const 54) ) ) (global.set $hangLimit (i32.sub (global.get $hangLimit) (i32.const 1) ) ) ) (i32.eqz (if (result i32) (i32.const 1) (if (result i32) (i32.eqz (call $func_3) ) (br $label$0) (i32.const 0) ) (unreachable) ) ) ) ) (func $hangLimitInitializer (global.set $hangLimit (i32.const 25) ) ) ) (module (type $T (func (param i32))) (table 10 funcref) (func $0 (call $1) ) (func $1 (call_indirect (type $T) (if (result i32) ;; if copy must preserve the forced type (i32.const 0) (unreachable) (unreachable) ) (i32.const 1) ) ) ) (module (func $0 (block $label$1 ;; copy this name (br_table $label$1 $label$1 (i32.const 0) ) ) ) (func $1 (call $0) ) ) (module (func $0 (result i32) (return_call $1) ) (func $1 (result i32) (i32.const 42) ) ) (module (func $0 (return_call $1 (i32.const 42) ) ) (func $1 (param i32) (drop (local.get 0) ) ) ) (module (func $0 (result i32) (return_call $1 (i32.const 42) ) ) (func $1 (param i32) (result i32) (local.get 0) ) ) (module (func $0 (drop (call $1) ) ) (func $1 (result i32) (return_call $2) ) (func $2 (result i32) (i32.const 42) ) ) (module (func $0 (call $1) ) (func $1 (return_call $2 (i32.const 42) ) ) (func $2 (param i32) (drop (local.get 0) ) ) ) (module (type $T (func (param i32) (result i32))) (table 10 funcref) (func $0 (drop (call $1) ) ) (func $1 (result i32) (return_call_indirect (type $T) (i32.const 42) (i32.const 0) ) ) ) (module (type $T (func (param i32))) (table 10 funcref) (func $0 (call $1) ) (func $1 (return_call_indirect (type $T) (i32.const 42) (i32.const 0) ) ) ) (module (type $6 (func)) (memory $0 1 1) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) (export "func_102_invoker" (func $19)) (func $2 (; 2 ;) (type $6) (if (global.get $global$0) (return) ) (global.set $global$0 (i32.const 1) ) ) (func $13 (; 13 ;) (type $6) (if (global.get $global$0) (unreachable) ) (return_call $2) ) (func $19 (; 19 ;) (type $6) (call $13) (unreachable) ) )