-- Copyright   :  (C) 2009 Corey O'Connor
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)

{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Bind.Marshal.Action.Monad ( module Bind.Marshal.Action.Monad
                                 , module Bind.Marshal.Action.Monad.Static

import Bind.Marshal.Prelude

import Bind.Marshal.Action.Base
import Bind.Marshal.Action.Static
import Bind.Marshal.Action.Dynamic
import Bind.Marshal.Action.Monad.Static
import Bind.Marshal.DataModel
import Bind.Marshal.StaticProperties

import qualified Control.Monad as BaseMonad

import Data.Strict.Either
import Data.Strict.Tuple

import Foreign.Ptr

import GHC.Exts

import System.IO

-- The return instance is only currently defined as a sealed action. 
-- TODO: Add a more generic return instance.
instance BufferDelegate bd => Return (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd tag) where
    {-# INLINE returnM #-}
    returnM v = SealedSealedAction (\ eval_cont -> eval_cont v)

-- | Currently only a DynamicDesAction without a tail or a head data model can be used as a
-- non-parameterized monad. I would like to be able to automatically lift any other DynamicDesAction
-- via dyn_action when a non-parameterized monad is required, but I have been stymied attempting to
-- do so.
instance BufferDelegate bd => BaseMonad.Monad (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd tag) where
    {-# INLINE return #-}
    return v = SealedSealedAction (\ eval_cont -> eval_cont v )
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = SealedSealedAction 
        ( \ eval_cont -> ma (\v -> case fmb v of
                                SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont
    {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
    (>>) (SealedSealedAction ma) (SealedSealedAction mb) 
        = SealedSealedAction ( \ eval_cont -> ma (const $! mb eval_cont) )

{-# INLINE returnM_v_bd #-}
returnM_v_bd :: a -> BDIter bd -> IO (a, BDIter bd)
returnM_v_bd a !bd_iter = returnM (a, bd_iter)

{-# INLINE returnM_v_i #-}
returnM_v_i :: a -> Iter -> IO (a, Iter)
returnM_v_i !a !iter = returnM (a, iter)

{-# INLINE post_bind #-}
post_bind p_0 p_1 = \ !a !iter -> do
    (!b, !iter') <- p_0 a iter
    p_1 b iter'

{-# INLINE resolve_iter #-}
resolve_iter :: BufferDelegate bd => Size -> BDIter bd -> IO (BDIter bd)
resolve_iter 0              !bd_iter = returnM bd_iter
resolve_iter !required_size !bd_iter = case max_bytes_final bd_iter of
    0                -> case required_size > max_bytes_avail bd_iter of
                            True -> gen_region required_size (buffer_delegate bd_iter)
                            False -> returnM ( bd_iter { max_bytes_final = required_size } )
    finalized_size   -> case required_size + finalized_size > max_bytes_avail bd_iter of
                            True -> gen_region required_size =<< finalize_region bd_iter
                            False -> returnM ( bd_iter { max_bytes_final = finalized_size + required_size } )

{- A dynamic memory action bound to another dynamic memory action needs to account for buffering in
 - some cases.
 - By some flimsy application of the monad laws it is sufficient to analyse only the following
 - equation to determine the rules for a dynamic action bound to another dynamic action:*
 -  pre_action >> post_action = equiv_action
 - Given: A dynamic action is provides the necessary buffering for the mid and post memory actions. 
 - No bind between two dynamic actions requires the insertion of buffering. All buffering is already
 - accounted for by the post_action's pre actions and the post_action's post actions. In this case the
 - post_action's pre_action IS the pre_actions' and therefor the required buffering is handled by
 - the pre_action.
 - In the case where a pre_action is a static memory action no buffering needs to be inserted: The
 - post_action already accounts for the buffering required for it's execution. The pre_action does
 - not already account for the buffering required for it's execution however the buffering will be
 - inserted.
 - In the case where a post_action is a static memory action buffer handling needs to be inserted
 e only if the pre_action is a dynamic action which has an empty post action. If the dynamic action
 - does not have an empty post action then the buffering for the static action is already covered by
 - the dynamic action.
 - * This assumes the dynamic action is a monad. However the rules we are deriving from analyzing
 - this equation effect whether or not a dynamic action is a monad. If the derived rules do not
 - suppor the monad laws then only analyzing that equation is insufficient.

-- dynamic actions can have none, one, or both of the attributes: pre_open ; post_open
-- pre_open means that there is a non 0 sized pre buffer requirement.
-- post_open means that there is a non 0 sized post buffer requirement.
-- static actions can have a zero size requirement or a non-zero size requirement.
-- What buffer handling is required depends on the types and attributes of the actions bound
-- together. The buffer handling may be none, one or both of: finalize_region, gen_region.
-- XXX: Laziness is inserted after the finalize_region and before the gen_region handling.
-- XXX: It may be the case that using a separate type from a numeric to represent "seal"ing the
-- buffer requirement might enable me to remove the static memory action entirely.
-- The buffer handling is inserted according to which Bind instance matches. A table which
-- summarizes all the required instances:
-- ( pre = pre_open, post = post_open, fr = finalize_region, gr = gen_region )
-- ( lhs type == static && rhs type == static is in Action.Monad.Static )
-- case # | lhs type | lhs pre | lhs post | rhs type | rhs pre | rhs post | fr | gr |
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--      1 | dyn      |         |          | dyn      |         |          |    |    |
--      2 | dyn      |         |    X     | dyn      |         |          |  X |    |
--      3 | dyn      |    X    |          | dyn      |         |          |    |    |
--      4 | dyn      |    X    |    X     | dyn      |         |          |  X |    |
--      5 | static   |         |          | dyn      |         |          |  X |    |
--      6 | dyn      |         |          | dyn      |         |    X     |    |    |
--      7 | dyn      |         |    X     | dyn      |         |    X     |  X |    |
--      8 | dyn      |    X    |          | dyn      |         |    X     |    |    |
--      9 | dyn      |    X    |    X     | dyn      |         |    X     |  X |    |
--     10 | static   |         |          | dyn      |         |    X     |  X |    |
--     11 | dyn      |         |          | dyn      |    X    |          |    |  X |
--     12 | dyn      |         |    X     | dyn      |    X    |          |    |    |
--     13 | dyn      |    X    |          | dyn      |    X    |          |    |  X |
--     14 | dyn      |    X    |    X     | dyn      |    X    |          |    |    |
--     15 | static   |         |          | dyn      |    X    |          |    |    |
--     16 | dyn      |         |          | dyn      |    X    |     X    |    |  X |
--     17 | dyn      |         |    X     | dyn      |    X    |     X    |    |    |
--     18 | dyn      |    X    |          | dyn      |    X    |     X    |    |  X |
--     19 | dyn      |    X    |    X     | dyn      |    X    |     X    |    |    |
--     20 | static   |         |          | dyn      |    X    |     X    |    |    |
--     21 | dyn      |         |          | static   |         |          |    |  X |
--     22 | dyn      |         |    X     | static   |         |          |    |    |
--     23 | dyn      |    X    |          | static   |         |          |    |  X |
--     24 | dyn      |    X    |    X     | static   |         |          |    |    |
-- XXX: I think only a few Bind instances are actually required. My attempts to simplify have, thus
-- far, failed. The problem I keep running into is a failure to match against the most specific
-- instance. 
-- (At least, what *I* think to be the most specific instance. Which is incomplete.)
-- The type checker traces indicate type inference is choosing a witness then infering more specific
-- types for the constraint's type class parameters. So an instance like Foo a b is chosen then a is
-- unified with D0. I would expect a to be unified with D0 then the instance Foo D0 b chosen.

-- case 1
instance ( bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = SealedSealedAction 
        ( \ eval_cont -> ma (\v -> case fmb v of
                                SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont

-- case 2
instance ( post_s_0  ~ post_sa_0
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedOpenAction ma post) fmb = SealedSealedAction 
        ( \ eval_cont -> ma post (\v -> case fmb v of
                                    SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont

-- case 3
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenSealedAction pre_accum ma) fmb = OpenSealedAction
        (\ pre eval_cont -> 
            ma pre 
               (\v -> case fmb v of
                    SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont
-- case 4
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_s_0  ~ post_sa_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0 
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1 
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenOpenAction pre ma post) fmb = OpenSealedAction
        (\ pre_final eval_cont -> 
            ma pre_final 
               (\a -> case fmb a of
                        SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont

-- case 5
instance ( pre_s_2 ~ static_size
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (StaticMemAction tag_0 static_size) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (StaticMemAction ma) fmb = OpenSealedAction
        (io_eval_static (StaticMemAction ma))
        (\ pre eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
            (v, (Ptr p')) <- pre (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter))
            case fmb v of 
                SealedSealedAction mb -> mb eval_cont (bd_iter {curr_addr = p'})

-- case 6
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = SealedOpenAction
        (\ post 
           (eval_cont :: c -> BDIter bd_2 -> IO d)
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                case fmb a of 
                    SealedOpenAction mb mb_post -> do
                        mb (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 7
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , post_s_0  ~ post_sa_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedOpenAction ma ma_post) fmb = SealedOpenAction
        (\ post
           (eval_cont :: c -> BDIter bd_2 -> IO d)
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma ma_post (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                case fmb a of 
                    SealedOpenAction mb mb_post -> mb (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 8
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenSealedAction !pre !ma) !fmb = OpenOpenAction
        (\ pre
           (eval_cont :: c -> BDIter bd_2 -> IO d)
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma pre (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                case fmb a of 
                    SealedOpenAction mb mb_post -> mb (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 9
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , post_s_0  ~ post_sa_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenOpenAction ma_pre ma ma_post) fmb = OpenOpenAction
        (\ pre
           (eval_cont :: c -> BDIter bd_2 -> IO d)
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma pre ma_post (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                case fmb a of
                    SealedOpenAction mb mb_post -> mb (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 10
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ static_size
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (StaticMemAction tag_0 static_size) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (StaticMemAction ma) fmb = OpenOpenAction
            (io_eval_static (StaticMemAction ma))
            (\ pre 
               (eval_cont :: c -> BDIter bd_2 -> IO d) 
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (!a, (Ptr p')) <- pre (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter))
                    let !bd_iter' = bd_iter { curr_addr = p' }
                    case fmb a of
                        SealedOpenAction mb mb_post -> mb (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 11
instance ( Nat pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s_1) of
        !required_size -> SealedSealedAction
            (\ eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                case fmb a of
                    OpenSealedAction pre mb -> mb pre eval_cont =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'

-- case 12
instance ( post_s_0  ~ Add post_sa_0 pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedOpenAction ma post) fmb = SealedSealedAction
        (\ eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
            (a, !bd_iter') <- ma post (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
            case fmb a of
                OpenSealedAction pre mb -> mb pre eval_cont bd_iter'

-- case 13
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , Nat pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenSealedAction ma_pre ma) fmb = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s_1) of
        !required_size -> OpenSealedAction
            (\ pre
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma pre returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                    case fmb a of
                        OpenSealedAction mb_pre mb -> mb mb_pre eval_cont =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'

-- case 14
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_s_0  ~ Add post_sa_0 pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenOpenAction ma_pre ma ma_post) fmb = OpenSealedAction
        (\ pre
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma pre ma_post (\a !bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                case fmb a of
                    OpenSealedAction mb_pre mb -> mb mb_pre eval_cont bd_iter'

-- case 15
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ Add static_size pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (StaticMemAction tag_0 static_size) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) Sealed Sealed bd_1 tag_1)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (StaticMemAction !ma) !fmb = OpenSealedAction
            (io_eval_static (StaticMemAction ma))
            (\ pre eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                (a, (Ptr p')) <- pre (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter))
                case fmb a of
                    OpenSealedAction mb_pre mb -> mb mb_pre eval_cont (bd_iter {curr_addr=p'})

-- case 16
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , Nat pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s_1) of
        !required_size -> SealedOpenAction
            (\ post
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma (\a bd_iter' -> returnM (a, bd_iter')) bd_iter
                    case fmb a of
                        OpenOpenAction mb_pre mb mb_post ->
                            mb mb_pre
                               (mb_post `post_bind` post)
                            =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'

-- case 17
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , post_s_0  ~ Add post_sa_0 pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedOpenAction ma ma_post) fmb = SealedOpenAction
            (\ post
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma ma_post returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                    case fmb a of 
                        OpenOpenAction mb_pre mb mb_post -> mb mb_pre 
                                                               (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 18
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , Nat pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenSealedAction ma_pre ma) fmb = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s_1) of
        !required_size -> OpenOpenAction
            (\ pre
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma ma_pre returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                    case fmb a of
                        OpenOpenAction mb_pre mb mb_post -> 
                            mb mb_pre
                               (mb_post `post_bind` post)
                            =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'

-- case 19
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , post_s_0  ~ Add post_sa_0 pre_s_1
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenOpenAction ma_pre ma ma_post) fmb = OpenOpenAction
        (\ pre
           !bd_iter -> do
                (a, !bd_iter') <- ma pre ma_post returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                case fmb a of
                    OpenOpenAction mb_pre mb mb_post -> mb mb_pre 
                                                           (mb_post `post_bind` post) 

-- case 20
instance ( pre_s_2   ~ Add static_size pre_s_1
         , post_sa_2 ~ post_sa_1
         , post_s_2  ~ post_s_1
         , tag_0 ~ tag_1
         , tag_1 ~ tag_2
         , bd_2 ~ bd_1
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (StaticMemAction tag_0 static_size) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_1) (Open post_sa_1) (Open post_s_1) bd_1 tag_1) 
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (StaticMemAction ma) fmb = OpenOpenAction
            (io_eval_static (StaticMemAction ma))
            (\ pre
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, (Ptr p')) <- pre (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter))
                    let !bd_iter' = bd_iter { curr_addr = p' }
                    case fmb a of
                        OpenOpenAction mb_pre mb mb_post -> mb mb_pre
                                                               (mb_post `post_bind` post)

-- case 21
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ static_size
         , Nat post_s_2
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0 
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (StaticMemAction tag_1 static_size)
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedSealedAction ma) fmb = case toInt (undefined :: post_s_2) of
        !required_size -> SealedOpenAction
                -- If 
                --  SealedSealedAction ... a
                --  Static ... b
                --  SealedOpenAction ... c
                -- post :: a -> Iter -> IO (c, Iter)
                -- eval_cont :: c -> ...
                (\ post eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                    !bd_iter'' <- resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'
                    (!c, (Ptr p''')) <- post a (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter''))
                    eval_cont c (bd_iter'' {curr_addr = p'''})
                -- a -> Iter -> IO (b, Iter)
                (io_eval_static . fmb) 

-- case 22
instance ( post_sa_2 ~ Add post_sa_0 static_size
         , post_s_0 ~ post_s_2
         , tag_2 ~ tag_0
         , tag_2 ~ tag_1
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (StaticMemAction tag_1 static_size)
                   (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (SealedOpenAction ma ma_post) fmb = SealedOpenAction
        (\ !a !iter -> do
            (!b, !iter') <- ma_post a iter
            io_eval_static (fmb b) iter'

-- case 23
instance ( pre_s_2 ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ static_size
         , Nat post_s_2
         , tag_0 ~ tag_1
         , tag_1 ~ tag_2
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (StaticMemAction tag_1 static_size)
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenSealedAction ma_pre ma) fmb = case toInt ( undefined :: post_s_2 ) of
        !required_size -> OpenOpenAction
            (\ pre
               !bd_iter -> do
                    (a, !bd_iter') <- ma ma_pre returnM_v_bd bd_iter
                    !bd_iter'' <- resolve_iter required_size bd_iter'
                    (!c, (Ptr p''')) <- post a (Ptr (curr_addr bd_iter''))
                    eval_cont c (bd_iter'' { curr_addr = p''' })
            (io_eval_static . fmb)

-- case 24
instance ( pre_s_2 ~ pre_s_0
         , post_sa_2 ~ Add post_sa_0 static_size
         , post_s_0 ~ post_s_2
         , tag_0 ~ tag_1
         , tag_1 ~ tag_2
         , bd_2 ~ bd_0
         , BufferDelegate bd_2
         ) => Bind (DynAction (Open pre_s_0) (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag_0) 
                   (StaticMemAction tag_1 static_size)
                   (DynAction (Open pre_s_2) (Open post_sa_2) (Open post_s_2) bd_2 tag_2)
    {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
    (>>=) (OpenOpenAction ma_pre ma ma_post) fmb = OpenOpenAction
        (\ !a !iter -> do
            (!b, !iter') <- ma_post a iter
            io_eval_static (fmb b) iter'

instance BufferDelegate bd => Fail (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd tag) where
    {-# INLINE fail #-}
    fail !err_txt = SealedSealedAction (\ eval_cont !bd_iter -> fail err_txt)

instance BufferDelegate bd => Fail (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd tag) where
    {-# INLINE fail #-}
    fail !err_txt = SealedOpenAction (\ post eval_cont !bd_iter -> fail err_txt) (returnM_v_i)

{-# INLINE dyn_fail #-}
dyn_fail :: forall bd tag a . BufferDelegate bd 
            => String -> DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd tag a
dyn_fail = fail

-- | Converts an action to a sealed dynamic memory action value. Possibly inserts gen_region or
-- finalize_region passes.
class SealedDynAction (action :: * -> *) bd where
    type DynActionTag action
    dyn_action :: action a -> DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed 
                                        (DynActionTag action) 

instance ( bd_1 ~ bd_0
         , BufferDelegate bd_1
         ) => SealedDynAction (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag) bd_1 where
    type DynActionTag (DynAction Sealed Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag) = tag
    {-# INLINE dyn_action #-}
    dyn_action (SealedSealedAction a) = SealedSealedAction a

-- | a dynamic block that already has an empty tail and a DMNil pre model can be trivially lifted to
-- a fixed dynamic block.
-- XXX: Any easier way to unify the input type parameter a with the action's type parameter a?
instance ( BufferDelegate bd 
         , Nat size
         ) => SealedDynAction (StaticMemAction tag size) bd where
    type DynActionTag (StaticMemAction tag size) = tag
    {-# INLINE dyn_action #-}
    dyn_action (StaticMemAction ma) = case toInt (undefined :: size) of 
        !required_size -> SealedSealedAction 
            ( \ eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                    !bd_iter' <- resolve_iter required_size bd_iter
                    -- (# !v, p' #) <- inline $! ma (\ !v !p' -> returnM (# v, p' #)) fail (curr_addr bd_iter')
                    -- eval_cont v ( bd_iter' { curr_addr = p' } )
                    ma (\ !v !p' -> eval_cont v ( bd_iter' { curr_addr = p' } )) fail (curr_addr bd_iter')
instance ( BufferDelegate bd_1
         , bd_0 ~ bd_1
         , Nat pre_s
         ) => SealedDynAction (DynAction (Open pre_s) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag) bd_1 where
    type DynActionTag (DynAction (Open pre_s) Sealed Sealed bd_0 tag) = tag
    {-# INLINE dyn_action #-}
    dyn_action (OpenSealedAction pre m) = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s) of
        !required_size -> SealedSealedAction 
            (\ eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                m pre eval_cont =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter

instance ( BufferDelegate bd_1
         , bd_0 ~ bd_1
         , post_s_0 ~ post_sa_0
         ) => SealedDynAction (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag) bd_1 where
    type DynActionTag (DynAction Sealed (Open post_sa_0) (Open post_s_0) bd_0 tag) = tag
    {-# INLINE dyn_action #-}
    dyn_action (SealedOpenAction m post) = SealedSealedAction (m post)

-- | A dynamic block can be lifted to a "fixed" Dyn by capping the post_m_tail with DMNil and then
-- reifying the pre_m model
instance ( post_s ~ post_sa
         , Nat pre_s
         , BufferDelegate bd_0
         , bd_0 ~ bd_1
         ) => SealedDynAction (DynAction (Open pre_s) (Open post_sa) (Open post_s) bd_0 tag) bd_1 where
    type DynActionTag (DynAction (Open pre_s) (Open post_sa) (Open post_s) bd_0 tag) = tag
    {-# INLINE dyn_action #-}
    dyn_action (OpenOpenAction pre m post) = case toInt (undefined :: pre_s) of
        !required_size -> SealedSealedAction 
            (\ eval_cont !bd_iter -> do
                m pre post eval_cont =<< resolve_iter required_size bd_iter