bindings-common-0.2.5: Macros and modules to facilitate writing library bindings.Source codeContentsIndex
Code facilities
How to wrap a library using this package
Haskell low level binding
Cleaner Haskell interface
Better interface
Package bindings-common provides many facilities to do low-level FFI to C libraris, in the form of macros and modules. It also sets a base module under which low-level bindings to C libraries can be inserted.
Code facilities
See documentation for module Bindings.Utilities.
How to wrap a library using this package
If you want to write a comprehensive binding to your favorite library, and you want to try this package to see if it suits your needs, you can look at this documentation and then at the source code for Bindings.C, which tries to wrap the full standard C library.

Starting from version 0.2, package bindings-common provides many hsc2hs macros to easy C binding. Here we list the most important.

Makes a C value into a Haskell name with type (Num a) => a. Used mostly to copy pre-processor macros. Note that here, as in all other macros, Haskell names are automatically derived from C names. Usage:
 #bindings_num MY_MACRO
Like #bindings_num, but values are typed as CInt.
Like #bindings_num, but works with floating point numbers. Values will have type (Fractional a) => a.
Wrap C functions. Usage:
 #bindings_function function_name , CInt -> CString -> IO ()
Declare a Haskell data type after a C type. You can wrap structs, unions and types named with C typedef. Note that you can create types with no fields. This may be usefull when you don't need to reach fields, but your API requires you to create values of such types.
 #bindings_starttype struct my_type
 #bindings_stoptype _

You can replace struct with union, or remove it when your type is defined with typedef. Note that the _ after #bindings_stoptype is needed since hsc2hs doesn't accept macros with no parameters.

Describe fields inside types. Supose you have a struct like this:
 typedef struct my_struct {
   int index;
   char *text;
   char array[10];
 } my_struct_t;

You would mimic such type like this.

 #bindings_starttype my_struct_t
 #bindings_field index , CInt
 #bindings_field text , CString
 #bindings_array_field , array , CChar , 10
 #bindings_stoptype _

You get a full instance for Storable.

 v <- peek p :: IO My_struct_t
 poke p $ v {my_struct_t'index = 1 + (my_struct_t'index v)}

As you can see from the example above, field names are translated to Haskell using type'field pattern. This is necessary to avoid name clashes since Haskell would not allow many types with similar records, as is common practice in C.

This gives you a Haskell integer type that is the same size as a C type. Usage:
 type CIntType = #bindings_equivalent_integer int_type

This is actually equivalent to hsc2hs #type, except that it is safe to use on pointers (but not on floating point types).

Wraps a global variable, using Bindings.Utilities.GlobalVariable. Usage:
 #bindings_globalvar external_string , CString

Note that the internal type of that variable will be a pointer to a CString, as you'll be allowed to change its value. When touching it using Bindings.Utilities.writeGlobalVariable this is invisible to you.

We'll take a small piece of C code and wrap it using hsc2hs macros available in bindings-common. Our intention is to show that we can write Haskell code with the help of existing C code, but using a Haskell interface that is not built on the C interface. This is an alternative to the usual style of using adapted versions of native C calls. In our opinion, the style shown here is easier to write and give results that are more confortable to use in Haskell.

This is a small (artificial, naive and ugly) API for UTF-8 coding of characters. Most APIs have better design, but we just want to show how to deal with it. In real world, if we wanted, it would obviously be easier to write a UTF-8 handler in Haskell than this interface.

 #define UNICODE_2_UTF8 1
 #define UTF8_2_UNICODE 2
 struct unicode_translator {
   uint32_t unicode;
   uint8_t eight_bits[4];
   int nchars;
 void translate (int, struct unicode_translator *);

We use it filling unicode field with an unicode number, and then calling translate with UNICODE_2_UTF8; or filling eight_bits and calling translate with UTF8_2_UNICODE.

Haskell low level binding

Now we make use of hsc2hs macros inside Haskell.

 #bindings_num UNICODE_2_UTF8
 #bindings_num UTF8_2_UNICODE
 #bindings_starttype struct unicode_translator
 #bindings_field unicode , Word32
 #bindings_array_field eight_bits , Word8 , 4
 #bindings_field nchars , CInt
 #bindings_function translate , CInt -> Ptr Unicode_translator -> IO ()

This gives us a set of declarations as below.

 _UNICODE_2_UTF8 :: (Num a) => a
 _UTF8_2_UNICODE :: (Num a) => a

 data Unicode_translator = Unicode_translator {
   unicode_translator'unicode :: Word32,
   unicode_translator'eight_bits :: [Word8],
   unicode_translator'nchars :: CInt

 translate :: CInt -> Ptr Unicode_translator -> IO ()
Cleaner Haskell interface

Now we declare a few Haskell utilities that better fit Haskell programming.

 toChar :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
 toChar = toEnum . fromEnum
 fromChar :: (Enum a, Num b) => a -> b
 fromChar = fromIntegral . fromEnum
 unicodeToUtf :: String -> IO String
 unicodeToUtf string = liftM concat $ alloca $ \ptrUt ->
   (flip mapM) string $ \char -> do
       ut <- peek ptrUt
       poke ptrUt (ut {unicode_translator'unicode = toChar char})
       translate _UNICODE_2_UTF8 ptrUt
       ut <- peek ptrUt
       let nChars = fromIntegral $ unicode_translator'nchars ut
       let eightBits = unicode_translator'eight_bits ut
       return $ (map toChar) $ reverse $ take nChars eightBits
 utfToUnicode :: String -> IO String
 utfToUnicode =
  (. (map fromChar)) $
  (. splitCodes) $
  mapM $ \c -> do
     let ut = Unicode_translator {
                unicode_translator'nchars =
                   fromIntegral $ length c,
                unicode_translator'eight_bits =
                   reverse $ map fromChar c,
                unicode_translator'unicode = 0
     unicode <- with ut $ \ptr -> do
         translate _UTF8_2_UNICODE ptr
         liftM unicode_translator'unicode $ peek ptr
     return $ toChar $ unicode
      splitCodes :: [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
      splitCodes [] = []
      splitCodes (a:t) = if (a < 0x80)
          [a]:(splitCodes t)
          let i = findIndex (\c -> c < 0x80 || c > 0xBF) t
              (t1,t2) = maybe ([],t) (flip splitAt t) i
          in (a:t1):(splitCodes t2)

unicodeToUtf and utfToUnicode now use Haskell day-to-day types.

Better interface

Our functions are effect-free.

 toUtf8 :: String -> String
 toUtf8 = unsafePerformIO . unicodeToUtf
 fromUtf8 :: String -> String
 fromUtf8 = unsafePerformIO . utfToUnicode

And this is something we can confortably use.

 printAsInt :: String -> IO ()
 printAsInt s = putStrLn $ show $ map fromEnum s
 main = do
   let a = "Exceo"
   printAsInt a
   printAsInt $ toUtf8 a
   printAsInt $ fromUtf8 $ toUtf8 a


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