#include #include -- | GTS types appear together in the same module because of circular dependencies. module Bindings.Gts.Types where import Bindings.GLib #strict_import -- | #opaque_t GtsHeap -- | #starttype GtsEHeapPair #field data , #field key , #field pos , #stoptype -- | #callback GtsKeyFunc , -> -> IO -- | #opaque_t GtsEHeap -- | #opaque_t GtsFifo -- | #opaque_t GtsMatrix #synonym_t GtsVector , Ptr #synonym_t GtsVector4 , Ptr -- | #starttype GtsRange #field min , #field max , #field sum , #field sum2 , #field mean , #field stddev , #field n , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsFile #field fp , Ptr CFile #field s , Ptr #field s1 , Ptr #field line , #field pos , #field token , Ptr #field type , #field error , Ptr #field curline , #field curpos , #field scope , #field scope_max , #field next_token , #field delimiters , Ptr #field comments , Ptr #field tokens , Ptr #stoptype -- | #integral_t GtsTokenType #num GTS_NONE #num GTS_INT #num GTS_UINT #num GTS_FLOAT #num GTS_DOUBLE #num GTS_STRING #num GTS_FILE #num GTS_ERROR -- | #starttype GtsFileVariable #field type , #array_field name , #field unique , #field data , #field set , #field line , #field pos , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsObjectClass #field info , #field parent_class , Ptr #field clone , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field destroy , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ()) #field read , FunPtr (Ptr (Ptr ) -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field write , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr CFile -> IO ()) #field color , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ) #field attributes , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsObject #field klass , Ptr #field reserved , #field flags , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsObjectClassInfo #array_field name , #field object_size , #field class_size , #field class_init_func , #field object_init_func , #field arg_set_func , #stoptype -- | #callback GtsObjectClassInitFunc , Ptr -> IO () -- | #callback GtsObjectInitFunc , Ptr -> IO () -- | #callback GtsArgSetFunc , Ptr -> IO () -- | #callback GtsArgGetFunc , Ptr -> IO () -- | #integral_t GtsObjectFlags #num GTS_DESTROYED #num GTS_USER_FLAG -- | #starttype GtsColor #field r , #field g , #field b , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsContainerClass #field parent_class , #field add , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field remove , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field foreach , FunPtr (Ptr -> -> -> IO ()) #field size , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsContainer #field object , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHashContainerClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHashContainer #field c , #field items , Ptr #field frozen , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSListContainerClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSListContainer #field c , #field items , Ptr #field frozen , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsContaineeClass #field parent_class , #field add_container , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field remove_container , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field foreach , FunPtr (Ptr -> -> -> IO ()) #field is_contained , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ) #field replace , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsContainee #field object , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSListContaineeClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSListContainee #field containee , #field containers , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsPointClass #field parent_class , #field binary , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsPoint #field object , #field x , #field y , #field z , #stoptype -- | #integral_t GtsIntersect #num GTS_OUT #num GTS_ON #num GTS_IN -- | #starttype GtsVertexClass #field parent_class , #field intersection_attributes , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsVertex #field p , #field segments , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSegmentClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSegment #field object , #field v1 , Ptr #field v2 , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsEdgeClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsEdge #field segment , #field triangles , Ptr #stoptype -- | #callback GtsEncroachFunc , Ptr -> Ptr -> Ptr -> -> IO -- | #starttype GtsTriangleClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsTriangle #field object , #field e1 , Ptr #field e2 , Ptr #field e3 , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsFaceClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsFace #field triangle , #field surfaces , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSurfaceClass #field parent_class , #field add_face , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #field remove_face , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #opaque_t GtsSurface -- | #starttype GtsSurfaceStats #field n_faces , #field n_incompatible_faces , #field n_duplicate_faces , #field n_boundary_edges , #field n_non_manifold_edges , #field edges_per_vertex , #field faces_per_edge , #field parent , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSurfaceQualityStats #field face_quality , #field face_area , #field edge_length , #field edge_angle , #field parent , Ptr #stoptype -- | #callback GtsFunc , -> -> IO -- | #opaque_t GtsSurfaceTraverse -- | #starttype GtsBBoxClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsBBox #field object , #field bounded , #field x1 , #field y1 , #field z1 , #field x2 , #field y2 , #field z2 , #stoptype -- | #callback GtsBBTreeTraverseFunc , Ptr -> Ptr -> -> IO () -- | #callback GtsBBoxDistFunc , Ptr -> -> IO -- | #callback GtsBBoxClosestFunc , Ptr -> -> IO (Ptr ) -- | #starttype GtsSurfaceInterClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsSurfaceInter #field object , #field s1 , Ptr #field s2 , Ptr #field edges , Ptr #stoptype -- | #integral_t GtsBooleanOperation #num GTS_1_OUT_2 #num GTS_1_IN_2 #num GTS_2_OUT_1 #num GTS_2_IN_1 -- | #callback GtsCoarsenFunc , Ptr -> Ptr -> -> IO (Ptr ) -- | #callback GtsRefineFunc , Ptr -> Ptr -> -> IO (Ptr ) -- | #callback GtsStopFunc , -> -> -> IO -- | #starttype GtsVolumeOptimizedParams #field volume_weight , #field boundary_weight , #field shape_weight , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsClusterClass #field parent_class , #field add , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> -> IO ()) #field update , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsCluster #field parent , #field id , #field v , Ptr #field n , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsClusterId #field x , #field y , #field z , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsClusterGridClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsClusterGrid #field parent , #field surface , Ptr #field bbox , Ptr #field size , #field cluster_class , Ptr #field clusters , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsCartesianGrid #field nx , #field ny , #field nz , #field x , #field dx , #field y , #field dy , #field z , #field dz , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGridPlane #field p , Ptr (Ptr ) #field nx , #field ny , #stoptype -- | #opaque_t GtsIsoSlice -- | #opaque_t GtsConstraintClass -- | #opaque_t GtsConstraint -- | #starttype GtsSplitClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #opaque_t GtsSplitCFace -- | #starttype GtsSplit #field object , #field v , Ptr #field v1 , Ptr #field v2 , Ptr #field cfaces , Ptr #field ncf , #stoptype -- | #callback GtsSplitTraverseFunc , Ptr -> -> IO -- | #starttype GtsPSurfaceClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsPSurface #field object , #field s , Ptr #field split , Ptr #field split_class , Ptr #field pos , #field min , #field vertices , Ptr #field faces , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHSplitClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHSplit #field split , #field index , Ptr #field parent , Ptr #field nchild , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHSurfaceClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsHSurface #field object , #field s , Ptr #field roots , Ptr #field expandable , Ptr #field collapsable , Ptr #field split , Ptr #field nvertex , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGNodeClass #field parent_class , #field weight , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ) #field write , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr CFile -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGNode #field container , #field level , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGEdgeClass #field parent_class , #field link , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr -> Ptr -> IO (Ptr )) #field weight , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ) #field write , FunPtr (Ptr -> Ptr CFile -> IO ()) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGEdge #field containee , #field n1 , Ptr #field n2 , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGraphClass #field parent_class , #field weight , FunPtr (Ptr -> IO ) #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGraph #field object , #field graph_class , Ptr #field node_class , Ptr #field edge_class , Ptr #stoptype -- | #opaque_t GtsGraphTraverse -- | #integral_t GtsTraverseType #num GTS_BREADTH_FIRST -- | #starttype GtsFNode #field node , #field f , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsFNodeClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGEdgeClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGEdge #field gedge , #field weight , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGNodeClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGNode #field node , #field weight , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGraphClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsWGraph #field graph , #field weight , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGNodeSplitClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGNodeSplit #field object , #field n , Ptr #field n1 , Ptr #field n2 , Ptr #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsPGraphClass #field parent_class , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsPGraph #field object , #field g , Ptr #field split , Ptr #field levels , Ptr #field split_class , Ptr #field edge_class , Ptr #field pos , #field min , #field level , #stoptype -- | #starttype GtsGraphBisection #field g , Ptr #field g1 , Ptr #field g2 , Ptr #field bg1 , Ptr #field bg2 , Ptr #stoptype