module LibffiTypes where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

data Ffi_type = Ffi_type {
    ffi_type'size :: CSize,
    ffi_type'type :: CUShort,
    ffi_type'elements :: Ptr (Ptr Ffi_type)

instance Storable Ffi_type where
    sizeOf _ = fromIntegral size_of_ffi_type
    alignment = sizeOf
    peek p =
        with 0 $ \p1 ->
        with 0 $ \p2 ->
        with 0 $ \p3 ->
        with nullPtr $ \p4 ->
        c2hs_ffi_type p p1 p2 p3 p4 >>
        peek p1 >>= \v1 ->
        peek p2 >>= \v2 ->
        peek p3 >>= \v3 ->
        peek p4 >>= \v4 ->
        return $ Ffi_type v1 v2 v3 v4
    poke p (Ffi_type v1 v2 v3 v4) = hs2c_ffi_type p v1 v2 v3 v4

type Ffi_status = CInt

type Ffi_abi = CInt

data Ffi_cif = Ffi_cif

instance Storable Ffi_cif where
    sizeOf _ = fromIntegral size_of_ffi_cif
    alignment = sizeOf
    peek p = return Ffi_cif
    poke p v = return ()

data Ffi_closure

foreign import ccall "size_of_ffi_type" size_of_ffi_type
    :: CInt

foreign import ccall "hs2c_ffi_type" hs2c_ffi_type
    :: Ptr Ffi_type -> CSize -> CUShort -> CUShort ->
       Ptr (Ptr Ffi_type) -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "c2hs_ffi_type" c2hs_ffi_type
    :: Ptr Ffi_type -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr CUShort -> Ptr CUShort ->
       Ptr (Ptr (Ptr Ffi_type)) -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "size_of_ffi_cif" size_of_ffi_cif
    :: CInt