module Bio.Alignment.Soap ( SoapAlign(..), SoapAlignMismatch(..) , refSeqPos, refCSeqLoc, refSeqLoc, mismatchSeqPos , parse, unparse, parseMismatch, unparseMismatch , group ) where import Prelude hiding (length) import Control.Monad.Error import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBSW import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Char import qualified Data.List as List (length) import Data.List (groupBy) import qualified Bio.Location.ContigLocation as CLoc import qualified Bio.Location.Location as Loc import qualified Bio.Location.Position as Pos import Bio.Location.OnSeq import qualified Bio.Location.SeqLocation as SeqLoc import Bio.Location.Strand import Bio.Sequence.SeqData -- | Alignment output from SOAP data SoapAlign = SA { name :: !SeqName , sequ :: !SeqData -- ^ Reference strand orientation sequence , qual :: !QualData -- ^ Reference strand orientation quality data , nhit :: !Int , pairend :: !Char , length :: !Offset , strand :: !Strand , refname :: !SeqName , refstart :: !Offset -- ^ 1-based index, as output by SOAP, of reference strand 5' end , nmismatch :: !Int , mismatches :: ![SoapAlignMismatch] } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) data SoapAlignMismatch = SAM { readnt :: !Char -- ^ Read nt in reference strand orientation , refnt :: !Char -- ^ Reference nt in reference strand orientation , offset :: !Offset -- ^ Offset from reference strand 5' end in reference strand orientation , qualnt :: !Qual -- ^ Quality score of read nt } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) mismatchSeqPos :: SoapAlign -> SoapAlignMismatch -> SeqLoc.SeqPos mismatchSeqPos sa sam = OnSeq (refname sa) $ Pos.Pos (refstart sa + offset sam - 1) (strand sa) refSeqPos :: SoapAlign -> SeqLoc.SeqPos refSeqPos sa = OnSeq (refname sa) $ CLoc.startPos $ refCLoc sa refCSeqLoc :: SoapAlign -> SeqLoc.ContigSeqLoc refCSeqLoc sa = OnSeq (refname sa) (refCLoc sa) refCLoc :: SoapAlign -> CLoc.ContigLoc refCLoc sa = CLoc.ContigLoc (refstart sa - 1) (length sa) (strand sa) refSeqLoc :: SoapAlign -> SeqLoc.SeqLoc refSeqLoc sa = OnSeq (refname sa) (Loc.Loc [ refCLoc sa ]) qualScale :: Qual qualScale = 64 parse :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => LBS.ByteString -> m SoapAlign parse bstr = case LBS.split '\t' bstr of (nameStr:sequStr:qualStr:nhitStr:pairendStr:lengthStr:strandStr:refnameStr:refstartStr:nmismatchStr:mismatchesStrs) -> do let scQualStr = (subtract qualScale) qualStr nhitInt <- parseIntBStr nhitStr pairendCh <- parseCharBStr pairendStr lengthOff <- parseOffsetBStr lengthStr strandVal <- parseCharBStr strandStr >>= parseStrandChar refstartOff <- parseOffsetBStr refstartStr nmismatchInt <- parseIntBStr nmismatchStr mismatchesList <- mapM parseMismatch mismatchesStrs verifyNMismatches nmismatchInt mismatchesList return $ SA nameStr sequStr scQualStr nhitInt pairendCh lengthOff strandVal refnameStr refstartOff nmismatchInt mismatchesList fs -> throwError $ strMsg $ "Bio.Alignment.Soap.parse: too few fields in soapAlign: " ++ show (List.length fs) where verifyNMismatches n l = unless (List.length l == n) $ throwError $ strMsg $ "Bio.Alignment.Soap.parse: wrong number of errors: " ++ show (n, List.length l) parseStrandChar '+' = return Fwd parseStrandChar '-' = return RevCompl parseStrandChar ch = throwError $ strMsg $ "Unknown strand " ++ show ch parseMismatch :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => LBS.ByteString -> m SoapAlignMismatch parseMismatch mstr = do (ref, rest1) <- maybe malformed return $ LBS.uncons mstr unless (LBS.isPrefixOf (LBS.pack "->") rest1) malformed let (offstr, rest2) = LBS.span isDigit $ LBS.drop 2 rest1 (rd, qualstr) <- maybe malformed return $ LBS.uncons rest2 o <- parseOffsetBStr offstr q <- liftM fromIntegral $ parseIntBStr qualstr return $ SAM rd ref o q where malformed = throwError $ strMsg $ "Bio.Alignment.Soap.parseMismatch: malformed mismatch field " ++ (show $ LBS.unpack mstr) parseIntBStr :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => LBS.ByteString -> m Int parseIntBStr zstr = case LBS.readInt zstr of Just (z, rest) | LBS.null rest -> return z _ -> throwError $ strMsg $ "parseIntBStr: Malformed int field " ++ show zstr parseOffsetBStr :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => LBS.ByteString -> m Offset parseOffsetBStr zstr = case LBS.readInteger zstr of Just (z, rest) | LBS.null rest -> return $ fromIntegral z _ -> throwError $ strMsg $ "parseOffsetBStr: Malformed integer field " ++ show zstr parseCharBStr :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => LBS.ByteString -> m Char parseCharBStr chstr | LBS.length chstr == 1 = return $ LBS.head chstr | otherwise = throwError $ strMsg $ "parseCharBStr: Malformed char field " ++ show chstr unparse :: SoapAlign -> LBS.ByteString unparse sa = LBS.intercalate (LBS.singleton '\t') $ [ name sa , sequ sa , (+ qualScale) $ qual sa , LBS.pack $ show $ nhit sa , LBS.singleton $ pairend sa , LBS.pack $ show $ length sa , unparseStrand $ strand sa , refname sa , LBS.pack $ show $ refstart sa , LBS.pack $ show $ nmismatch sa ] ++ map unparseMismatch (mismatches sa) where unparseStrand Fwd = LBS.singleton '+' unparseStrand RevCompl = LBS.singleton '-' unparseMismatch :: SoapAlignMismatch -> LBS.ByteString unparseMismatch (SAM rd ref off q) = LBS.concat [ LBS.singleton ref , LBS.pack "->" , LBS.pack $ show off , LBS.singleton rd , LBS.pack $ show q ] group :: [SoapAlign] -> [[SoapAlign]] group = groupBy (equating name) where equating f x y = (f x) == (f y)