{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] * Parses an optionally compressed file containing games encoded in PGN. * The parsed games can optionally be validated. * Permits the games to be filtered & their number capped. -} module BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase( -- * Types -- ** Type-synonyms PGNDatabase, -- PGNPredicate, Decompressor, MaybeMaximumGames, -- * Functions -- parser, -- parse, parseIO ) where import Control.DeepSeq(($!!)) import qualified BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGN as ContextualNotation.PGN import qualified BishBosh.ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic as ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic import qualified BishBosh.Data.Exception as Data.Exception import qualified BishBosh.Type.Count as Type.Count import qualified BishBosh.Type.Length as Type.Length import qualified Control.Exception import qualified Control.Monad import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified System.Exit import qualified System.FilePath import qualified System.IO import qualified System.Process #ifdef USE_POLYPARSE import qualified BishBosh.Text.Poly as Text.Poly # if USE_POLYPARSE == 1 import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Lazy as Poly # else /* Plain */ import qualified Control.Arrow import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Plain as Poly # endif #else /* Parsec */ import qualified Control.Arrow import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec(()) #endif -- | Self-documentation. type PGNDatabase x y = [ContextualNotation.PGN.PGN x y] -- | Parse a PGN-database. parser :: ( Enum x, Enum y, Ord x, Ord y, Show x, Show y ) => ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] #ifdef USE_POLYPARSE -> Text.Poly.TextParser (PGNDatabase x y) {-# SPECIALISE parser :: ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> Text.Poly.TextParser (PGNDatabase Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y) #-} parser isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags = Poly.manyFinally' parser' $ Text.Poly.spaces >> Poly.eof #else /* Parsec */ -> Parsec.Parser (PGNDatabase x y) {-# SPECIALISE parser :: ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> Parsec.Parser (PGNDatabase Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y) #-} parser isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags = Parsec.manyTill parser' (Parsec.try $ Parsec.spaces >> Parsec.try Parsec.eof) "PGN-database" #endif where parser' = ContextualNotation.PGN.parser isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags -- | PGNPredicate used to filter the database. type PGNPredicate x y = ContextualNotation.PGN.PGN x y -> Bool -- | The optional maximum number of games to read. type MaybeMaximumGames = Maybe Type.Count.NGames -- | Parses a PGN-database from the specified string. parse :: ( Enum x, Enum y, Ord x, Ord y, Show x, Show y ) => String -- ^ The name of the specified database. -> ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> PGNPredicate x y -- ^ Used to filter entries from the database. -> MaybeMaximumGames -- ^ Optional maximum number of games to read from the database (after they've been filtered). -> String -- ^ The database-contents. -> Either String (PGNDatabase x y) {-# SPECIALISE parse :: String -> ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> PGNPredicate Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> MaybeMaximumGames -> String -> Either String (PGNDatabase Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y) #-} #ifdef USE_POLYPARSE # if USE_POLYPARSE == 1 parse _ isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags pgnPredicate maybeMaximumGames = Right -- N.B.: the lazy parser throws an exception rather than returning 'Either', because otherwise it can't choose whether to construct with 'Left' or 'Right' until the input has been fully parsed. # else /* Plain */ parse name isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags pgnPredicate maybeMaximumGames = Control.Arrow.left (showString "regarding " . shows name . showString ", ") # endif . fst {-discard unparsed data-} . Poly.runParser parser' #else /* Parsec */ parse name isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags pgnPredicate maybeMaximumGames = Control.Arrow.left (showString "failed to parse; " . show) . Parsec.parse parser' name #endif where parser' = ( Data.Maybe.maybe id (take . fromIntegral) maybeMaximumGames . filter pgnPredicate -- CAVEAT: apply the filter before extracting the required number of games. ) `fmap` parser isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags -- | The name of an executable used to decompress (to stdout) the PGN-file. type Decompressor = String -- | Reads a PGN-database from the (optionally compressed) file-path & passes it to the parser. parseIO :: ( Enum x, Enum y, Ord x, Ord y, Show x, Show y ) => System.FilePath.FilePath -- ^ The PGN-file's location. -> Maybe Decompressor -- ^ An Optional executable by which to decompress the PGN-file. -> ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> System.IO.TextEncoding -- ^ The conversion-scheme between byte-sequences & Unicode characters. -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> PGNPredicate x y -- ^ Used to filter entries from the database. -> MaybeMaximumGames -- ^ Optional maximum number of games to read from the database (after they've been filtered). -> IO (Either String (PGNDatabase x y)) {-# SPECIALISE parseIO :: System.FilePath.FilePath -> Maybe Decompressor -> ContextualNotation.PGN.IsStrictlySequential -> ContextualNotation.StandardAlgebraic.ValidateMoves -> System.IO.TextEncoding -> [ContextualNotation.PGN.Tag] -> PGNPredicate Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> MaybeMaximumGames -> IO (Either String (PGNDatabase Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y)) #-} parseIO filePath maybeDecompressionCommand isStrictlySequential validateMoves textEncoding identificationTags pgnPredicate maybeMaximumGames = parse filePath isStrictlySequential validateMoves identificationTags pgnPredicate maybeMaximumGames `fmap` Data.Maybe.maybe ( System.IO.withFile filePath System.IO.ReadMode $ \fileHandle -> do System.IO.hSetEncoding fileHandle textEncoding contents <- System.IO.hGetContents fileHandle return {-to IO-monad-} $!! contents -- CAVEAT: evaluate the contents before the file is closed. ) ( \decompressor -> do (exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) <- System.Process.readProcessWithExitCode decompressor [filePath] [{-stdIn-}] Control.Monad.unless (exitCode == System.Exit.ExitSuccess) . Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkRequestFailure $ showString "BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase.decompress:\t" stdErr return {-to IO-monad-} stdOut ) maybeDecompressionCommand