{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] * Quantifies the fitness of a game. * By measuring the fitness from the perspective of the player who just moved (rather than the next player to move), an automated player can test various /move/s & select the fittest. -} module BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness( -- * Constants -- maximumDestinations, maximumDefended, -- * Functions -- mkPieceSquareCriterionValue, measurePieceSquareValue, measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally, measureValueOfMaterial, -- measureValueOfMobility, measureValueOfCastlingPotential, measureValueOfDefence, measureValueOfDoubledPawns, measureValueOfIsolatedPawns, measureValueOfPassedPawns, evaluateFitness ) where import Control.Applicative((<|>)) import Control.Arrow((&&&)) import Data.Array.IArray((!)) import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.LogicalColour as Attribute.LogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType as Attribute.MoveType import qualified BishBosh.Cartesian.Abscissa as Cartesian.Abscissa import qualified BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates as Cartesian.Coordinates import qualified BishBosh.Cartesian.Ordinate as Cartesian.Ordinate import qualified BishBosh.Component.Move as Component.Move import qualified BishBosh.Component.Piece as Component.Piece import qualified BishBosh.Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank as Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank import qualified BishBosh.Component.QualifiedMove as Component.QualifiedMove import qualified BishBosh.Component.Turn as Component.Turn import qualified BishBosh.Input.CriteriaWeights as Input.CriteriaWeights import qualified BishBosh.Input.EvaluationOptions as Input.EvaluationOptions import qualified BishBosh.Input.RankValues as Input.RankValues import qualified BishBosh.Metric.CriterionValue as Metric.CriterionValue import qualified BishBosh.Metric.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues as Metric.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues import qualified BishBosh.Model.Game as Model.Game import qualified BishBosh.Property.Opposable as Property.Opposable import qualified BishBosh.Rule.GameTerminationReason as Rule.GameTerminationReason import qualified BishBosh.State.Board as State.Board import qualified BishBosh.State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour as State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Type.Count as Type.Count import qualified BishBosh.Type.Length as Type.Length import qualified BishBosh.Type.Mass as Type.Mass import qualified Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Data.Array.IArray import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict import qualified Data.Maybe #ifdef USE_UNBOXED_ARRAYS import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed #endif -- | Construct a criterion-value from a piece-square value. mkPieceSquareCriterionValue :: Real pieceSquareValue => pieceSquareValue -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue mkPieceSquareCriterionValue = fromRational . ( / fromIntegral Component.Piece.nPiecesPerSide ) . toRational -- | Measures the piece-square value from the perspective of the last player to move. measurePieceSquareValue :: ( #ifdef USE_UNBOXED_ARRAYS Data.Array.Unboxed.IArray Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray pieceSquareValue, -- Requires 'FlexibleContexts'. The unboxed representation of the array-element must be defined (& therefore must be of fixed size). #endif Enum x, Enum y, Num pieceSquareValue, Ord x, Ord y ) => Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank x y pieceSquareValue -> Model.Game.Game x y -> pieceSquareValue {-# SPECIALISE measurePieceSquareValue :: Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue -> Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue #-} measurePieceSquareValue pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank game | Attribute.LogicalColour.isBlack $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game = difference | otherwise = negate difference -- Represent the piece-square value from Black's perspective. where [blacksPieceSquareValue, whitesPieceSquareValue] = Data.Array.IArray.elems . State.Board.sumPieceSquareValueByLogicalColour pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank $ Model.Game.getBoard game difference = whitesPieceSquareValue - blacksPieceSquareValue {- | * Measures the piece-square value from the perspective of the last player to move. * The previous value is provided, to enable calculation by difference. * N.B.: because of diminishing returns, the piece-square value for everything but quiet moves is calculated from scratch. -} measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally :: ( #ifdef USE_UNBOXED_ARRAYS Data.Array.Unboxed.IArray Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray pieceSquareValue, -- Requires 'FlexibleContexts'. The unboxed representation of the array-element must be defined (& therefore must be of fixed size). #endif Enum x, Enum y, Num pieceSquareValue, Ord x, Ord y ) => pieceSquareValue -- ^ The value before the last move was applied, & therefore also from the perspective of the previous player. -> Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank x y pieceSquareValue -> Model.Game.Game x y -> pieceSquareValue {-# SPECIALISE measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally :: Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue -> Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue -> Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue #-} measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally previousPieceSquareValue pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank game | Attribute.MoveType.isQuiet $ Component.QualifiedMove.getMoveType qualifiedMove = let findPieceSquareValues coordinatesList = Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.findPieceSquareValues ( State.Board.getNPieces $ Model.Game.getBoard game -- N.B.: no capture occurred. ) ( Property.Opposable.getOpposite $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game -- The last player to move. ) ( Component.Turn.getRank turn -- N.B.: no promotion occurred. ) coordinatesList pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank (destination, source) = Component.Move.getDestination &&& Component.Move.getSource $ Component.QualifiedMove.getMove qualifiedMove [destinationPieceSquareValue, sourcePiecesquareValue] = findPieceSquareValues [destination, source] in (destinationPieceSquareValue - sourcePiecesquareValue) - previousPieceSquareValue {-from the previous player's perspective-} | otherwise = measurePieceSquareValue pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank game -- N.B.: though Castling, En-passant, & promotion, can also be calculated, the returns don't justify the effort. where Just turn = Model.Game.maybeLastTurn game qualifiedMove = Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove turn -- | Measure the arithmetic difference between the total /rank-value/ of the /piece/s currently held by either side; . measureValueOfMaterial :: Input.RankValues.RankValues -> Type.Mass.RankValue -- ^ Maximum total rank-value. -> Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue -- {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfMaterial :: Input.RankValues.RankValues -> Type.Mass.RankValue -> Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfMaterial rankValues maximumTotalRankValue game = fromRational . ( / toRational maximumTotalRankValue -- Normalise. ) . ( if Attribute.LogicalColour.isBlack $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game then id -- White just moved. else negate -- Black just moved. ) . Data.List.foldl' ( \acc (rank, nPiecesDifference) -> if nPiecesDifference == 0 then acc -- Avoid calling 'Input.RankValues.findRankValue'. else acc + toRational ( Input.RankValues.findRankValue rank rankValues ) * fromIntegral nPiecesDifference ) 0 . Data.Array.IArray.assocs . State.Board.getNPiecesDifferenceByRank {-which arbitrarily counts White pieces as positive & Black as negative-} $ Model.Game.getBoard game {- | * Count the difference between the reciprocals (cf. ), of the total number of /move/s available to each player. * Using the reciprocal facilitates mapping into the /closed unit-interval/, & also emphasises the difference between having just one available move & having zero (i.e. mate). In consequence, it is more about restricting the opponent's mobility (particularly the @King@) rather than increasing one's own. This metric drives the game towards check-mate, rather than merely fighting a war of attrition. * CAVEAT: avoiding a reduction of one's mobility to zero (i.e. mate) must be paramount => losing one's @Queen@ should be preferable. measureValueOfMobility = 1 when mobility = 0, whereas loss of a @Queen@ = @ (rankValues ! Queen) / maximumTotalRankValue @, => getWeightOfMobility * 1 > weightOfMaterial * (8.8 / 102.47) => getWeightOfMobility > weightOfMaterial / 11.6 The corollary is that one probably shouldn't sacrifice even a @Knight@ to temporarily reduce one's opponent's mobility to one. measureValueOfMobility = 0.5 when mobility = 1, => getWeightOfMobility * 0.5 < weightOfMaterial * (3.2 / 102.47) => getWeightOfMobility < weightOfMaterial / 16.0 CAVEAT: the loss of a @Knight@ occurs on the subsequent turn & is therefore downgraded, so even this represents too high a weighting. This presents a paradox ! -} measureValueOfMobility :: ( Enum x, Enum y, Ord x, Ord y, Show x, Show y ) => Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfMobility :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfMobility game = fromRational . uncurry (-) . ( measureConstriction &&& measureConstriction . Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} ) $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game where measureConstriction logicalColour = recip . fromIntegral {-NPlies-} . succ {-avoid divide-by-zero-} $ Model.Game.countPliesAvailableTo logicalColour game -- | Measure the arithmetic difference between the potential to /Castle/, on either side. measureValueOfCastlingPotential :: Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue -- {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfCastlingPotential :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfCastlingPotential game = fromRational . uncurry (-) . ( castlingPotential . Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} &&& castlingPotential ) $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game where castlingPotential = Data.Maybe.maybe 1 {-have Castled-} ( (/ 2) . fromIntegral . length ) . ( `State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour.locateForLogicalColour` Model.Game.getCastleableRooksByLogicalColour game ) {- | * Measure the arithmetic difference between the number of /doubled/ @Pawn@s on either side; . * N.B.: measures tripled @Pawn@s as equivalent to two doubled @Pawn@s. * CAVEAT: this is a negative attribute, so the weighted normalised value shouldn't exceed the reduction due to 'measureValueOfMaterial' resulting from a @Pawn@-sacrifice. -} measureValueOfDoubledPawns :: Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue -- {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfDoubledPawns :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfDoubledPawns game = fromRational . ( / 6 -- Normalise to [-1 .. 1]; the optimal scenario is all files containing one Pawn; the worst scenario is two files each containing four Pawns, all but one per file of which are counted as doubled. ) . fromIntegral {-NPieces-} . uncurry (-) . ( countDoubledPawns &&& countDoubledPawns . Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} ) $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game where countDoubledPawns logicalColour = uncurry (-) . ( Data.Map.Strict.foldl' (+) 0 &&& fromIntegral . Data.Map.Strict.size {-one Pawn can't be considered to be doubled, so substract one Pawn per column-} ) $ State.Board.getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour (Model.Game.getBoard game) ! logicalColour {- | * Measure the arithmetic difference between the number of /isolated/ @Pawn@s on either side; . * CAVEAT: this is a negative attribute, so the weighted normalised value shouldn't exceed the reduction due to 'measureValueOfMaterial' resulting from a @Pawn@-sacrifice. -} measureValueOfIsolatedPawns :: (Enum x, Ord x) => Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfIsolatedPawns :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfIsolatedPawns game = fromRational . ( / fromIntegral {-Int-} Cartesian.Abscissa.xLength -- Normalise to [-1 .. 1]; the optimal scenario is eight files each containing one Pawn & the worst scenario is all Pawns isolated (e.g. 4 alternate files of 2, 2 separate files or 4, ...). ) . fromIntegral {-NPieces-} . uncurry (-) . ( countIsolatedPawns &&& countIsolatedPawns . Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} ) $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game where countIsolatedPawns :: Attribute.LogicalColour.LogicalColour -> Type.Count.NPieces countIsolatedPawns logicalColour = Data.Map.Strict.foldlWithKey' ( \acc x nPawns -> ( if (`Data.Map.Strict.member` nPawnsByFile) `any` Cartesian.Abscissa.getAdjacents x then id -- This file has at least one neighbouring Pawn which can (if at a suitable rank) be used to protect any of those in this file. else (+ nPawns) -- All the Pawns on this file are isolated & thus lack the protection that may be offered by adjacent Pawns. ) acc ) 0 nPawnsByFile where nPawnsByFile = State.Board.getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour (Model.Game.getBoard game) ! logicalColour -- | Measure the arithmetic difference between the number of /passed/ @Pawn@s on either side; . measureValueOfPassedPawns :: forall x y. Enum y => Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfPassedPawns :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfPassedPawns game = fromRational . ( / fromIntegral {-Int-} Cartesian.Abscissa.xLength -- Normalise to [-1 .. 1]. ) . uncurry (-) . ( valuePassedPawns . Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} &&& valuePassedPawns ) $ Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game where valuePassedPawns logicalColour = Data.List.foldl' ( \acc -> (acc +) . recip {-value increases exponentially as distance to promotion decreases-} . fromIntegral {-Int-} . abs . subtract ( fromEnum ( Cartesian.Ordinate.lastRank logicalColour :: y -- N.B.: ScopedTypeVariables. ) ) . fromEnum . Cartesian.Coordinates.getY -- Measure the distance to promotion. ) 0 $ State.Board.getPassedPawnCoordinatesByLogicalColour (Model.Game.getBoard game) ! logicalColour {- | * The constant maximum total number of times the /piece/s of either side, can be defended. * Assumes all Pawns have been Queened. * CAVEAT: assuming the optimal arrangement of pieces: RQQB = 3 + 7 + 3 + 2 = 15 QQQN = 4 + 6 + 8 + 4 = 22 NQQK = 4 + 8 + 6 + 0 = 18 BQQR = 2 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 15 = 70 -} maximumDefended :: Type.Count.NPieces maximumDefended = 70 {- | * Measure the normalised arithmetic difference between the number of /piece/s defending each of one's own, on either side. * N.B. the /rank-value/ of the defended /piece/ is irrelevant because; it's the unknown value of the attacker that counts, since that's what the defender has the opportunity to counter-strike. CAVEAT: the validity of this depends on the duration of the battle. * N.B. defence of the @King@ is irrelevent, because it can't be taken. * N.B. it's the total number of defenders which is relevant, rather than whether each piece has some protection, since it's not the individual battles but the war which counts. * CAVEAT: this criterion competes with /mobility/, since each defended /piece/ blocks the path of the defender. -} measureValueOfDefence :: Model.Game.Game x y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue -- {-# SPECIALISE measureValueOfDefence :: Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue #-} measureValueOfDefence game = fromRational . ( / fromIntegral {-NPieces-} maximumDefended -- Normalise. ) . fromIntegral {-NPieces-} . uncurry (-) . ( (! Property.Opposable.getOpposite {-recent mover-} nextLogicalColour) &&& (! nextLogicalColour) ) . State.Board.summariseNDefendersByLogicalColour $ Model.Game.getBoard game where nextLogicalColour = Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game {- | * Evaluates the fitness of the /board/ from the perspective of the last player to move. If the game has ended, the fitness is maximum for checkmate or zero for a draw, but otherwise is the /weighted mean/ of various criteria; . * Also returns the break-down of those /criterion-value/s with a non-zero /criterion-weight/. * Besides measuring the difference between the total /rank-value/ on either side, other criteria are selected to represent known attributes of a good position. * Many possible criteria aren't measured because they're, either currently or imminently, represented by those that are, typically by 'measureValueOfMaterial'. -} evaluateFitness :: ( #ifdef USE_UNBOXED_ARRAYS Data.Array.Unboxed.IArray Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray pieceSquareValue, -- Requires 'FlexibleContexts'. The unboxed representation of the array-element must be defined (& therefore must be of fixed size). #endif Enum x, Enum y, Fractional pieceSquareValue, Ord x, Ord y, Real pieceSquareValue, Show x, Show y ) => Maybe pieceSquareValue -- ^ An optional value for the specified game. -> Model.Game.Game x y -> Input.EvaluationOptions.Reader pieceSquareValue x y Metric.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues {-# SPECIALISE evaluateFitness :: Maybe Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue -> Model.Game.Game Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y -> Input.EvaluationOptions.Reader Type.Mass.PieceSquareValue Type.Length.X Type.Length.Y Metric.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues #-} evaluateFitness maybePieceSquareValue game | Just gameTerminationReason <- Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason game = return {-to Reader-monad-} $ Metric.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues.mkWeightedMeanAndCriterionValues ( if Rule.GameTerminationReason.isCheckMate gameTerminationReason then 1 -- The last player to move, has won. else 0 -- A draw. ) [] | otherwise = do criteriaWeights <- Control.Monad.Reader.asks Input.EvaluationOptions.getCriteriaWeights rankValuePair <- Control.Monad.Reader.asks $ Input.EvaluationOptions.getRankValues &&& Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaximumTotalRankValue maybePieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank <- Control.Monad.Reader.asks Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaybePieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank return {-to Reader-monad-} $ Input.CriteriaWeights.calculateWeightedMean criteriaWeights ( uncurry measureValueOfMaterial rankValuePair game ) ( measureValueOfMobility game ) ( Data.Maybe.maybe 0 mkPieceSquareCriterionValue $ maybePieceSquareValue <|> fmap ( `measurePieceSquareValue` game ) maybePieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank ) ( measureValueOfCastlingPotential game ) ( measureValueOfDefence game ) ( measureValueOfDoubledPawns game ) ( measureValueOfIsolatedPawns game ) ( measureValueOfPassedPawns game )