{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Wrapping interface for bitmaps as defined by the 'bitmap' package

module Data.Bitmap.Foreign
    ( FBBitmapBase
    , BitmapForeign(..)
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Record
import qualified Data.Bitmap      as FB
import qualified Data.Bitmap.IO   as FB
import Data.Bitmap.Class
import Data.Bitmap.Pixel
import Data.Bitmap.Types
import Foreign (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.Storable
import Text.Printf

type FBBitmapBase = FB.Bitmap

-- | The foreign bitmap as defined by the "bitmap" package
-- For more information see documentation of the "bitmap" package.
-- NB: this type is actually a reference to a memory location; thus the
-- possible issues with concurrency and referential transparency are introduced.
newtype BitmapForeign = BitmapForeign {unwrapBitmapForeign :: FBBitmapBase PixelComponent}

instance Bitmap BitmapForeign where
    type BIndexType BitmapForeign = Int
    type BPixelType BitmapForeign = PixelRGB

    depth (BitmapForeign b) = unsafePerformIO . FB.withBitmap b $ \_ numComponents _ _ -> case numComponents of
        3 -> return Depth24RGB
        4 -> return Depth32RGBA
        _ -> return $ error $ printf "Bitmap.ForeignBitmap.depth: invalid numConponents value: %d" numComponents

    dimensions (BitmapForeign b) = unsafePerformIO . FB.withBitmap b $ \dms _ _ _ -> return dms

    getPixel (BitmapForeign b) (row, column) = unsafePerformIO . FB.withBitmap b $ \(w, _) numComponents padding ptr -> do
        let bytesPixel = numComponents
            bytesRow   = bytesPixel * w + padding
            offset     = bytesRow * row + bytesPixel * column
        (thisRed   :: PixelComponent) <- peekByteOff ptr offset
        (thisGreen :: PixelComponent) <- peekByteOff ptr (offset + 1)
        (thisBlue  :: PixelComponent) <- peekByteOff ptr (offset + 2)
        return . (red =: thisRed) . (green =: thisGreen) . (blue =: thisBlue) $ leastIntensity
    constructPixels f dms@(w, _) = unsafePerformIO $ do
        let bytesPixel = 3
        fbBitmap <- FB.newBitmap dms bytesPixel (Just 4)
        FB.withBitmap fbBitmap $ \(width, height) _ padding ptr -> do
            let bytesRow  = bytesPixel * w + padding
                maxRow    = abs . pred $ height
                maxColumn = abs . pred $ width
                m i@(row, column) = do
                    let offset = bytesRow * row + bytesPixel * column
                        pixel  = f i
                    pokeByteOff ptr offset           $ red   <: pixel
                    pokeByteOff ptr (offset + 1)     $ green <: pixel
                    pokeByteOff ptr (offset + 2)     $ blue  <: pixel
                    if column == maxColumn
                        then do
                            if row == maxRow
                                then do
                                    return ()
                                else do
                                    m (succ row, 0)
                        else do
                            m (row, succ column)
            m (0, 0)
        return $ BitmapForeign fbBitmap