{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies #-}

module Data.Bitmap.String.Internal
    ( BitmapString(..), bmps_data, bmps_dimensions, bmps_rowAlignment, bmps_redHead, bmps_alphaHead, bmps_paddingHead, bmps_paddingTail, bmps_rowFromTop, bmps_columnFromLeft, bmps_rowFromBeg, bmps_rowFromEnd, bmps_columnFromBeg, bmps_columnFromEnd
    , formatEq
    , defaultBSFormat
    , rowPadding
    , bytesPerPixel
    , rowPaddingBS
    , rgbOffsets
    , alphaOffset
    , pixelPart
    , imageSizeBS
    , constructBitmapStringFormatted
    , bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR
    , bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR
    , bitmapFmtRGB24A4
    , bitmapFmtRGB32
    , encodeBSFormat
    , encodeIBF_BGR24A4VR'
    , encodeIBF_RGB24A4VR'
    , encodeIBF_RGB24A4'
    , encodeIBF_RGB32'
    , tryBSFormat
    , tryIBF_BGR24A4VR'
    , tryIBF_RGB24A4VR'
    , tryIBF_RGB24A4'
    , tryIBF_RGB32'
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Arrow  -- See serializers part of 'BitmapString's 'Bitmap' instance
import Control.Monad.Record                 hiding (get)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Bitmap.Class
import Data.Bitmap.Croppable
import Data.Bitmap.Pixel
import Data.Bitmap.Reflectable
import Data.Bitmap.Types
import Data.Bitmap.Util
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Serialize       as S
import qualified Data.String.Class    as S
import Data.Tagged
import Text.Printf

-- | A bitmap represented as a string or stored as bytes
-- By default, the RGB32 format (where the most significant byte, the
-- head-most one, is unused) is used.
-- The bitmap must be stored by pixels not separated by component.  Each
-- pixel must contain at least the red, blue, and green component, each one
-- byte wide (bytes are assumed to be octets), either in that order or
-- reversed.  There may be an alpha component either immediately before the
-- other three components or immediately after.  Thus there are four possible
-- arrangements of components for each pixel, which must be consistent for
-- every pixel.  Any amount of padding or unused bytes is permitted before each
-- pixel, but the amount must be fixed.  The same is true also after each
-- pixel.
-- This type is most efficient with lazy bytestrings.
data BitmapString = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data            :: S.GenString       -- ^ Bitmap data; it is assumed to be large enough
    , _bmps_dimensions      :: Dimensions (BIndexType BitmapString)  -- ^ Width and height of the data; 'bmps_rowFromBeg', etc. need to be taken account for the dimensions of the bitmap

    , _bmps_rowAlignment    :: Int             -- ^ Each row is aligned to this many bytes; when necessary, null bytes are added to each row
    , _bmps_redHead         :: Bool            -- ^ Whether the red component is first; if 'True', the order of the components is red, green, blue; otherwise, it is blue, green, red
    , _bmps_alphaHead       :: Maybe Bool      -- ^ If 'Nothing', then there is no alpha component; otherwise, if 'True', it is before the other three components (towards the head) / most significant / first, otherwise, it is after the other three components / towards the tail / least significant / last of the four components
    , _bmps_paddingHead     :: Int             -- ^ Number of unused bytes before each pixel
    , _bmps_paddingTail     :: Int             -- ^ Number of unused bytes after each pixel
    , _bmps_rowFromTop      :: Bool            -- ^ Is the first row at the top?
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft  :: Bool            -- ^ Is the first column in each row at the left?
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg      :: Int             -- ^ How many rows of data to skip from the beginning (from *first* row); used in cropping
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd      :: Int             -- ^ How many rows of data to skip from the end; used in cropping
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg   :: Int
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd   :: Int

mkLabels [''BitmapString]

-- The data is serialized as a lazy bytestring
instance Binary BitmapString where
    get   = pure BitmapString <*> (S.toStringCells <$> (get :: Get B.ByteString)) <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
    put b = do
        put ((S.toStringCells :: S.GenString -> B.ByteString) $ bmps_data <: b)
        put $ bmps_dimensions     <: b
        put $ bmps_rowAlignment   <: b
        put $ bmps_redHead        <: b
        put $ bmps_alphaHead      <: b
        put $ bmps_paddingHead    <: b
        put $ bmps_paddingTail    <: b
        put $ bmps_rowFromTop     <: b
        put $ bmps_columnFromLeft <: b
        put $ bmps_rowFromBeg     <: b
        put $ bmps_rowFromEnd     <: b
        put $ bmps_columnFromBeg  <: b
        put $ bmps_columnFromEnd  <: b

-- The data is serialized as a lazy bytestring
instance S.Serialize BitmapString where
    get   = pure BitmapString <*> (S.toStringCells <$> (S.get :: S.Get B.ByteString)) <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get <*> S.get
    put b = do
        S.put ((S.toStringCells :: S.GenString -> B.ByteString) $ bmps_data <: b)
        S.put $ bmps_dimensions     <: b
        S.put $ bmps_rowAlignment   <: b
        S.put $ bmps_redHead        <: b
        S.put $ bmps_alphaHead      <: b
        S.put $ bmps_paddingHead    <: b
        S.put $ bmps_paddingTail    <: b
        S.put $ bmps_rowFromTop     <: b
        S.put $ bmps_columnFromLeft <: b
        S.put $ bmps_rowFromBeg     <: b
        S.put $ bmps_rowFromEnd     <: b
        S.put $ bmps_columnFromBeg  <: b
        S.put $ bmps_columnFromEnd  <: b

formatEq :: BitmapString -> BitmapString -> Bool
formatEq a b
    | bmps_rowAlignment   <: a /= bmps_rowAlignment   <: b = False
    | bmps_redHead        <: a /= bmps_redHead        <: b = False
    | bmps_alphaHead      <: a /= bmps_alphaHead      <: b = False
    | bmps_paddingHead    <: a /= bmps_paddingHead    <: b = False
    | bmps_paddingTail    <: a /= bmps_paddingTail    <: b = False
    | bmps_rowFromTop     <: a /= bmps_rowFromTop     <: b = False
    | bmps_columnFromLeft <: a /= bmps_columnFromLeft <: b = False
    | bmps_rowFromBeg     <: a /= bmps_rowFromBeg     <: b = False
    | bmps_rowFromEnd     <: a /= bmps_rowFromEnd     <: b = False
    | bmps_columnFromBeg  <: a /= bmps_columnFromBeg  <: b = False
    | bmps_columnFromEnd  <: a /= bmps_columnFromEnd  <: b = False
    | otherwise                                            = True

-- | Default 'BitmapString' format
-- This is equivalent to 'IBF_BGRU32'
defaultBSFormat :: BitmapString
defaultBSFormat = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data           = error "data of defaultBSFormat is undefined"
    , _bmps_dimensions     = error "dimensions of defaultBSFormat is undefined"

    , _bmps_rowAlignment   = 1
    , _bmps_redHead        = False
    , _bmps_alphaHead      = Nothing
    , _bmps_paddingHead    = 0
    , _bmps_paddingTail    = 1
    , _bmps_rowFromTop     = True
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft = True
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg     = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd     = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg  = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd  = 0

-- | Return (rowSize, paddingSize) based on width, bytes per pixel, and alignment
-- Be careful when using the results of this function that you're actually using the right value.
rowPadding :: BIndexType BitmapString -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
rowPadding bytes_per_pixel width alignment =
    (rawRowSize + off', off')
    where rawRowSize = bytes_per_pixel * width
          off        = rawRowSize `mod` alignment
              | off == 0  = 0
              | otherwise = alignment - off

bytesPerPixel :: BitmapString -> Int
bytesPerPixel bmp = (maybe 0 (const 1) $ bmps_alphaHead <: bmp) + (bmps_paddingHead <: bmp) + (bmps_paddingTail <: bmp) + 3

-- | Return (rowSize, paddingSize)
-- Be careful when using the results of this function that you're actually using the right value.
rowPaddingBS :: BitmapString -> (Int, Int)
rowPaddingBS bmp = rowPadding (bytesPerPixel bmp) (fst $ bmps_dimensions <: bmp) (bmps_rowAlignment <: bmp)

rgbOffsets :: BitmapString -> (Int, Int, Int)
rgbOffsets b
    | (Just True) <- bmps_alphaHead <: b
    , True        <- bmps_redHead   <: b
        = (ph + 1, ph + 2, ph + 3)
    | (Just True) <- bmps_alphaHead <: b
    , False       <- bmps_redHead   <: b
        = (ph + 3, ph + 2, ph + 1)
    | True        <- bmps_redHead   <: b
        = (ph + 0, ph + 1, ph + 2)
    | False       <- bmps_redHead   <: b
        = (ph + 2, ph + 1, ph + 0)
    | otherwise = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.rgbOffsets: unexpected case"
    where ph = bmps_paddingHead <: b

alphaOffset :: BitmapString -> Maybe Int
alphaOffset b
    | (Just True)  <- bmps_alphaHead <: b
        = Just (ph)
    | (Just False) <- bmps_alphaHead <: b
        = Just (ph + 3)
    | (Nothing)    <- bmps_alphaHead <: b
        = Nothing
    | otherwise = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.alphaOffset: unexpected case"
    where ph = bmps_paddingHead <: b

-- | Get part of a pixel as a cell of 'GenStringDefault'
-- The bitmap passed is only used for its format; its dimensions and data are not used.
-- This function doesn't return any alpha parts; for those it returns pad bytes, which are
-- zero.
pixelPart :: BitmapString -> BPixelType BitmapString -> Int -> S.StringCellChar S.GenStringDefault
pixelPart bmp pixel part
    | Just True <- bmps_alphaHead <: bmp
    , True      <- bmps_redHead   <: bmp
        = case baseIndex of
            1 -> r red
            2 -> r green
            3 -> r blue
            _ -> padCell
    | Just True <- bmps_alphaHead <: bmp
    , False     <- bmps_redHead   <: bmp
        = case baseIndex of
            3 -> r red
            2 -> r green
            1 -> r blue
            _ -> padCell
    | True      <- bmps_redHead   <: bmp
        = case baseIndex of
            0 -> r red
            1 -> r green
            2 -> r blue
            _ -> padCell
    | False     <- bmps_redHead   <: bmp
        = case baseIndex of
            2 -> r red
            1 -> r green
            0 -> r blue
            _ -> padCell
    | otherwise = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.pixelPart: unexpected case"
    where ph        = bmps_paddingHead <: bmp
          baseIndex = part - ph
          r         = untag' . S.toMainChar . (<: pixel)
          padCell   = untag' . S.toMainChar $ padByte
          untag' = untag :: Tagged S.GenStringDefault a -> a

imageSizeBS :: BitmapString -> Int
imageSizeBS b = (fst $ rowPaddingBS b) * (snd $ dimensions b)

-- | Construct a bitmap in the format of the meta bitmap passed
-- Only the format fields of the bitmap is used, so the data and dimensions of it can be 'undefined'.
-- The data in the new bitmap is what 'GenStringDefault' is aliased to.
constructBitmapStringFormatted :: BitmapString -> Dimensions (BIndexType BitmapString) -> (Coordinates (BIndexType BitmapString) -> BPixelType BitmapString) -> BitmapString
constructBitmapStringFormatted metaBitmap dms@(width, height) f =
    let maxRow          = abs . pred $ height
        maxColumn       = abs . pred $ width
        pixelSize       = bytesPerPixel metaBitmap
        (_, paddingSize) = rowPadding pixelSize width (bmps_rowAlignment <: metaBitmap)
        rowSize         = pixelSize * (width + bmps_columnFromBeg <: metaBitmap + bmps_columnFromEnd <: metaBitmap) + paddingSize
        newImageSize    = rowSize * (height + bmps_rowFromBeg <: metaBitmap + bmps_rowFromEnd <: metaBitmap)
        data_ :: S.GenStringDefault
        data_ = S.unfoldrN newImageSize getComponent (0 :: BIndexType BitmapString, 0 :: BIndexType BitmapString, 0 :: Int, rowSize * bmps_rowFromBeg <: metaBitmap :: Int)
        untag' = untag :: Tagged S.GenStringDefault a -> a
        padCell = untag' . S.toMainChar $ padByte
        getComponent (row, column, part, paddingLeft)
            | paddingLeft > 0     =
                Just (padCell, (row, column, part, pred paddingLeft))
            | part   >= pixelSize =
                getComponent (row, succ column, 0, 0)
            | column >  maxColumn =
                getComponent (succ row, 0, 0, paddingSize)
            | row    == succ maxRow =
                getComponent (succ row, column, part, rowSize * bmps_rowFromEnd <: metaBitmap)
            | row    >  maxRow    =
            | otherwise =
                let pixel = f (row, column)
                in  Just (pixelPart metaBitmap pixel part, (row, column, succ part, 0))
    in  ((bmps_dimensions =: dms) . (bmps_data =: S.toStringCells data_)) $ metaBitmap

instance Bitmap BitmapString where
    type BIndexType BitmapString = Int
    type BPixelType BitmapString = PixelBGR

    depth = maybe Depth24RGB (const Depth32RGBA) . (bmps_alphaHead <:)

    dimensions bmp =
        let (width, height) = bmps_dimensions <: bmp
        in  (width - bmps_columnFromEnd <: bmp - bmps_columnFromBeg <: bmp, height - bmps_rowFromEnd <: bmp - bmps_rowFromBeg <: bmp)

    getPixel b (row, column) =
        let data_              = bmps_data <: b
            (width, height)    = dimensions b
            maxRow             = abs . pred $ height
            maxColumn          = abs . pred $ width
            rowSize            = fst $ rowPaddingBS b
            pixelSize          = bytesPerPixel b
            row'               = row    + bmps_rowFromBeg <: b
            column'            = column + bmps_columnFromBeg <: b
                | bmps_rowFromTop <: b =
                    rowSize * row'
                | otherwise            =
                    rowSize * (maxRow - row')
                | bmps_columnFromLeft <: b =
                    pixelSize * column'
                | otherwise                =
                    pixelSize * (maxColumn - column')
            offset             = rowOffset + columnOffset
            (offR, offG, offB) = rgbOffsets b
        in  PixelBGR
              $ ((fromIntegral . S.toWord8 $ data_ `S.index` (offset + offR)))
            .|. ((fromIntegral . S.toWord8 $ data_ `S.index` (offset + offG)) `shiftL` 8)
            .|. ((fromIntegral . S.toWord8 $ data_ `S.index` (offset + offB)) `shiftL` 16)

    constructPixels = flip $ constructBitmapStringFormatted defaultBSFormat

    convertInternalFormat metaBitmap imageBitmap
        | formatEq metaBitmap imageBitmap = imageBitmap
        | otherwise = constructBitmapStringFormatted metaBitmap (dimensions imageBitmap) (getPixel imageBitmap)

    -- FIXME: sometimes the bitmaps are upside-down
    imageEncoders = updateIdentifiableElements (map (second unwrapGenericBitmapSerializer) defaultImageEncoders) $
        [ (IBF_BGR24A4VR, ImageEncoder $ encodeIBF_BGR24A4VR')
        , (IBF_RGB24A4VR, ImageEncoder $ encodeIBF_RGB24A4VR')
        , (IBF_RGB24A4,   ImageEncoder $ encodeIBF_RGB24A4')
        , (IBF_RGB32,     ImageEncoder $ encodeIBF_RGB32')

    imageDecoders = updateIdentifiableElements (map (second unwrapGenericBitmapSerializer) defaultImageDecoders) $
        [ (IBF_BGR24A4VR, ImageDecoder $ tryIBF_BGR24A4VR')
        , (IBF_RGB24A4VR, ImageDecoder $ tryIBF_RGB24A4VR')
        , (IBF_RGB24A4,   ImageDecoder $ tryIBF_RGB24A4')
        , (IBF_RGB32,     ImageDecoder $ tryIBF_RGB32')

bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR :: BitmapString
bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data           = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR: data of format is undefined"
    , _bmps_dimensions     = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR: dimensions of format is undefined"

    , _bmps_rowAlignment   = 4
    , _bmps_redHead        = False
    , _bmps_alphaHead      = Nothing
    , _bmps_paddingHead    = 0
    , _bmps_paddingTail    = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromTop     = False
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft = True
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg     = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd     = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg  = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd  = 0

bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR :: BitmapString
bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data           = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR: data of format is undefined"
    , _bmps_dimensions     = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR: dimensions of format is undefined"

    , _bmps_rowAlignment   = 4
    , _bmps_redHead        = True
    , _bmps_alphaHead      = Nothing
    , _bmps_paddingHead    = 0
    , _bmps_paddingTail    = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromTop     = False
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft = True
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg     = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd     = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg  = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd  = 0

bitmapFmtRGB24A4 :: BitmapString
bitmapFmtRGB24A4 = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data           = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtRGB24A4: data of format is undefined"
    , _bmps_dimensions     = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtBGR24A4: dimensions of format is undefined"

    , _bmps_rowAlignment   = 4
    , _bmps_redHead        = True
    , _bmps_alphaHead      = Nothing
    , _bmps_paddingHead    = 0
    , _bmps_paddingTail    = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromTop     = True
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft = True
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg     = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd     = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg  = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd  = 0

bitmapFmtRGB32 :: BitmapString
bitmapFmtRGB32 = BitmapString
    { _bmps_data           = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtRGB32: data of format is undefined"
    , _bmps_dimensions     = error "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.bitmapFmtBGR32: dimensions of format is undefined"

    , _bmps_rowAlignment   = 4
    , _bmps_redHead        = True
    , _bmps_alphaHead      = Nothing
    , _bmps_paddingHead    = 1
    , _bmps_paddingTail    = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromTop     = True
    , _bmps_columnFromLeft = True
    , _bmps_rowFromBeg     = 0
    , _bmps_rowFromEnd     = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromBeg  = 0
    , _bmps_columnFromEnd  = 0

-- | Used by the encoders
encodeBSFormat :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> (BitmapString -> s)
encodeBSFormat bsFmt = S.toStringCells . (bmps_data <:) . convertInternalFormat bsFmt

encodeIBF_BGR24A4VR' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s
encodeIBF_BGR24A4VR' = encodeBSFormat bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR

encodeIBF_RGB24A4VR' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s
encodeIBF_RGB24A4VR' = encodeBSFormat bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR

encodeIBF_RGB24A4' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s
encodeIBF_RGB24A4' = encodeBSFormat bitmapFmtRGB24A4

encodeIBF_RGB32' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s
encodeIBF_RGB32' = encodeBSFormat bitmapFmtRGB32

-- | Used by the decoders
tryBSFormat :: (S.Stringy s) => String -> BitmapString -> (BitmapString -> s -> Either String BitmapString)
tryBSFormat identifier bsFmt  bmp s
    | S.length s < minLength = Left $ printf "Data.Bitmap.String.Internal.tryBSFormat: %s: string is too small to contain the pixels of a bitmap with the dimensions of the passed bitmap, which are (%d, %d); the string is %d " identifier
    | otherwise              = Right $
        (bmps_data       =: S.toStringCells s)
      . (bmps_dimensions =: dms)
      $ bsFmt
    where dms@(_, height) = dimensions bmp
          rowSize   = fst . rowPaddingBS . (bmps_dimensions =: dms) $ bsFmt
          minLength = rowSize * height

tryIBF_BGR24A4VR' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s -> Either String BitmapString
tryIBF_BGR24A4VR' = tryBSFormat "tryIBF_BGR24A4VR'" bitmapFmtBGR24A4VR

tryIBF_RGB24A4VR' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s -> Either String BitmapString
tryIBF_RGB24A4VR' = tryBSFormat "tryIBF_RGB24A4VR'" bitmapFmtRGB24A4VR

tryIBF_RGB24A4' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s -> Either String BitmapString
tryIBF_RGB24A4' = tryBSFormat "tryIBF_RGB24A4'" bitmapFmtRGB24A4

tryIBF_RGB32' :: (S.Stringy s) => BitmapString -> s -> Either String BitmapString
tryIBF_RGB32' = tryBSFormat "tryIBF_RGB32'" bitmapFmtRGB32

-- TODO: work with crop as well
instance BitmapSearchable BitmapString where
    findSubBitmapEqual super sub_unformatted =
        let sub                       = convertInternalFormat super sub_unformatted
            (widthSuper, heightSuper) = bmps_dimensions <: super
            (widthSub,   heightSub)   = bmps_dimensions <: sub
            dataSuper                 = bmps_data <: super
            dataSub                   = bmps_data <: sub
            superRowSize              = fst $ rowPaddingBS super
            subRowSize                = fst $ rowPaddingBS sub
            superPixelSize            = bytesPerPixel super
            maxSuperRow               = heightSuper - heightSub
            maxSuperColumn            = widthSuper  - widthSub
            maxOffRow                 = abs . pred $ heightSub
            offRowSize                = subRowSize - (snd $ rowPaddingBS sub)

            r' (row, column)
                | column > maxSuperColumn =
                    r' (succ row, 0)
                | row    > maxSuperRow    =
                | matches 0               =
                    Just (maxSuperRow - row, column)
                | otherwise               =
                    r' (row, succ column)
                where superBaseIndex = row * superRowSize + superPixelSize * column
                      matches offRow
                          | offRow > maxOffRow
                              = True
                          | subStr (superBaseIndex + offRow * superRowSize) offRowSize dataSuper /=
                            subStr (offRow * subRowSize) offRowSize dataSub
                              = False
                          | otherwise
                              = matches (succ offRow)
        in r'

instance BitmapReflectable BitmapString where
    reflectVertically   b = (bmps_rowFromTop $: not)
                          . (bmps_rowFromBeg =: bmps_rowFromEnd <: b)
                          . (bmps_rowFromEnd =: bmps_rowFromBeg <: b)
                          $ b
    reflectHorizontally b = (bmps_columnFromLeft $: not)
                          . (bmps_columnFromBeg =: bmps_columnFromEnd <: b)
                          . (bmps_columnFromEnd =: bmps_columnFromBeg <: b)
                         $ b

instance BitmapCroppable BitmapString where
    crop bmp (row, column) (width, height) =
        (bmps_rowFromBeg    $: (+ row))
      . (bmps_rowFromEnd    $: (+ (bitmapHeight bmp - height - row)))
      . (bmps_columnFromBeg $: (+ column))
      . (bmps_columnFromEnd $: (+ (bitmapWidth  bmp - width  - column)))
      $ bmp