blank-canvas-0.6.2: HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library

Copyright(C) 2014-2015 The University of Kansas
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerAndy Gill
Safe HaskellNone




blank-canvas is a Haskell binding to the complete HTML5 Canvas API. blank-canvas allows Haskell users to write, in Haskell, interactive images onto their web browsers. blank-canvas gives the users a single full-window canvas, and provides many well-documented functions for rendering images.


Starting blank-canvas

blankCanvas :: Options -> (DeviceContext -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

blankCanvas is the main entry point into blank-canvas. A typical invocation would be

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Graphics.Blank

main = blankCanvas 3000 $ \ context -> do
        send context $ do
                lineWidth 10
                strokeStyle "red"

data Options Source #

Additional blank-canvas settings. The defaults can be used by creating Options as a Num. For example, blankCanvas 3000 uses the default Options on port 3000.




sending to the Graphics DeviceContext

data DeviceContext Source #

DeviceContext is the abstract handle into a specific 2D context inside a browser. Note that the JavaScript API concepts of CanvasRenderingContext2D and HTMLCanvasElement are conflated in blank-canvas. Therefore, there is no getContext() method; rather, getContext() is implied (when using send).

send :: DeviceContext -> Canvas a -> IO a Source #

Sends a set of canvas commands to the Canvas. Attempts to common up as many commands as possible. Should not crash.

HTML5 Canvas API

See for the JavaScript version of this API.

data Canvas :: * -> * Source #


Monad Canvas Source # 


(>>=) :: Canvas a -> (a -> Canvas b) -> Canvas b #

(>>) :: Canvas a -> Canvas b -> Canvas b #

return :: a -> Canvas a #

fail :: String -> Canvas a #

Functor Canvas Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Canvas a -> Canvas b #

(<$) :: a -> Canvas b -> Canvas a #

Applicative Canvas Source # 


pure :: a -> Canvas a #

(<*>) :: Canvas (a -> b) -> Canvas a -> Canvas b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Canvas a -> Canvas b -> Canvas c #

(*>) :: Canvas a -> Canvas b -> Canvas b #

(<*) :: Canvas a -> Canvas b -> Canvas a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Canvas a) Source # 


(<>) :: Canvas a -> Canvas a -> Canvas a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Canvas a) -> Canvas a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Canvas a -> Canvas a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Canvas a) Source # 


mempty :: Canvas a #

mappend :: Canvas a -> Canvas a -> Canvas a #

mconcat :: [Canvas a] -> Canvas a #

Canvas element

height :: (Image image, Num a) => image -> a Source #

The height of an Image in pixels.

width :: (Image image, Num a) => image -> a Source #

The width of an Image in pixels.

toDataURL :: () -> Canvas Text Source #

Turn the canvas into a PNG data stream / data URL.


2D Context

save :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Saves the entire canvas by pushing the current state onto a stack.

restore :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Restores the most recently saved canvas by popping the top entry off of the drawing state stack. If there is no state, do nothing.


scale :: (Interval, Interval) -> Canvas () Source #

Applies a scaling transformation to the canvas units, where the first argument is the percent to scale horizontally, and the second argument is the percent to scale vertically. By default, one canvas unit is one pixel.


scale(0.5, 0.5)        -- Halve the canvas units
fillRect(0, 0, 20, 20) -- Draw a 10x10 square
scale(-1, 1)           -- Flip the context horizontally

rotate :: Radians -> Canvas () Source #

Applies a rotation transformation to the canvas. When you call functions such as fillRect after rotate, the drawings will be rotated clockwise by the angle given to rotate (in radians).


rotate (pi/2)        -- Rotate the canvas 90°
fillRect(0, 0, 20, 10) -- Draw a 10x20 rectangle

translate :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Applies a translation transformation by remapping the origin (i.e., the (0,0) position) on the canvas. When you call functions such as fillRect after translate, the values passed to translate are added to the x- and y-coordinate values.


translate(20, 20)
fillRect(0, 0, 40, 40) -- Draw a 40x40 square, starting in position (20, 20)

transform :: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Applies a transformation by multiplying a matrix to the canvas's current transformation. If transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) is called, the matrix

( a c e )
( b d f )
( 0 0 1 )

is multiplied by the current transformation. The parameters are:

  • a is the horizontal scaling
  • b is the horizontal skewing
  • c is the vertical skewing
  • d is the vertical scaling
  • e is the horizontal movement
  • f is the vertical movement

setTransform :: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Resets the canvas's transformation matrix to the identity matrix, then calls transform with the given arguments.

Image drawing

class Image a Source #

Class for JavaScript objects that represent images (including the canvas itself).

Minimal complete definition

jsImage, width, height

drawImage :: Image image => (image, [Double]) -> Canvas () Source #

drawImage' takes 2, 4, or 8 Double arguments. See drawImageAt, drawImageSize, and drawImageCrop for variants with exact numbers of arguments.


globalAlpha :: Alpha -> Canvas () Source #

Set the alpha value that is applied to shapes before they are drawn onto the canvas.

globalCompositeOperation :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Sets how new shapes should be drawn over existing shapes.


globalCompositeOperation "source-over"
globalCompositeOperation "destination-atop"

Line styles

lineWidth :: Double -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the thickness of lines in pixels (1.0 by default).

lineCap :: LineEndCap -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the LineEndCap to use when drawing the endpoints of lines.

lineJoin :: LineJoinCorner -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the LineJoinCorner to use when drawing two connected lines.

miterLimit :: Double -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the maximum miter length (10.0 by default) to use when the lineWidth is miter.

data LineEndCap Source #

The style of the caps on the endpoints of a line.



Flat edges (default).


Semicircular end caps


Square end caps


Bounded LineEndCap Source # 
Enum LineEndCap Source # 
Eq LineEndCap Source # 
Ord LineEndCap Source # 
Read LineEndCap Source # 
Show LineEndCap Source # 
Ix LineEndCap Source # 
IsString LineEndCap Source # 
Default LineEndCap Source # 


def :: LineEndCap #

TextShow LineEndCap Source # 
JSArg LineEndCap Source # 
RoundProperty LineEndCap Source # 

butt :: LineEndCap Source #

Shorthand for ButtCap.

data LineJoinCorner Source #

The style of corner that is created when two lines join.



A filled triangle with a beveled edge connects two lines.


A filled arc connects two lines.


A filled triangle with a sharp edge connects two lines (default).


Bounded LineJoinCorner Source # 
Enum LineJoinCorner Source # 
Eq LineJoinCorner Source # 
Ord LineJoinCorner Source # 
Read LineJoinCorner Source # 
Show LineJoinCorner Source # 
Ix LineJoinCorner Source # 
IsString LineJoinCorner Source # 
Default LineJoinCorner Source # 


def :: LineJoinCorner #

TextShow LineJoinCorner Source # 
JSArg LineJoinCorner Source # 
RoundProperty LineJoinCorner Source # 

Colors, styles and shadows

strokeStyle :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the color used for strokes ("black" by default).


strokeStyle "red"
strokeStyle "#00FF00"

fillStyle :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the color used to fill a drawing ("black" by default).


fillStyle "red"
fillStyle "#00FF00"

shadowOffsetX :: Double -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the horizontal distance that a shadow will be offset (0.0 by default).

shadowOffsetY :: Double -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the vertical distance that a shadow will be offset (0.0 by default).

shadowBlur :: Double -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the blur level for shadows (0.0 by default).

shadowColor :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the color used for shadows.


shadowColor "red"
shadowColor "#00FF00"

createLinearGradient :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas CanvasGradient Source #

createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1) creates a linear gradient along a line, which can be used to fill other shapes.

  • x0 is the starting x-coordinate of the gradient
  • y0 is the starting y-coordinate of the gradient
  • x1 is the ending y-coordinate of the gradient
  • y1 is the ending y-coordinate of the gradient


grd <- createLinearGradient(0, 0, 10, 10)
grd # addColorStop(0, "blue")
grd # addColorStop(1, "red")
fillStyle grd

createRadialGradient :: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas CanvasGradient Source #

createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) creates a radial gradient given by the coordinates of two circles, which can be used to fill other shapes.

  • x0 is the x-axis of the coordinate of the start circle
  • y0 is the y-axis of the coordinate of the start circle
  • r0 is the radius of the start circle
  • x1 is the x-axis of the coordinate of the end circle
  • y1 is the y-axis of the coordinate of the end circle
  • r1 is the radius of the end circle


grd <- createRadialGradient(100,100,100,100,100,0)
grd # addColorStop(0, "blue")
grd # addColorStop(1, "red")
fillStyle grd

createPattern :: (CanvasImage, RepeatDirection) -> Canvas CanvasPattern Source #

Creates a pattern using a CanvasImage and a RepeatDirection.


img <- newImage "cat.jpg"
pat <- createPattern(img, repeatX)
fillStyle pat

addColorStop :: (Interval, Text) -> CanvasGradient -> Canvas () Source #

Adds a color and stop position in a CanvasGradient. A stop position is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the position between start and stop in a gradient.


grd <- createLinearGradient(0, 0, 10, 10)
grd # addColorStop(0, "red")

data RepeatDirection Source #

The direction in which a CanvasPattern repeats.



The pattern repeats both horizontally and vertically (default).


The pattern repeats only horizontally.


The pattern repeats only vertically.


The pattern displays only once and does not repeat.


Bounded RepeatDirection Source # 
Enum RepeatDirection Source # 
Eq RepeatDirection Source # 
Ord RepeatDirection Source # 
Read RepeatDirection Source # 
Show RepeatDirection Source # 
Ix RepeatDirection Source # 
IsString RepeatDirection Source # 
Default RepeatDirection Source # 
TextShow RepeatDirection Source # 
JSArg RepeatDirection Source # 

repeat_ :: RepeatDirection Source #

Shorthand for Repeat, with an underscore to distinguish it from repeat.


beginPath :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Begins drawing a new path. This will empty the current list of subpaths.


moveTo(20, 20)
lineTo(200, 20)

closePath :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Creates a path from the current point back to the start, to close it.


moveTo(20, 20)
lineTo(200, 20)
lineTo(120, 120)

fill :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Fills the current path with the current fillStyle.


rect(10, 10, 100, 100)

stroke :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Draws the current path's strokes with the current strokeStyle (black by default).


rect(10, 10, 100, 100)

clip :: () -> Canvas () Source #

Turns the path currently being built into the current clipping path. Anything drawn after clip is called will only be visible if inside the new clipping path.


rect(50, 20, 200, 120)
fillStyle "red"
fillRect(0, 0, 150, 100)

moveTo :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

moveTo(x, y) moves the starting point of a new subpath to the given (x, y) coordinates.


moveTo(50, 50)
lineTo(200, 50)

lineTo :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

lineTo(x, y) connects the last point in the subpath to the given (x, y) coordinates (without actually drawing it).


moveTo(50, 50)
lineTo(200, 50)

quadraticCurveTo :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y) adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the path (whereas bezierCurveTo adds a cubic Bézier curve).

  • cpx is the x-coordinate of the control point
  • cpy is the y-coordinate of the control point
  • x is the x-coordinate of the end point
  • y is the y-coordinate of the end point

bezierCurveTo :: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y x, y) adds a cubic Bézier curve to the path (whereas quadraticCurveTo adds a quadratic Bézier curve).

  • cp1x is the x-coordinate of the first control point
  • cp1y is the y-coordinate of the first control point
  • cp2x is the x-coordinate of the second control point
  • cp2y is the y-coordinate of the second control point
  • x is the x-coordinate of the end point
  • y is the y-coordinate of the end point

arcTo :: (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, r) creates an arc between two tangents, specified by two control points and a radius.

  • x1 is the x-coordinate of the first control point
  • y1 is the y-coordinate of the first control point
  • x2 is the x-coordinate of the second control point
  • y2 is the y-coordinate of the second control point
  • r is the arc's radius

arc :: (Double, Double, Double, Radians, Radians, Bool) -> Canvas () Source #

arc(x, y, r, sAngle, eAngle, cc) creates a circular arc, where

  • x is the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
  • y is the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
  • r is the radius of the circle on which the arc is drawn
  • sAngle is the starting angle (where 0 at the 3 o'clock position of the circle)
  • eAngle is the ending angle
  • cc is the arc direction, where True indicates counterclockwise and False indicates clockwise.

rect :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

rect(x, y, w, h) creates a rectangle with an upper-left corner at position (x, y), width w, and height h (where width and height are in pixels).


rect(10, 10, 100, 100)

isPointInPath :: (Double, Double) -> Canvas Bool Source #

isPointInPath(x, y) queries whether point (x, y) is within the current path.


rect(10, 10, 100, 100)
b <- isPointInPath(10, 10) -- b == True


font :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the text context's font properties.


font "40pt 'Gill Sans Extrabold'"
font "80% sans-serif"
font "bold italic large serif"

textAlign :: TextAnchorAlignment -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the TextAnchorAlignment to use when drawing text.

textBaseline :: TextBaselineAlignment -> Canvas () Source #

Sets the TextBaselineAlignment to use when drawing text.

fillText :: (Text, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

fillText(t, x, y) fills the text t at position (x, y) using the current fillStyle.


font "48px serif"
fillText("Hello, World!", 50, 100)

strokeText :: (Text, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

strokeText(t, x, y) draws text t (with no fill) at position (x, y) using the current strokeStyle.


font "48px serif"
strokeText("Hello, World!", 50, 100)

measureText :: Text -> Canvas TextMetrics Source #

Queries the measured width of the text argument.


TextMetrics w <- measureText "Hello, World!"

data TextAnchorAlignment Source #

The anchor point for text in the current DeviceContext.



The text is anchored at either its left edge (if the canvas is left-to-right) or its right edge (if the canvas is right-to-left).


The text is anchored at either its right edge (if the canvas is left-to-right) or its left edge (if the canvas is right-to-left).


The text is anchored in its center.


The text is anchored at its left edge.


the text is anchored at its right edge.


Bounded TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Enum TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Eq TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Ord TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Read TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Show TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Ix TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
IsString TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
Default TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
TextShow TextAnchorAlignment Source # 
JSArg TextAnchorAlignment Source # 

data TextBaselineAlignment Source #

The baseline alignment used when drawing text in the current DeviceContext. The baselines are ordered from highest (Top) to lowest (Bottom).


Bounded TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Enum TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Eq TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Ord TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Read TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Show TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Ix TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
IsString TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
Default TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
TextShow TextBaselineAlignment Source # 
JSArg TextBaselineAlignment Source # 


clearRect :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

clearRect(x, y, w, h) clears all pixels within the rectangle with upper-left corner (x, y), width w, and height h (i.e., sets the pixels to transparent black).


fillStyle "red"
fillRect(0, 0, 300, 150)
clearRect(20, 20, 100, 50)

fillRect :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

fillRect(x, y, w, h) draws a filled rectangle with upper-left corner (x, y), width w, and height h using the current fillStyle.


fillStyle "red"
fillRect(0, 0, 300, 150)

strokeRect :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

strokeRect(x, y, w, h) draws a rectangle (no fill) with upper-left corner (x, y), width w, and height h using the current strokeStyle.


strokeStyle "red"
strokeRect(0, 0, 300, 150)

Pixel manipulation

getImageData :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas ImageData Source #

getImageData(x, y, w, h) capture ImageData from the rectangle with upper-left corner (x, y), width w, and height h.

putImageData :: (ImageData, [Double]) -> Canvas () Source #

putImageData takes 2 or 6 Double arguments. See putImageDataAt and putImageDataDirty for variants with exact numbers of arguments.

data ImageData Source #

ImageData is a transliteration of JavaScript's ImageData. ImageData consists of two Ints and one (unboxed) Vector of Word8s. width, height, and data can be projected from ImageData, length can be used to find the data length.

Note: ImageData lives on the server, not the client.


ImageData !Int !Int !(Vector Word8) 

Type information

type Alpha = Interval Source #

An interval representing a color's translucency. A color with an alpha value of 0.0 is transparent, and a color with an alpha value of 1.0 is opaque.

type Degrees = Double Source #

An angle type in which 360° represents one complete rotation.

type Interval = Double Source #

A normalized percentage value (e.g., 0.0 represent 0%, 1.0 represents 100%, etc.).

type Percentage = Double Source #

A value representing a percentage (e.g., 0.0 represents 0%, 100.0 represents 100%, etc.).

type Radians = Double Source #

An angle type in which 2π radians represents one complete rotation.

class RoundProperty a where Source #

Class for round CSS property values.

Minimal complete definition



round_ :: a Source #

Shorthand for RoundCap or RoundCorner, with an underscore to distinguish it from round.

blank-canvas Extensions

Reading from Canvas

newImage :: Text -> Canvas CanvasImage Source #

newImage takes a URL (perhaps a data URL), and returns the CanvasImage handle after loading. If you are using local images, loading should be near instant.

newAudio :: Text -> Canvas CanvasAudio Source #

newAudio takes an URL to an audio file and returs the CanvasAudio handle after loading. If you are using local audio files, loading should be near instant.

DeviceContext attributes

devicePixelRatio :: DeviceContext -> Double Source #

devicePixelRatio returns the device's pixel ratio as used. Typically, the browser ignores devicePixelRatio in the canvas, which can make fine details and text look fuzzy. Using the query ?hd on the URL, blank-canvas attempts to use the native devicePixelRatio, and if successful, devicePixelRatio will return a number other than 1. You can think of devicePixelRatio as the line width to use to make lines look one pixel wide.

CanvasContext, and off-screen Canvas.

newCanvas :: (Int, Int) -> Canvas CanvasContext Source #

Create a new, off-screen canvas buffer. Takes width and height as arguments.

with :: CanvasContext -> Canvas a -> Canvas a Source #

with runs a set of canvas commands in the context of a specific canvas buffer.


sync :: Canvas () Source #

Send all commands to the browser, wait for the browser to act, then continue.


console_log :: JSArg msg => msg -> Canvas () Source #

console_log aids debugging by sending the argument to the browser console.log.

eval :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

eval executes the argument in JavaScript directly.

class JSArg a where Source #

Class for Haskell data types which represent JavaScript data.

Minimal complete definition



showbJS :: a -> Builder Source #

Display a value as JavaScript data.

Drawing Utilities

clearCanvas :: Canvas () Source #

Clear the screen. Restores the default transformation matrix.

saveRestore :: Canvas a -> Canvas a Source #

Wrap a canvas computation in save / restore.

(#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixr 0 Source #

The #-operator is the Haskell analog to the .-operator in JavaScript. Example:

grd # addColorStop(0, "#8ED6FF");

This can be seen as equivalent of grd.addColorStop(0, "#8ED6FF").

readDataURL :: Text -> FilePath -> IO Text Source #

Read a file, and generate a data URL.

 url <- readDataURL "image/png" "image/foo.png"

dataURLMimeType :: Text -> Text Source #

Find the MIME type for a data URL.

> dataURLMimeType "..."

writeDataURL :: FilePath -> Text -> IO () Source #

Write a data URL to a given file.

drawImageAt :: Image image => (image, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Draws an image onto the canvas at the given x- and y-coordinates.

drawImageSize :: Image image => (image, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Acts like drawImageAt, but with two extra Double arguments. The third and fourth Doubles specify the width and height of the image, respectively.

drawImageCrop :: Image image => (image, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Acts like drawImageSize, but with four extra Double arguments before the arguments of drawImageSize. The first and second Doubles specify the x- and y-coordinates at which the image begins to crop. The third and fourth Doubles specify the width and height of the cropped image.

drawImageCrop img 0 0 dw dh dx dy dw dh = drawImageSize = dx dy dw dh

putImageDataAt :: (ImageData, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Writes ImageData to the canvas at the given x- and y-coordinates.

putImageDataDirty :: (ImageData, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) -> Canvas () Source #

Acts like putImageDataAt, but with four extra Double arguments that specify which region of the ImageData (the dirty rectangle) should be drawn. The third and fourth Doubles specify the dirty rectangle's x- and y- coordinates, and the fifth and sixth Doubles specify the dirty rectangle's width and height.

putImageDataDirty imgData dx dy 0 0 w h = putImageDataAt imgData dx dy
  where (w, h) = case imgData of ImageData w' h' _ -> (w', h')


trigger :: Event -> Canvas () Source #

Triggers a specific named event.

eventQueue :: DeviceContext -> EventQueue Source #

A single (typed) event queue

wait :: DeviceContext -> IO Event Source #

Wait for any event. Blocks.

flush :: DeviceContext -> IO [Event] Source #

flush all the current events, returning them all to the user. Never blocks.

type EventName = Text Source #

EventName mirrors event names from jQuery, and uses lowercase. Possible named events

  • keypress, keydown, keyup
  • mouseDown, mouseenter, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup

type EventQueue = TChan Event Source #

EventQueue is an STM channel (TChan) of Events. Intentionally, EventQueue is not abstract.

Cursor manipulation

cursor :: Text -> Canvas () Source #

Change the canvas cursor to the specified URL or keyword.


cursor "url(image.png), default"
cursor "crosshair"
