{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}

-- | Internals. You will probably never need these.
module Blanks.UnderScope
  ( BinderScope (..)
  , BoundScope (..)
  , EmbedScope (..)
  , FreeScope (..)
  , UnderScope (..)
  , UnderScopeFold (..)
  , pattern UnderScopeBound
  , pattern UnderScopeFree
  , pattern UnderScopeBinder
  , pattern UnderScopeEmbed
  , underScopeFold
  , underScopeShift
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Bifoldable (Bifoldable (..))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Bitraversable (Bitraversable (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

newtype BoundScope =
    { unBoundScope :: Int
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData)

newtype FreeScope a =
    { unFreeScope :: a
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
  deriving newtype (NFData)

data BinderScope n e =
    { binderScopeArity :: !Int
    , binderScopeInfo :: !n
    , binderScopeBody :: e
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
  deriving anyclass (NFData)

newtype EmbedScope f e =
    { unEmbedScope :: f e
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Functor, NFData)

data UnderScope n f e a
  = UnderBoundScope !BoundScope
  | UnderFreeScope !(FreeScope a)
  | UnderBinderScope !(BinderScope n e)
  | UnderEmbedScope !(EmbedScope f e)
  deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Generic)
  deriving anyclass (NFData)

pattern UnderScopeBound :: Int -> UnderScope n f e a
pattern UnderScopeBound i = UnderBoundScope (BoundScope i)

pattern UnderScopeFree :: a -> UnderScope n f e a
pattern UnderScopeFree a = UnderFreeScope (FreeScope a)

pattern UnderScopeBinder :: Int -> n -> e -> UnderScope n f e a
pattern UnderScopeBinder i n e = UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i n e)

pattern UnderScopeEmbed :: f e -> UnderScope n f e a
pattern UnderScopeEmbed fe = UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope fe)

{-# COMPLETE UnderScopeBound, UnderScopeFree, UnderScopeBinder, UnderScopeEmbed #-}

instance Functor f => Bifunctor (UnderScope n f) where
  bimap _ _ (UnderBoundScope (BoundScope b)) = UnderBoundScope (BoundScope b)
  bimap _ g (UnderFreeScope (FreeScope a)) = UnderFreeScope (FreeScope (g a))
  bimap f _ (UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i x e)) = UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i x (f e))
  bimap f _ (UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope fe)) = UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope (fmap f fe))

instance Foldable f => Bifoldable (UnderScope n f) where
  bifoldr _ _ z (UnderBoundScope _) = z
  bifoldr _ g z (UnderFreeScope (FreeScope a)) = g a z
  bifoldr f _ z (UnderBinderScope (BinderScope _ _ e)) = f e z
  bifoldr f _ z (UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope fe)) = foldr f z fe

instance Traversable f => Bitraversable (UnderScope n f) where
  bitraverse _ _ (UnderBoundScope (BoundScope b)) = pure (UnderBoundScope (BoundScope b))
  bitraverse _ g (UnderFreeScope (FreeScope a)) = fmap (UnderFreeScope . FreeScope) (g a)
  bitraverse f _ (UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i x e)) = fmap (UnderBinderScope . BinderScope i x) (f e)
  bitraverse f _ (UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope fe)) = fmap (UnderEmbedScope . EmbedScope) (traverse f fe)

underScopeShift :: Functor f => (Int -> Int -> e -> e) -> Int -> Int -> UnderScope n f e a -> UnderScope n f e a
underScopeShift recShift c d us =
  case us of
    UnderBoundScope (BoundScope b) ->
      if b < c
        then us
        else UnderBoundScope (BoundScope (b + d))
    UnderFreeScope _ -> us
    UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i x e) -> UnderBinderScope (BinderScope i x (recShift (c + i) d e))
    UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope fe) -> UnderEmbedScope (EmbedScope (fmap (recShift c d) fe))

data UnderScopeFold n f e a r =
    { usfBound :: BoundScope -> r
    , usfFree :: FreeScope a -> r
    , usfBinder :: BinderScope n e -> r
    , usfEmbed :: EmbedScope f e -> r
  deriving (Functor)

underScopeFold :: UnderScopeFold n f e a r -> UnderScope n f e a -> r
underScopeFold (UnderScopeFold bound free binder embed) us =
  case us of
    UnderBoundScope x -> bound x
    UnderFreeScope x -> free x
    UnderBinderScope x -> binder x
    UnderEmbedScope x -> embed x