{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module     : Data.Vector.Dense.Internal
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2008, Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- Stability  : experimental

module Data.Vector.Dense.Internal (
    -- * Vector data types

    module BLAS.Vector,
    module BLAS.Tensor,

    -- * Conversion to and from @ForeignPtr@s.
    -- * Creating new vectors
    -- * Special vectors

    -- * Vector views
    -- * Casting vectors
    -- * Unsafe operations
    ) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Ix
import Foreign 
import System.IO.Unsafe       
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Data.AEq

import BLAS.Access
import BLAS.Elem.Base ( Elem )
import qualified BLAS.Elem.Base as E
import BLAS.Vector hiding ( Vector )
import qualified BLAS.Vector as C
import BLAS.Tensor

import BLAS.Internal  ( clearArray, inlinePerformIO, checkedSubvector,
    checkedSubvectorWithStride )
import BLAS.C.Level1  ( BLAS1, copy )

-- | A dense vector.  @t@ is a type that will usually be @Imm@ or @Mut@.  
-- @n@ is a phantom type for the dimension of the vector, and @e@ is the 
-- element type.  A @DVector@ @x@ stores @dim x@ elements.  Indices into
-- the vector are @0@-based.
data DVector t n e = 
      DV { fptr   :: !(ForeignPtr e) -- ^ a pointer to the storage region
         , offset :: !Int            -- ^ an offset (in elements, not bytes) to the first element in the vector. 
         , len    :: !Int            -- ^ the length of the vector
         , stride :: !Int            -- ^ the stride (in elements, not bytes) between elements.
    | C !(DVector t n e)            -- ^ a conjugated vector

type Vector n e = DVector Imm n e
type IOVector n e = DVector Mut n e

-- | Cast the phantom length type.
coerceVector :: DVector t n e -> DVector t m e
coerceVector = unsafeCoerce

-- | Gets the pointer to the storage block
storageOf :: DVector t n e -> ForeignPtr e
storageOf (C x)          = storageOf x
storageOf x@(DV _ _ _ _) = fptr x

-- | Gets the stride of the vector.
strideOf :: DVector t n e -> Int
strideOf (C x)          = strideOf x
strideOf x@(DV _ _ _ _) = stride x
{-# INLINE strideOf #-}

-- | Indicates whether or not the vector has been conjugated.  For 
-- newly-created vectors, this will be @False@.
isConj :: (Elem e) => DVector t n e -> Bool
isConj (C x)        = not (isConj x)
isConj (DV _ _ _ _) = False
{-# INLINE isConj #-}

-- | @fromForeignPtr fptr offset n inc@ creates a vector view of a
-- region in memory starting at the given offset and having dimension @n@,
-- with a stride of @inc@.
fromForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr e -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DVector t n e
fromForeignPtr = DV
{-# INLINE fromForeignPtr #-}

-- | Gets the tuple @(fptr,offset,n,inc)@, where @n@ is the dimension and 
-- @inc@ is the stride of the vector.  Note that this does not return the
-- conjugacy information of the vector.  For that information, use @isConj@.
toForeignPtr :: DVector t n e -> (ForeignPtr e, Int, Int, Int)
toForeignPtr (C x)        = toForeignPtr x
toForeignPtr (DV f o n s) = (f, o, n, s)
{-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}

-- | @subvector x o n@ creates a subvector view of @x@ starting at index @o@ 
-- and having length @n@.
subvector :: DVector t n e -> Int -> Int -> DVector t m e
subvector x = checkedSubvector (dim x) (unsafeSubvector x)

-- | Same as 'subvector' but arguments are not range-checked.
unsafeSubvector :: DVector t n e -> Int -> Int -> DVector t m e
unsafeSubvector = unsafeSubvectorWithStride 1

-- | @subvectorWithStride s x o n@ creates a subvector view of @x@ starting 
-- at index @o@, having length @n@ and stride @s@.
subvectorWithStride :: Int -> DVector t n e -> Int -> Int -> DVector t m e
subvectorWithStride s x = 
    checkedSubvectorWithStride s (dim x) (unsafeSubvectorWithStride s x)
-- | Same as 'subvectorWithStride' but arguments are not range-checked.
unsafeSubvectorWithStride :: Int -> DVector t n e -> Int -> Int -> DVector t m e
unsafeSubvectorWithStride s (C x)   o n = C   $ unsafeSubvectorWithStride s x o n
unsafeSubvectorWithStride s x@(DV _ _ _ _) o n =
    let f  = fptr x
        o' = indexOf x o
        n' = n
        s' = s * (stride x)
        fromForeignPtr f o' n' s'

-- | Creates a new vector of the given length.  The elements will be 
-- uninitialized.
newVector_ :: (Elem e) => Int -> IO (DVector t n e)
newVector_ n
    | n < 0 = 
        ioError $ userError $ 
            "Tried to create a vector with `" ++ show n ++ "' elements."
    | otherwise = do
        arr <- mallocForeignPtrArray n
        return $ fromForeignPtr arr 0 n 1

-- | Creates a new vector of the given dimension with the given elements.
-- If the list has length less than the passed-in dimenson, the tail of
-- the vector will be uninitialized.
newListVector :: (Elem e) => Int -> [e] -> IO (DVector t n e)
newListVector n es = do
    x <- newVector_ n
    withForeignPtr (fptr x) $ flip pokeArray $ take n es
    return x

-- | @listVector n es@ is equivalent to @vector n (zip [0..(n-1)] es)@, except
-- that the result is undefined if @length es@ is less than @n@.
listVector :: (Elem e) => Int -> [e] -> Vector n e
listVector n es = unsafeFreeze $ unsafePerformIO $ newListVector n es
{-# NOINLINE listVector #-}

-- | Creates a new vector with the given association list.  Unspecified
-- indices will get initialized to zero.
newVector :: (BLAS1 e) => Int -> [(Int,e)] -> IO (DVector t n e)
newVector =
    newVectorHelp writeElem

-- | Same as 'newVector' but indices are not range-checked.
unsafeNewVector :: (BLAS1 e) => Int -> [(Int,e)] -> IO (DVector t n e)
unsafeNewVector =
    newVectorHelp unsafeWriteElem

newVectorHelp :: (BLAS1 e) => 
       (IOVector n e -> Int -> e -> IO ()) 
    -> Int -> [(Int,e)] -> IO (DVector t n e)
newVectorHelp set n ies = do
    x <- newZero n
    mapM_ (uncurry $ set x) ies
    return (unsafeCoerce x)

-- | @newBasis n i@ creates a vector of length @n@ that is all zero except for
-- at position @i@, where it equal to one.
newBasis :: (BLAS1 e) => Int -> Int -> IO (IOVector n e)
newBasis n i = do
    x <- newVector_ n
    setBasis i x
    return x

-- | @setBasis x i@ sets the @i@th coordinate of @x@ to @1@, and all other
-- coordinates to @0@.  If the vector has been scaled, it is possible that
-- @readVector x i@ will not return exactly @1@.  See 'setElem'.
setBasis :: (BLAS1 e) => Int -> IOVector n e -> IO ()
setBasis i x
    | i < 0 || i >= dim x =
        ioError $ userError $ 
            "tried to set a vector of dimension `" ++ show (dim x) ++ "'"
            ++ " to basis vector `" ++ show i ++ "'"
    | otherwise = do
        setZero x
        unsafeWriteElem x i 1 

indexOf :: DVector t n e -> Int -> Int
indexOf (C x)   i         = indexOf x i
indexOf x@(DV _ _ _ _) i  = offset x + i * stride x
{-# INLINE indexOf #-}

-- | Evaluate a function with a pointer to the value stored at the given
-- index.  Note that the value may need to conjugated before using it.  See
-- 'isConj'.
unsafeWithElemPtr :: (Elem e) => DVector t n e -> Int -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeWithElemPtr x i f =
    withForeignPtr (storageOf x) $ \ptr ->
        let elemPtr = ptr `advancePtr` (indexOf x i)
        in f elemPtr
{-# INLINE unsafeWithElemPtr #-}

-- | Cast the access type to @Imm@.
unsafeFreeze :: DVector t n e -> Vector n e
unsafeFreeze = unsafeCoerce

-- | Cast the access type to @Mut@.
unsafeThaw :: DVector t n e -> IOVector n e
unsafeThaw = unsafeCoerce

instance C.Vector (DVector t) where
    dim x = case x of
        (C x')   -> dim x'
        _        -> len x
    {-# INLINE dim #-}

    conj x = case x of
        (C x')   -> x'
        _        -> C x
    {-# INLINE conj #-}

{-# RULES 
    "conj/Float"  conj = conjFloat 
    "conj/Double" conj = conjDouble
conjFloat :: DVector t n Float -> DVector t n Float
conjFloat = id

conjDouble :: DVector t n Double -> DVector t n Double
conjDouble = id

instance Tensor (DVector t n) Int e where
    shape = dim
    {-# INLINE shape #-}

    bounds x = (0, dim x - 1)
    {-# INLINE bounds #-}

instance (BLAS1 e) => ITensor (DVector Imm n) Int e where
    size = dim
    indices = range . bounds
    {-# INLINE indices #-}

    elems  = inlinePerformIO . getElems . unsafeThaw
    assocs = inlinePerformIO . getAssocs . unsafeThaw

    unsafeAt x = inlinePerformIO . unsafeReadElem (unsafeThaw x)
    {-# INLINE unsafeAt #-}
    amap f x = listVector (dim x) (map f $ elems x)
    azipWith f x y
        | dim y /= n =
            error ("amap2: vector lengths differ; first has length `" ++
                    show n ++ "' and second has length `" ++
                    show (dim y) ++ "'")
        | otherwise =
            listVector n (zipWith f (elems x) (elems y))
        n = dim x
    (//) = replaceHelp writeElem
    unsafeReplace = replaceHelp unsafeWriteElem

replaceHelp :: (BLAS1 e) => 
       (IOVector n e -> Int -> e -> IO ())
    -> Vector n e -> [(Int, e)] -> Vector n e
replaceHelp set x ies =
    unsafeFreeze $ unsafePerformIO $ do
        y  <- newCopy (unsafeThaw x)
        mapM_ (uncurry $ set y) ies
        return y
{-# NOINLINE replaceHelp #-}

instance (BLAS1 e) => IDTensor (DVector Imm n) Int e where
    zero n = unsafeFreeze $ unsafePerformIO $ newZero n
    {-# NOINLINE zero #-}
    constant n e = unsafeFreeze $ unsafePerformIO $ newConstant n e
    {-# NOINLINE constant #-}

instance (BLAS1 e) => RTensor (DVector t n) Int e IO where
    getSize = return . dim
    newCopy x = case x of
        (C x')   -> newCopy x' >>= return . C
        _        -> do
            y <- newVector_ (dim x)
            unsafeWithElemPtr x 0 $ \pX ->
                unsafeWithElemPtr y 0 $ \pY ->
                    let n    = dim x
                        incX = strideOf x
                        incY = strideOf y
                    in copy n pX incX pY incY >> 
                       return y
    getIndices = return . indices . unsafeFreeze
    {-# INLINE getIndices #-}
    unsafeReadElem x i = case x of
        (C x')   -> unsafeReadElem x' i >>= return . E.conj
        _        -> withForeignPtr (fptr x) $ \ptr ->
                        peekElemOff ptr (indexOf x i) 

    getAssocs x = case x of
        (C x')   -> getAssocs x' >>= return . map (\(i,e) -> (i,E.conj e))
        _        -> let (f,o,n,incX) = toForeignPtr x
                        ptr = (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr f) `advancePtr` o
                    in return $ go n f incX ptr 0
            go !n !f !incX !ptr !i 
                | i >= n = 
                     -- This is very important since we are doing unsafe IO.
                     -- Otherwise, the DVector might get discared and the
                     -- memory freed before all of the elements are read
                     inlinePerformIO $ do
                         touchForeignPtr f
                         return []
                | otherwise =
                    let e    = inlinePerformIO $ peek ptr
                        ptr' = ptr `advancePtr` incX
                        i'   = i + 1
                        ies  = go n f incX ptr' i'
                    in e `seq` ((i,e):ies)
    {-# NOINLINE getAssocs #-}

instance (BLAS1 e) => RDTensor (DVector t n) Int e IO where
    newZero n = newVector_ n >>= (\x -> setZero (unsafeThaw x) >> return x)
    newConstant n e = newVector_ n >>= (\x -> setConstant e (unsafeThaw x) >> return x)
instance (BLAS1 e) => MTensor (DVector Mut n) Int e IO where
    setZero x 
        | strideOf x == 1 = unsafeWithElemPtr x 0 $ flip clearArray (dim x)
        | otherwise       = setConstant 0 x

    setConstant e x = case x of
        (C x')   -> setConstant (E.conj e) x'
        _        -> unsafeWithElemPtr x 0 $ go (dim x)
        go !n !ptr | n <= 0 = return ()
                   | otherwise = let ptr' = ptr `advancePtr` (strideOf x)
                                     n'   = n - 1
                                 in poke ptr e >> 
                                    go n' ptr'
    unsafeWriteElem x i e = case x of
        (C x')   -> unsafeWriteElem x' i $ E.conj e
        _        -> withForeignPtr (fptr x) $ \ptr -> 
                        pokeElemOff ptr (indexOf x i) e
    canModifyElem x i = return $ inRange (bounds x) i
    {-# INLINE canModifyElem #-}
    modifyWith f x = case x of
        (C x')   -> modifyWith (E.conj . f . E.conj) x'
        _        -> withForeignPtr (fptr x) $ go (dim x)
        go !n !ptr | n <= 0 = return ()
                   | otherwise = do
                       peek ptr >>= poke ptr . f
                       go (n-1) (ptr `advancePtr` incX)

        incX = strideOf x
compareHelp :: (BLAS1 e) => 
    (e -> e -> Bool) -> Vector n e -> Vector n e -> Bool
compareHelp cmp (C x) (C y) =
    compareHelp cmp x y
compareHelp cmp x y =
    (dim x == dim y) && (and $ zipWith cmp (elems x) (elems y))

instance (BLAS1 e, Eq e) => Eq (DVector Imm n e) where
    (==) = compareHelp (==)

instance (BLAS1 e, AEq e) => AEq (DVector Imm n e) where
    (===) = compareHelp (===)
    (~==) = compareHelp (~==)

instance (BLAS1 e, Show e) => Show (DVector Imm n e) where
    show x = case x of
        (C x')   -> "conj (" ++ show x' ++ ")"
        _        -> "listVector " ++ show (dim x) ++ " " ++ show (elems x)