# To build and run the tests, make sure you have blas installed and that you # also have the "pqc" package installed. # Change NTHREADS to the number of cores on your machine to run the tests # in parallel. NTHREADS = 1 THREADS = $(NTHREADS) +RTS -N$(NTHREADS) -RTS all: ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded Vector.hs -o vector-real ./vector-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded Vector.hs -o vector-cplx ./vector-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded Matrix.hs -o matrix-real ./matrix-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded Matrix.hs -o matrix-cplx ./matrix-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded HermMatrix.hs -o herm-matrix-real ./herm-matrix-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded HermMatrix.hs -o herm-matrix-cplx ./herm-matrix-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded TriMatrix.hs -o tri-matrix-real ./tri-matrix-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded TriMatrix.hs -o tri-matrix-cplx ./tri-matrix-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded Banded.hs -o banded-real ./banded-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded Banded.hs -o banded-cplx ./banded-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded HermBanded.hs -o herm-banded-real ./herm-banded-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded HermBanded.hs -o herm-banded-cplx ./herm-banded-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded TriBanded.hs -o tri-banded-real ./tri-banded-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded TriBanded.hs -o tri-banded-cplx ./tri-banded-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded Perm.hs -o perm-real ./perm-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded Perm.hs -o perm-cplx ./perm-cplx $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DREAL -threaded Diag.hs -o diag-real ./diag-real $(THREADS) ghc --make -fforce-recomp -O -DCOMPLEX -threaded Diag.hs -o diag-cplx ./diag-cplx $(THREADS) clean: rm -f *~ *.hi *.o vector-real vector-cplx matrix-real matrix-cplx \ herm-matrix-real herm-matrix-cplx tri-matrix-real tri-matrix-cplx \ banded-real banded-cplx herm-banded-real herm-banded-cplx \ tri-banded-real tri-banded-cplx perm-real perm-cplx diag-real diag-cplx