{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module     : BLAS.Tensor.Immutable
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) , Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- Stability  : experimental

module BLAS.Tensor.Immutable (
    ) where

import BLAS.Tensor.Base
import BLAS.Elem
import Data.Ix

infixl 9 !
infixl 7 *>
infixl 5 `shift`

-- | A class for immutable tensors.
class (BaseTensor x i) => ITensor x i where
    -- | Get the numer of elements stored in the tensor.
    size :: x n e -> Int
    -- | Get a new tensor by replacing the elements at the given indices.
    (//) :: (BLAS1 e) => x n e -> [(i,e)] -> x n e

    -- | Get the value at the given index, without doing any bounds-checking.
    unsafeAt :: (Elem e) => x n e -> i -> e
    -- | Same as '(//)' but doesn't do any bounds-checking.
    unsafeReplace :: (BLAS1 e) => x n e -> [(i,e)] -> x n e
    -- | Get the indices of the elements stored in the tensor.
    indices :: x n e -> [i]
    -- | Get the elements stored in the tensor.
    elems :: (Elem e) => x n e -> [e]
    elems = snd . unzip . assocs

    -- | Get the list of @(@index@,@ element@)@ pairs stored in the tensor.
    assocs :: (Elem e) => x n e -> [(i,e)]

    -- accum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> x e -> [(i,e')] -> x e
    -- | Apply a function elementwise to a tensor.
    tmap :: (BLAS1 e) => (e -> e) -> x n e -> x n e
    -- ixmap :: i -> (i -> i) -> x e -> x e
    -- unsafeIxMap
    -- | Scale every element by the given value.
    (*>) :: (BLAS1 e) => e -> x n e -> x n e
    (*>) k = tmap (k*)
    -- | Add a constant to every element.
    shift :: (BLAS1 e) => e -> x n e -> x n e
    shift k = tmap (k+)    
-- | Get the value at the given index.  Range-checks the argument.
(!) :: (ITensor x i, Elem e) => x n e -> i -> e
(!) x i =
    case (inRange b i) of
        False -> 
            error $ "tried to get element at a index `" ++ show i ++ "'"
                    ++ " in an object with shape `" ++ show s ++ "'"
        True -> 
            unsafeAt x i
    b = bounds x
    s = shape x