{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module     : Data.Matrix.Dense.Class.Internal
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) , Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- Stability  : experimental

module Data.Matrix.Dense.Class.Internal (

    -- * Matrix types

    -- * Matrix type classes
    -- * Basic matrix properties

    -- * Coercing the matrix shape

    -- * Converting to and from vectors
    -- * Lifting vector operations

    -- * BaseTensor functions
    -- * BaseMatrix functions

    -- * ReadTensor functions

    -- * WriteTensor functions
    -- * CopyTensor functions
    -- * SwapTensor functions

    -- * Vector views
    -- * Numeric functions
    -- * Numeric2 functions
    -- * Numeric3 functions
    -- * ReadApply functions
    -- * Utility functions
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Ix
import Foreign
import Unsafe.Coerce

import BLAS.Elem
import BLAS.C.Types
import qualified BLAS.C.Level2 as BLAS
import qualified BLAS.C.Level3 as BLAS
import BLAS.Internal( diagStart, diagLen )
import BLAS.UnsafeIOToM

import BLAS.Tensor

import Data.Vector.Dense.Class.Internal( IOVector, STVector,
    BaseVector(..), ReadVector, WriteVector, 
    newCopyVector, unsafeCopyVector, unsafeSwapVector, 
    doConjVector, scaleByVector, shiftByVector, unsafeAxpyVector, 
    unsafeMulVector, unsafeDivVector, withVectorPtr, dim, stride, isConj )

import BLAS.Matrix.Base hiding ( BaseMatrix )
import qualified BLAS.Matrix.Base as BLAS

class (BLAS.BaseMatrix a, BaseVector x) => 
    BaseMatrix a x | a -> x where
        matrixViewArray :: ForeignPtr e -> Ptr e -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> a mn e
        arrayFromMatrix :: a mn e -> (ForeignPtr e, Ptr e, Int, Int, Int, Bool)

class (UnsafeIOToM m, ReadTensor a (Int,Int) m, 
           BaseMatrix a x, 
           ReadVector x m) => 
    ReadMatrix a x m | a -> x where

class (WriteTensor a (Int,Int) m,
           WriteVector x m, ReadMatrix a x m) => 
    WriteMatrix a x m | a -> m, m -> a, a -> x where

------------------------- Basic Matrix Properties ---------------------------

size1 :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> Int
size1 a = let (_,_,m,_,_,_) = arrayFromMatrix a in m
{-# INLINE size1  #-}

size2 :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> Int
size2 a = let (_,_,_,n,_,_) = arrayFromMatrix a in n
{-# INLINE size2 #-}

ldaOfMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> Int
ldaOfMatrix a = let (_,_,_,_,l,_) = arrayFromMatrix a in l
{-# INLINE ldaOfMatrix #-}

isHermMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> Bool
isHermMatrix a = let (_,_,_,_,_,h) = arrayFromMatrix a in h
{-# INLINE isHermMatrix #-}

-- | Cast the shape type of the matrix.
coerceMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> a mn' e
coerceMatrix = unsafeCoerce
{-# INLINE coerceMatrix #-}

----------------------- Converting to/from Vectors --------------------------

-- | Create a matrix view of a row vector.  This will fail if the
-- vector is conjugated and the stride is not @1@.
maybeFromRow :: (BaseMatrix a x, BaseVector x) => 
    x m e -> Maybe (a (one,m) e)
maybeFromRow x
    | c && s == 1 =
        Just $ matrixViewArray f p n 1 (max 1 n) True
    | not c =
        Just $ matrixViewArray f p 1 n s         False
    | otherwise =
    (f,p,n,s,c) = arrayFromVector x

-- | Possibly create a matrix view of a column vector.  This will fail
-- if the stride of the vector is not @1@ and the vector is not conjugated.
maybeFromCol :: (BaseMatrix a x, BaseVector x) => 
    x n e -> Maybe (a (n,one) e)
maybeFromCol x
    | c = maybeFromRow (conj x) >>= return . herm
    | s == 1 =
        Just $ matrixViewArray f p n 1 (max 1 n) False
    | otherwise =
    (f,p,n,s,c) = arrayFromVector x

maybeToVector :: (BaseMatrix a x) => 
    a mn e -> Maybe (x k e)
maybeToVector a
    | h = 
        maybeToVector a' >>= return . conj
    | ld == m =
        Just $ vectorViewArray f p (m*n) 1  False
    | m == 1 =
        Just $ vectorViewArray f p n     ld False
    | otherwise =
    a' = (coerceMatrix . herm . coerceMatrix) a
    (f,p,m,n,ld,h) = arrayFromMatrix a

----------------------- Lifting vector operations ---------------------------

-- | Take a unary elementwise vector operation and apply it to the elements
-- of a matrix.
liftMatrix :: (Monad m, BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) =>
    (x k e -> m ()) -> a mn e -> m ()
liftMatrix f a =
    case maybeToVector a of
        Just x -> f x
        _ -> 
            let xs  = case isHermMatrix a of
                          True  -> rowViews (coerceMatrix a)
                          False -> colViews (coerceMatrix a)
            in mapM_ f xs

-- | Take a binary elementwise vector operation and apply it to the elements
-- of a pair of matrices.
liftMatrix2 :: (Monad m, BaseMatrix a x, BaseMatrix b y, Storable e) =>
    (x k e -> y k e -> m ()) ->
        a mn e -> b mn e -> m ()
liftMatrix2 f a b =
    if isHermMatrix a == isHermMatrix b
        then case (maybeToVector a, maybeToVector b) of
                 ((Just x), (Just y)) -> f x y
                 _                    -> elementwise
        else elementwise
    elementwise =             
        let vecsA = if isHermMatrix a then rowViews . coerceMatrix
                                      else colViews . coerceMatrix
            vecsB = if isHermMatrix a then rowViews . coerceMatrix
                                      else colViews . coerceMatrix
            xs = vecsA a
            ys = vecsB b
        in zipWithM_ f xs ys

-------------------------- BaseTensor functions -----------------------------

shapeMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> (Int,Int)
shapeMatrix a | isHermMatrix a  = (size2 a, size1 a)
              | otherwise       = (size1 a, size2 a)
{-# INLINE shapeMatrix #-}

boundsMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> ((Int,Int), (Int,Int))
boundsMatrix a = ((0,0), (m-1,n-1)) where (m,n) = shapeMatrix a
{-# INLINE boundsMatrix #-}

-------------------------- BaseMatrix functions -----------------------------

hermMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a (m,n) e -> a (n,m) e
hermMatrix a = let (f,p,m,n,l,h) = arrayFromMatrix a
               in matrixViewArray f p m n l (not h)
{-# INLINE hermMatrix #-}

-------------------------- ReadTensor functions -----------------------------

getSizeMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m) => a mn e -> m Int
getSizeMatrix a = return (m*n) where (m,n) = shape a

getIndicesMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m) => a mn e -> m [(Int,Int)]
getIndicesMatrix = return . indicesMatrix
{-# INLINE getIndicesMatrix #-}

getElemsMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> m [e]
getElemsMatrix a
    | isHermMatrix a = getElemsMatrix (herm $ coerceMatrix a) >>= 
                           return . map conj
    | otherwise = 
        liftM concat $
            unsafeInterleaveM $ 
                mapM getElems (colViews $ coerceMatrix a)

getAssocsMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> m [((Int,Int),e)]
getAssocsMatrix a = do
    is <- getIndicesMatrix a
    es <- getElemsMatrix a
    return $ zip is es
getIndicesMatrix' :: (ReadMatrix a x m) => a mn e -> m [(Int,Int)]
getIndicesMatrix' = getIndicesMatrix
{-# INLINE getIndicesMatrix' #-}

getElemsMatrix' :: (ReadMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> m [e]
getElemsMatrix' a
    | isHermMatrix a = getElemsMatrix' (herm $ coerceMatrix a) >>= 
                           return . map conj
    | otherwise = 
        liftM concat $
            mapM getElems' (colViews $ coerceMatrix a)

getAssocsMatrix' :: (ReadMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> m [((Int,Int),e)]
getAssocsMatrix' a = do
    is <- getIndicesMatrix' a
    es <- getElemsMatrix' a
    return $ zip is es

unsafeReadElemMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> (Int,Int) -> m e
unsafeReadElemMatrix a (i,j)
    | isHermMatrix a = unsafeReadElem (herm $ coerceMatrix a) (j,i) >>= 
                           return . conj
    | otherwise = unsafeIOToM $
                      withMatrixPtr a $ \ptr ->
                          peekElemOff ptr (indexOfMatrix a (i,j))
{-# INLINE unsafeReadElemMatrix #-}

------------------------- WriteTensor functions -----------------------------

-- | Create a new matrix of given shape, but do not initialize the elements.
newMatrix_ :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => (Int,Int) -> m (a mn e)
newMatrix_ (m,n) 
    | m < 0 || n < 0 =
        fail $ 
            "Tried to create a matrix with shape `" ++ show (m,n) ++ "'"
    | otherwise = unsafeIOToM $ do
        f <- mallocForeignPtrArray (m*n)
        return $ matrixViewArray f (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr f) m n (max 1 m) False

-- | Create a zero matrix of the specified shape.
newZeroMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => (Int,Int) -> m (a mn e)
newZeroMatrix mn = do
    a <- newMatrix_ mn
    setZero a
    return a

-- | Create a constant matrix of the specified shape.
newConstantMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => (Int,Int) -> e -> m (a mn e)
newConstantMatrix mn e = do
    a <- newMatrix_ mn
    setConstant e a
    return a

setZeroMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => a mn e -> m ()    
setZeroMatrix = liftMatrix setZero

setConstantMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => e -> a mn e -> m ()
setConstantMatrix e = liftMatrix (setConstant e)

unsafeWriteElemMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => 
    a mn e -> (Int,Int) -> e -> m ()
unsafeWriteElemMatrix a (i,j) e
    | isHermMatrix a  = unsafeWriteElem a' (j,i) $ conj e
    | otherwise       = unsafeIOToM $
                            withMatrixPtr a $ \ptr ->
                                pokeElemOff ptr (indexOfMatrix a (i,j)) e
    a' = (herm . coerceMatrix) a

modifyWithMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, Elem e) => (e -> e) -> a mn e -> m ()
modifyWithMatrix f = liftMatrix (modifyWith f)

canModifyElemMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m) => a mn e -> (Int,Int) -> m Bool
canModifyElemMatrix _ _ = return True
{-# INLINE canModifyElemMatrix #-}

------------------------- CopyTensor functions ------------------------------

newCopyMatrix :: (BLAS1 e, ReadMatrix a x m, WriteMatrix b y m) => 
    a mn e -> m (b mn e)
newCopyMatrix a 
    | isHermMatrix a =
        newCopyMatrix ((herm . coerceMatrix) a) >>= 
            return . coerceMatrix . herm
    | otherwise = do
        a' <- newMatrix_ (shape a)
        unsafeCopyMatrix a' a
        return a'

unsafeCopyMatrix :: (BLAS1 e, WriteMatrix b y m,  ReadMatrix a x m) => 
    b mn e -> a mn e -> m ()
unsafeCopyMatrix = liftMatrix2 unsafeCopyVector

------------------------- SwapTensor functions ------------------------------

unsafeSwapMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) => a mn e -> a mn e -> m ()
unsafeSwapMatrix = liftMatrix2 unsafeSwapVector

------------------------------ Vector views ---------------------------------

unsafeRowView :: (BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) => 
    a (k,l) e -> Int -> x l e
unsafeRowView a i
    | isHermMatrix a =
        conj $ unsafeColView (herm a) i
    | otherwise =
        let (fp,p,_,n,ld,_) = arrayFromMatrix a
            o  = indexOfMatrix a (i,0)
            p' = p `advancePtr` o
            s  = ld
            c  = False
        in vectorViewArray fp p' n s c

unsafeColView :: (BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) => 
    a (k,l) e -> Int -> x k e
unsafeColView a j 
    | isHermMatrix a =
        conj $ unsafeRowView (herm a) j
    | otherwise =
        let (fp,p,m,_,_,_) = arrayFromMatrix a
            o  = indexOfMatrix a (0,j)
            p' = p `advancePtr` o
            s  = 1
            c  = False
        in vectorViewArray fp p' m s c

unsafeDiagView :: (BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) => a mn e -> Int -> x k e
unsafeDiagView a i 
    | isHermMatrix a = 
        conj $ unsafeDiagView (herm $ coerceMatrix a) (negate i)
    | otherwise =            
        let (fp,p,m,n,ld,_) = arrayFromMatrix a
            o  = indexOfMatrix a (diagStart i)
            p' = p `advancePtr` o
            n' = diagLen (m,n) i
            s  = ld + 1
            c  = False
        in vectorViewArray fp p' n' s c

-- | Get a list of vector views of the rows of the matrix.
rowViews :: (BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) => a (m,n) e -> [x n e]
rowViews a = [ unsafeRowView a i | i <- [0..numRows a - 1] ]

-- | Get a list of vector views of the columns of the matrix.
colViews :: (BaseMatrix a x, Storable e) => a (m,n) e -> [x m e]
colViews a = [ unsafeColView a j | j <- [0..numCols a - 1] ]

-- | Same as 'getRow' but not range-checked.
unsafeGetRowMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, WriteVector y m, BLAS1 e) => 
    a (k,l) e -> Int -> m (y l e)    
unsafeGetRowMatrix a i = newCopyVector (unsafeRowView a i)

-- | Same as 'getCol' but not range-checked.
unsafeGetColMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, WriteVector y m, BLAS1 e) => 
    a (k,l) e -> Int -> m (y k e)
unsafeGetColMatrix a j = newCopyVector (unsafeColView a j)

--------------------------- Numeric functions -------------------------------

doConjMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) => a mn e -> m ()
doConjMatrix = liftMatrix doConjVector

scaleByMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) => e -> a mn e -> m ()
scaleByMatrix k = liftMatrix (scaleByVector k)

shiftByMatrix :: (WriteMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) => e -> a mn e -> m ()
shiftByMatrix k = liftMatrix (shiftByVector k)

-------------------------- Numeric2 functions -------------------------------

unsafeAxpyMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, WriteMatrix b y m, BLAS1 e) =>
    e -> a mn e -> b mn e -> m ()
unsafeAxpyMatrix = unsafeAxpyMatrixHelp

-- for some reason GHC 6.8.3 doesn't infer the type correctly unless we 
-- split unsafeAxpyMatrix into two functions
unsafeAxpyMatrixHelp :: (BaseMatrix a x, BaseMatrix b y,
    ReadVector x m, WriteVector y m, BLAS1 e) =>
    e -> a mn e -> b mn e -> m ()
unsafeAxpyMatrixHelp alpha = liftMatrix2 (unsafeAxpyVector alpha)

unsafeMulMatrix :: (WriteMatrix b y m, ReadMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) =>
    b mn e -> a mn e -> m ()
unsafeMulMatrix = liftMatrix2 unsafeMulVector

unsafeDivMatrix :: (WriteMatrix b y m, ReadMatrix a x m, BLAS1 e) =>
    b mn e -> a mn e -> m ()
unsafeDivMatrix = liftMatrix2 unsafeDivVector

-------------------------- Numeric3 functions -------------------------------

unsafeDoAddMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b x m, WriteMatrix c z m, BLAS1 e) =>
    a mn e -> b mn e -> c mn e -> m ()
unsafeDoAddMatrix = unsafeDoMatrixOp2 $ flip $ unsafeAxpyMatrix 1

unsafeDoSubMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b x m, WriteMatrix c z m, BLAS1 e) =>
    a mn e -> b mn e -> c mn e -> m ()
unsafeDoSubMatrix = unsafeDoMatrixOp2 $ flip $ unsafeAxpyMatrix (-1)

unsafeDoMulMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b x m, WriteMatrix c z m, BLAS1 e) =>
    a mn e -> b mn e -> c mn e -> m ()
unsafeDoMulMatrix = unsafeDoMatrixOp2 $ unsafeMulMatrix

unsafeDoDivMatrix :: (ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b x m, WriteMatrix c z m, BLAS1 e) =>
    a mn e -> b mn e -> c mn e -> m ()
unsafeDoDivMatrix = unsafeDoMatrixOp2 $ unsafeDivMatrix

-------------------------- ReadApply functions -------------------------------

-- | @gemv alpha a x beta y@ replaces @y := alpha a * x + beta y@.
gemv :: (ReadMatrix a z m, ReadVector x m, WriteVector y m, BLAS3 e) => 
    e -> a (k,l) e -> x l e -> e -> y k e -> m ()
gemv alpha a x beta y
    | numRows a == 0 || numCols a == 0 =
        scaleBy beta y
    | isConj y && (isConj x || stride x == 1) =
        let order  = colMajor
            transA = if isConj x then noTrans else conjTrans
            transB = blasTransOf (herm a)
            m      = 1
            n      = dim y
            k      = dim x
            ldA    = stride x
            ldB    = ldaOfMatrix a
            ldC    = stride y
            alpha' = conj alpha
            beta'  = conj beta
        in unsafeIOToM $
               withVectorPtr x $ \pA ->
               withMatrixPtr a $ \pB ->
               withVectorPtr y $ \pC ->
                   BLAS.gemm order transA transB m n k alpha' pA ldA pB ldB beta' pC ldC
    | (isConj y && otherwise) || isConj x = do
        doConj y
        gemv alpha a x beta (conj y)
        doConj y
    | otherwise =
        let order  = colMajor
            transA = blasTransOf a
            (m,n)  = case (isHermMatrix a) of
                         False -> shape a
                         True  -> (flipShape . shape) a
            ldA    = ldaOfMatrix a
            incX   = stride x
            incY   = stride y
        in unsafeIOToM $
               withMatrixPtr a $ \pA ->
               withVectorPtr x $ \pX ->
               withVectorPtr y $ \pY -> do
                   BLAS.gemv order transA m n alpha pA ldA pX incX beta pY incY

-- | @gemm alpha a b beta c@ replaces @c := alpha a * b + beta c@.
gemm :: (BLAS3 e, ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b y m, WriteMatrix c z m) => 
    e -> a (r,s) e -> b (s,t) e -> e -> c (r,t) e -> m ()
gemm alpha a b beta c
    | numRows a == 0 || numCols a == 0 || numCols b == 0 = 
        scaleBy beta c
    | isHermMatrix c = gemm (conj alpha) (herm b) (herm a) (conj beta) (herm c)
    | otherwise =
        let order  = colMajor
            transA = blasTransOf a
            transB = blasTransOf b
            (m,n)  = shape c
            k      = numCols a
            ldA    = ldaOfMatrix a
            ldB    = ldaOfMatrix b
            ldC    = ldaOfMatrix c
        in unsafeIOToM $
               withMatrixPtr a $ \pA ->
               withMatrixPtr b $ \pB ->
               withMatrixPtr c $ \pC ->
                   BLAS.gemm order transA transB m n k alpha pA ldA pB ldB beta pC ldC

--------------------------- Utility functions -------------------------------

blasTransOf :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> CBLASTrans
blasTransOf a = 
    case (isHermMatrix a) of
          False -> noTrans
          True  -> conjTrans

flipShape :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
flipShape (m,n) = (n,m)

withMatrixPtr :: (BaseMatrix a x) =>
    a mn e -> (Ptr e -> IO b) -> IO b
withMatrixPtr a f =
    let (fp,p,_,_,_,_) = arrayFromMatrix a
    in do
        b <- f p
        touchForeignPtr fp
        return b

indexOfMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> (Int,Int) -> Int
indexOfMatrix a (i,j) = 
    let (i',j') = case isHermMatrix a of
                        True  -> (j,i)
                        False -> (i,j)
        l = ldaOfMatrix a
    in i' + j'*l
{-# INLINE indexOfMatrix #-}

indicesMatrix :: (BaseMatrix a x) => a mn e -> [(Int,Int)]
indicesMatrix a 
    | isHermMatrix a = [ (i,j) | i <- range (0,m-1), j <- range (0,n-1) ]
    | otherwise      = [ (i,j) | j <- range (0,n-1), i <- range (0,m-1) ]
  where (m,n) = shape a

unsafeDoMatrixOp2 :: (BLAS1 e, ReadMatrix a x m, ReadMatrix b y m, WriteMatrix c z m) =>
    (c n e -> b n e -> m ()) -> a n e -> b n e -> c n e -> m ()
unsafeDoMatrixOp2 f a b c = do
    unsafeCopyMatrix c a
    f c b

------------------------------------ Instances ------------------------------

-- | The mutable dense matrix data type.  It can either store elements in 
-- column-major order, or provide a view into another matrix.  The view 
-- transposes and conjugates the underlying matrix.
data IOMatrix mn e =
      DM {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr e) -- a pointer to the storage region
         {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr e)        -- a pointer to the first element
         {-# UNPACK #-} !Int            -- the number of rows in the matrix
         {-# UNPACK #-} !Int            -- the number of columns in the matrix
         {-# UNPACK #-} !Int            -- the leading dimension size of the matrix
         {-# UNPACK #-} !Bool           -- indicates whether or not the matrix is transposed and conjugated

newtype STMatrix s n e = ST (IOMatrix n e)

unsafeIOMatrixToSTMatrix :: IOMatrix n e -> STMatrix s n e
unsafeIOMatrixToSTMatrix = ST
{-# INLINE unsafeIOMatrixToSTMatrix #-}

unsafeSTMatrixToIOMatrix :: STMatrix s n e -> IOMatrix n e
unsafeSTMatrixToIOMatrix (ST x) = x
{-# INLINE unsafeSTMatrixToIOMatrix #-}

instance BaseMatrix IOMatrix IOVector where
    matrixViewArray f p m n = DM f p m n
    arrayFromMatrix (DM f p m n l h) = (f,p,m,n,l,h)

instance BaseMatrix (STMatrix s) (STVector s) where
    matrixViewArray f p m n l h = ST $ DM f p m n l h
    arrayFromMatrix (ST (DM f p m n l h)) = (f,p,m,n,l,h)

instance BaseTensor IOMatrix (Int,Int) where
    shape  = shapeMatrix
    bounds = boundsMatrix

instance BaseTensor (STMatrix s) (Int,Int) where
    shape  = shapeMatrix
    bounds = boundsMatrix

instance ReadTensor IOMatrix (Int,Int) IO where
    getSize        = getSizeMatrix
    getAssocs      = getAssocsMatrix
    getIndices     = getIndicesMatrix
    getElems       = getElemsMatrix
    getAssocs'     = getAssocsMatrix'
    getIndices'    = getIndicesMatrix'
    getElems'      = getElemsMatrix'
    unsafeReadElem = unsafeReadElemMatrix

instance ReadTensor (STMatrix s) (Int,Int) (ST s) where
    getSize        = getSizeMatrix
    getAssocs      = getAssocsMatrix
    getIndices     = getIndicesMatrix
    getElems       = getElemsMatrix
    getAssocs'     = getAssocsMatrix'
    getIndices'    = getIndicesMatrix'
    getElems'      = getElemsMatrix'
    unsafeReadElem = unsafeReadElemMatrix

instance WriteTensor IOMatrix (Int,Int) IO where
    setConstant     = setConstantMatrix
    setZero         = setZeroMatrix
    modifyWith      = modifyWithMatrix
    unsafeWriteElem = unsafeWriteElemMatrix
    canModifyElem   = canModifyElemMatrix
    doConj          = doConjMatrix
    scaleBy         = scaleByMatrix
    shiftBy         = shiftByMatrix

instance WriteTensor (STMatrix s) (Int,Int) (ST s) where
    setConstant     = setConstantMatrix
    setZero         = setZeroMatrix
    modifyWith      = modifyWithMatrix
    unsafeWriteElem = unsafeWriteElemMatrix
    canModifyElem   = canModifyElemMatrix
    doConj          = doConjMatrix
    scaleBy         = scaleByMatrix
    shiftBy         = shiftByMatrix

instance BLAS.BaseMatrix IOMatrix where
    herm = hermMatrix

instance BLAS.BaseMatrix (STMatrix s) where
    herm = hermMatrix
instance ReadMatrix IOMatrix IOVector IO where
instance ReadMatrix (STMatrix s) (STVector s) (ST s) where    
instance WriteMatrix IOMatrix IOVector IO where
instance WriteMatrix (STMatrix s) (STVector s) (ST s) where