-- |
-- Module     : Data.Vector.Dense.Class.Copying
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) , Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <patperry@stanford.edu>
-- Stability  : experimental

module Data.Vector.Dense.Class.Copying (
    -- * Copying vectors

    ) where

import BLAS.C( BLAS1 )
import qualified BLAS.C as BLAS
import BLAS.Internal( checkBinaryOp )

import BLAS.Tensor

import Data.Vector.Dense.Class.Internal

-- | @copyVector dst src@ replaces the values in @dst@ with those in
-- source.  The operands must be the same shape.
copyVector :: (BLAS1 e, WriteVector y m, ReadVector x m) =>
    y n e -> x n e -> m ()
copyVector y x = checkBinaryOp (shape x) (shape y) $ unsafeCopyVector y x
{-# INLINE copyVector #-}

-- | Swap the values stored in two vectors.
swapVector :: (BLAS1 e, WriteVector y m) => 
    y n e -> y n e -> m ()
swapVector x y = checkBinaryOp (shape x) (shape y) $ unsafeSwapVector x y
{-# INLINE swapVector #-}