-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:92
-- | This module exports combinators that provide you with the
-- ability to set attributes on HTML elements.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes
    ( accept
    , acceptCharset
    , accesskey
    , action
    , alt
    , async
    , autocomplete
    , autofocus
    , autoplay
    , challenge
    , charset
    , checked
    , cite
    , class_
    , cols
    , colspan
    , content
    , contenteditable
    , contextmenu
    , controls
    , coords
    , data_
    , datetime
    , defer
    , dir
    , disabled
    , draggable
    , enctype
    , for
    , form
    , formaction
    , formenctype
    , formmethod
    , formnovalidate
    , formtarget
    , headers
    , height
    , hidden
    , high
    , href
    , hreflang
    , httpEquiv
    , icon
    , id
    , ismap
    , item
    , itemprop
    , keytype
    , label
    , lang
    , list
    , loop
    , low
    , manifest
    , max
    , maxlength
    , media
    , method
    , min
    , multiple
    , name
    , novalidate
    , onbeforeonload
    , onbeforeprint
    , oncanplay
    , oncanplaythrough
    , onchange
    , onclick
    , oncontextmenu
    , ondblclick
    , ondrag
    , ondragend
    , ondragenter
    , ondragleave
    , ondragover
    , ondragstart
    , ondrop
    , ondurationchange
    , onemptied
    , onended
    , onerror
    , onfocus
    , onformchange
    , onforminput
    , onhaschange
    , oninput
    , oninvalid
    , onkeydown
    , onkeyup
    , onload
    , onloadeddata
    , onloadedmetadata
    , onloadstart
    , onmessage
    , onmousedown
    , onmousemove
    , onmouseout
    , onmouseover
    , onmouseup
    , onmousewheel
    , ononline
    , onpagehide
    , onpageshow
    , onpause
    , onplay
    , onplaying
    , onprogress
    , onpropstate
    , onratechange
    , onreadystatechange
    , onredo
    , onresize
    , onscroll
    , onseeked
    , onseeking
    , onselect
    , onstalled
    , onstorage
    , onsubmit
    , onsuspend
    , ontimeupdate
    , onundo
    , onunload
    , onvolumechange
    , onwaiting
    , open
    , optimum
    , pattern
    , ping
    , placeholder
    , preload
    , pubdate
    , radiogroup
    , readonly
    , rel
    , required
    , reversed
    , rows
    , rowspan
    , sandbox
    , scope
    , scoped
    , seamless
    , selected
    , shape
    , size
    , sizes
    , span
    , spellcheck
    , src
    , srcdoc
    , start
    , step
    , style
    , subject
    , summary
    , tabindex
    , target
    , title
    , type_
    , usemap
    , value
    , width
    , wrap
    , xmlns
    ) where

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:98
import Prelude ()

import Text.Blaze.Internal (Attribute, AttributeValue, attribute)

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @accept@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! accept "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div accept="bar">Hello.</div>
accept :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
accept = attribute " accept=\""
{-# INLINE accept #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @accept-charset@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! acceptCharset "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div accept-charset="bar">Hello.</div>
acceptCharset :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
              -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
acceptCharset = attribute " accept-charset=\""
{-# INLINE acceptCharset #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @accesskey@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! accesskey "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div accesskey="bar">Hello.</div>
accesskey :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
accesskey = attribute " accesskey=\""
{-# INLINE accesskey #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @action@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! action "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div action="bar">Hello.</div>
action :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
action = attribute " action=\""
{-# INLINE action #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @alt@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! alt "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div alt="bar">Hello.</div>
alt :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
alt = attribute " alt=\""
{-# INLINE alt #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @async@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! async "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div async="bar">Hello.</div>
async :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
async = attribute " async=\""
{-# INLINE async #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @autocomplete@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! autocomplete "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div autocomplete="bar">Hello.</div>
autocomplete :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
autocomplete = attribute " autocomplete=\""
{-# INLINE autocomplete #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @autofocus@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! autofocus "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div autofocus="bar">Hello.</div>
autofocus :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
autofocus = attribute " autofocus=\""
{-# INLINE autofocus #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @autoplay@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! autoplay "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div autoplay="bar">Hello.</div>
autoplay :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
autoplay = attribute " autoplay=\""
{-# INLINE autoplay #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @challenge@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! challenge "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div challenge="bar">Hello.</div>
challenge :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
challenge = attribute " challenge=\""
{-# INLINE challenge #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @charset@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! charset "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div charset="bar">Hello.</div>
charset :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
charset = attribute " charset=\""
{-# INLINE charset #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @checked@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! checked "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div checked="bar">Hello.</div>
checked :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
checked = attribute " checked=\""
{-# INLINE checked #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @cite@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! cite "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div cite="bar">Hello.</div>
cite :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
cite = attribute " cite=\""
{-# INLINE cite #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @class@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! class_ "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div class="bar">Hello.</div>
class_ :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
class_ = attribute " class=\""
{-# INLINE class_ #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @cols@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! cols "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div cols="bar">Hello.</div>
cols :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
cols = attribute " cols=\""
{-# INLINE cols #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @colspan@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! colspan "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div colspan="bar">Hello.</div>
colspan :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
colspan = attribute " colspan=\""
{-# INLINE colspan #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @content@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! content "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div content="bar">Hello.</div>
content :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
content = attribute " content=\""
{-# INLINE content #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @contenteditable@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! contenteditable "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div contenteditable="bar">Hello.</div>
contenteditable :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
                -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
contenteditable = attribute " contenteditable=\""
{-# INLINE contenteditable #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @contextmenu@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! contextmenu "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div contextmenu="bar">Hello.</div>
contextmenu :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
contextmenu = attribute " contextmenu=\""
{-# INLINE contextmenu #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @controls@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! controls "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div controls="bar">Hello.</div>
controls :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
controls = attribute " controls=\""
{-# INLINE controls #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @coords@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! coords "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div coords="bar">Hello.</div>
coords :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
coords = attribute " coords=\""
{-# INLINE coords #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @data@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! data_ "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div data="bar">Hello.</div>
data_ :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
data_ = attribute " data=\""
{-# INLINE data_ #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @datetime@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! datetime "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div datetime="bar">Hello.</div>
datetime :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
datetime = attribute " datetime=\""
{-# INLINE datetime #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @defer@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! defer "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div defer="bar">Hello.</div>
defer :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
defer = attribute " defer=\""
{-# INLINE defer #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @dir@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! dir "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div dir="bar">Hello.</div>
dir :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
dir = attribute " dir=\""
{-# INLINE dir #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @disabled@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! disabled "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div disabled="bar">Hello.</div>
disabled :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
disabled = attribute " disabled=\""
{-# INLINE disabled #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @draggable@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! draggable "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div draggable="bar">Hello.</div>
draggable :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
draggable = attribute " draggable=\""
{-# INLINE draggable #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @enctype@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! enctype "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div enctype="bar">Hello.</div>
enctype :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
enctype = attribute " enctype=\""
{-# INLINE enctype #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @for@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! for "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div for="bar">Hello.</div>
for :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
for = attribute " for=\""
{-# INLINE for #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @form@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! form "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div form="bar">Hello.</div>
form :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
form = attribute " form=\""
{-# INLINE form #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @formaction@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! formaction "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div formaction="bar">Hello.</div>
formaction :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
formaction = attribute " formaction=\""
{-# INLINE formaction #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @formenctype@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! formenctype "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div formenctype="bar">Hello.</div>
formenctype :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
formenctype = attribute " formenctype=\""
{-# INLINE formenctype #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @formmethod@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! formmethod "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div formmethod="bar">Hello.</div>
formmethod :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
formmethod = attribute " formmethod=\""
{-# INLINE formmethod #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @formnovalidate@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! formnovalidate "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div formnovalidate="bar">Hello.</div>
formnovalidate :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
               -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
formnovalidate = attribute " formnovalidate=\""
{-# INLINE formnovalidate #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @formtarget@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! formtarget "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div formtarget="bar">Hello.</div>
formtarget :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
formtarget = attribute " formtarget=\""
{-# INLINE formtarget #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @headers@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! headers "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div headers="bar">Hello.</div>
headers :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
headers = attribute " headers=\""
{-# INLINE headers #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @height@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! height "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div height="bar">Hello.</div>
height :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
height = attribute " height=\""
{-# INLINE height #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @hidden@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! hidden "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div hidden="bar">Hello.</div>
hidden :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
hidden = attribute " hidden=\""
{-# INLINE hidden #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @high@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! high "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div high="bar">Hello.</div>
high :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
high = attribute " high=\""
{-# INLINE high #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @href@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! href "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div href="bar">Hello.</div>
href :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
href = attribute " href=\""
{-# INLINE href #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @hreflang@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! hreflang "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div hreflang="bar">Hello.</div>
hreflang :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
hreflang = attribute " hreflang=\""
{-# INLINE hreflang #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @http-equiv@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! httpEquiv "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div http-equiv="bar">Hello.</div>
httpEquiv :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
httpEquiv = attribute " http-equiv=\""
{-# INLINE httpEquiv #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @icon@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! icon "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div icon="bar">Hello.</div>
icon :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
icon = attribute " icon=\""
{-# INLINE icon #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @id@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! id "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div id="bar">Hello.</div>
id :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
   -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
id = attribute " id=\""
{-# INLINE id #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ismap@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ismap "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ismap="bar">Hello.</div>
ismap :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ismap = attribute " ismap=\""
{-# INLINE ismap #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @item@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! item "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div item="bar">Hello.</div>
item :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
item = attribute " item=\""
{-# INLINE item #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @itemprop@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! itemprop "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div itemprop="bar">Hello.</div>
itemprop :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
itemprop = attribute " itemprop=\""
{-# INLINE itemprop #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @keytype@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! keytype "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div keytype="bar">Hello.</div>
keytype :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
keytype = attribute " keytype=\""
{-# INLINE keytype #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @label@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! label "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div label="bar">Hello.</div>
label :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
label = attribute " label=\""
{-# INLINE label #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @lang@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! lang "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div lang="bar">Hello.</div>
lang :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
lang = attribute " lang=\""
{-# INLINE lang #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @list@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! list "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div list="bar">Hello.</div>
list :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
list = attribute " list=\""
{-# INLINE list #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @loop@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! loop "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div loop="bar">Hello.</div>
loop :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
loop = attribute " loop=\""
{-# INLINE loop #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @low@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! low "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div low="bar">Hello.</div>
low :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
low = attribute " low=\""
{-# INLINE low #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @manifest@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! manifest "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div manifest="bar">Hello.</div>
manifest :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
manifest = attribute " manifest=\""
{-# INLINE manifest #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @max@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! max "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div max="bar">Hello.</div>
max :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
max = attribute " max=\""
{-# INLINE max #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @maxlength@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! maxlength "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div maxlength="bar">Hello.</div>
maxlength :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
maxlength = attribute " maxlength=\""
{-# INLINE maxlength #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @media@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! media "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div media="bar">Hello.</div>
media :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
media = attribute " media=\""
{-# INLINE media #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @method@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! method "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div method="bar">Hello.</div>
method :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
method = attribute " method=\""
{-# INLINE method #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @min@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! min "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div min="bar">Hello.</div>
min :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
min = attribute " min=\""
{-# INLINE min #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @multiple@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! multiple "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div multiple="bar">Hello.</div>
multiple :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
multiple = attribute " multiple=\""
{-# INLINE multiple #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @name@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! name "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div name="bar">Hello.</div>
name :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
name = attribute " name=\""
{-# INLINE name #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @novalidate@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! novalidate "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div novalidate="bar">Hello.</div>
novalidate :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
novalidate = attribute " novalidate=\""
{-# INLINE novalidate #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onbeforeonload@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onbeforeonload "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onbeforeonload="bar">Hello.</div>
onbeforeonload :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
               -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onbeforeonload = attribute " onbeforeonload=\""
{-# INLINE onbeforeonload #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onbeforeprint@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onbeforeprint "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onbeforeprint="bar">Hello.</div>
onbeforeprint :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
              -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onbeforeprint = attribute " onbeforeprint=\""
{-# INLINE onbeforeprint #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @oncanplay@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! oncanplay "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div oncanplay="bar">Hello.</div>
oncanplay :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
oncanplay = attribute " oncanplay=\""
{-# INLINE oncanplay #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @oncanplaythrough@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! oncanplaythrough "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div oncanplaythrough="bar">Hello.</div>
oncanplaythrough :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
                 -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
oncanplaythrough = attribute " oncanplaythrough=\""
{-# INLINE oncanplaythrough #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onchange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onchange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onchange="bar">Hello.</div>
onchange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onchange = attribute " onchange=\""
{-# INLINE onchange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onclick@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onclick "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onclick="bar">Hello.</div>
onclick :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onclick = attribute " onclick=\""
{-# INLINE onclick #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @oncontextmenu@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! oncontextmenu "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div oncontextmenu="bar">Hello.</div>
oncontextmenu :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
              -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
oncontextmenu = attribute " oncontextmenu=\""
{-# INLINE oncontextmenu #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondblclick@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondblclick "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondblclick="bar">Hello.</div>
ondblclick :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondblclick = attribute " ondblclick=\""
{-# INLINE ondblclick #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondrag@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondrag "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondrag="bar">Hello.</div>
ondrag :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondrag = attribute " ondrag=\""
{-# INLINE ondrag #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondragend@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondragend "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondragend="bar">Hello.</div>
ondragend :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondragend = attribute " ondragend=\""
{-# INLINE ondragend #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondragenter@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondragenter "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondragenter="bar">Hello.</div>
ondragenter :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondragenter = attribute " ondragenter=\""
{-# INLINE ondragenter #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondragleave@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondragleave "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondragleave="bar">Hello.</div>
ondragleave :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondragleave = attribute " ondragleave=\""
{-# INLINE ondragleave #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondragover@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondragover "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondragover="bar">Hello.</div>
ondragover :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondragover = attribute " ondragover=\""
{-# INLINE ondragover #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondragstart@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondragstart "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondragstart="bar">Hello.</div>
ondragstart :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondragstart = attribute " ondragstart=\""
{-# INLINE ondragstart #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondrop@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondrop "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondrop="bar">Hello.</div>
ondrop :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondrop = attribute " ondrop=\""
{-# INLINE ondrop #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ondurationchange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ondurationchange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ondurationchange="bar">Hello.</div>
ondurationchange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
                 -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ondurationchange = attribute " ondurationchange=\""
{-# INLINE ondurationchange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onemptied@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onemptied "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onemptied="bar">Hello.</div>
onemptied :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onemptied = attribute " onemptied=\""
{-# INLINE onemptied #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onended@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onended "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onended="bar">Hello.</div>
onended :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onended = attribute " onended=\""
{-# INLINE onended #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onerror@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onerror "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onerror="bar">Hello.</div>
onerror :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onerror = attribute " onerror=\""
{-# INLINE onerror #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onfocus@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onfocus "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onfocus="bar">Hello.</div>
onfocus :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onfocus = attribute " onfocus=\""
{-# INLINE onfocus #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onformchange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onformchange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onformchange="bar">Hello.</div>
onformchange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onformchange = attribute " onformchange=\""
{-# INLINE onformchange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onforminput@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onforminput "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onforminput="bar">Hello.</div>
onforminput :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onforminput = attribute " onforminput=\""
{-# INLINE onforminput #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onhaschange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onhaschange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onhaschange="bar">Hello.</div>
onhaschange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onhaschange = attribute " onhaschange=\""
{-# INLINE onhaschange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @oninput@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! oninput "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div oninput="bar">Hello.</div>
oninput :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
oninput = attribute " oninput=\""
{-# INLINE oninput #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @oninvalid@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! oninvalid "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div oninvalid="bar">Hello.</div>
oninvalid :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
oninvalid = attribute " oninvalid=\""
{-# INLINE oninvalid #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onkeydown@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onkeydown "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onkeydown="bar">Hello.</div>
onkeydown :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onkeydown = attribute " onkeydown=\""
{-# INLINE onkeydown #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onkeyup@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onkeyup "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onkeyup="bar">Hello.</div>
onkeyup :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onkeyup = attribute " onkeyup=\""
{-# INLINE onkeyup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onload@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onload "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onload="bar">Hello.</div>
onload :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onload = attribute " onload=\""
{-# INLINE onload #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onloadeddata@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onloadeddata "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onloadeddata="bar">Hello.</div>
onloadeddata :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onloadeddata = attribute " onloadeddata=\""
{-# INLINE onloadeddata #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onloadedmetadata@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onloadedmetadata "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onloadedmetadata="bar">Hello.</div>
onloadedmetadata :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
                 -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onloadedmetadata = attribute " onloadedmetadata=\""
{-# INLINE onloadedmetadata #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onloadstart@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onloadstart "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onloadstart="bar">Hello.</div>
onloadstart :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onloadstart = attribute " onloadstart=\""
{-# INLINE onloadstart #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmessage@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmessage "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmessage="bar">Hello.</div>
onmessage :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmessage = attribute " onmessage=\""
{-# INLINE onmessage #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmousedown@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmousedown "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmousedown="bar">Hello.</div>
onmousedown :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmousedown = attribute " onmousedown=\""
{-# INLINE onmousedown #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmousemove@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmousemove "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmousemove="bar">Hello.</div>
onmousemove :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmousemove = attribute " onmousemove=\""
{-# INLINE onmousemove #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmouseout@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmouseout "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmouseout="bar">Hello.</div>
onmouseout :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmouseout = attribute " onmouseout=\""
{-# INLINE onmouseout #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmouseover@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmouseover "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmouseover="bar">Hello.</div>
onmouseover :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmouseover = attribute " onmouseover=\""
{-# INLINE onmouseover #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmouseup@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmouseup "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmouseup="bar">Hello.</div>
onmouseup :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmouseup = attribute " onmouseup=\""
{-# INLINE onmouseup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onmousewheel@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onmousewheel "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onmousewheel="bar">Hello.</div>
onmousewheel :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onmousewheel = attribute " onmousewheel=\""
{-# INLINE onmousewheel #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ononline@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ononline "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ononline="bar">Hello.</div>
ononline :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ononline = attribute " ononline=\""
{-# INLINE ononline #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onpagehide@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onpagehide "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onpagehide="bar">Hello.</div>
onpagehide :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onpagehide = attribute " onpagehide=\""
{-# INLINE onpagehide #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onpageshow@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onpageshow "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onpageshow="bar">Hello.</div>
onpageshow :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onpageshow = attribute " onpageshow=\""
{-# INLINE onpageshow #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onpause@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onpause "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onpause="bar">Hello.</div>
onpause :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onpause = attribute " onpause=\""
{-# INLINE onpause #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onplay@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onplay "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onplay="bar">Hello.</div>
onplay :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onplay = attribute " onplay=\""
{-# INLINE onplay #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onplaying@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onplaying "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onplaying="bar">Hello.</div>
onplaying :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onplaying = attribute " onplaying=\""
{-# INLINE onplaying #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onprogress@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onprogress "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onprogress="bar">Hello.</div>
onprogress :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onprogress = attribute " onprogress=\""
{-# INLINE onprogress #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onpropstate@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onpropstate "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onpropstate="bar">Hello.</div>
onpropstate :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onpropstate = attribute " onpropstate=\""
{-# INLINE onpropstate #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onratechange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onratechange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onratechange="bar">Hello.</div>
onratechange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onratechange = attribute " onratechange=\""
{-# INLINE onratechange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onreadystatechange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onreadystatechange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onreadystatechange="bar">Hello.</div>
onreadystatechange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
                   -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onreadystatechange = attribute " onreadystatechange=\""
{-# INLINE onreadystatechange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onredo@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onredo "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onredo="bar">Hello.</div>
onredo :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onredo = attribute " onredo=\""
{-# INLINE onredo #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onresize@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onresize "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onresize="bar">Hello.</div>
onresize :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onresize = attribute " onresize=\""
{-# INLINE onresize #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onscroll@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onscroll "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onscroll="bar">Hello.</div>
onscroll :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onscroll = attribute " onscroll=\""
{-# INLINE onscroll #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onseeked@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onseeked "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onseeked="bar">Hello.</div>
onseeked :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onseeked = attribute " onseeked=\""
{-# INLINE onseeked #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onseeking@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onseeking "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onseeking="bar">Hello.</div>
onseeking :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onseeking = attribute " onseeking=\""
{-# INLINE onseeking #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onselect@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onselect "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onselect="bar">Hello.</div>
onselect :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onselect = attribute " onselect=\""
{-# INLINE onselect #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onstalled@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onstalled "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onstalled="bar">Hello.</div>
onstalled :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onstalled = attribute " onstalled=\""
{-# INLINE onstalled #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onstorage@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onstorage "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onstorage="bar">Hello.</div>
onstorage :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onstorage = attribute " onstorage=\""
{-# INLINE onstorage #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onsubmit@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onsubmit "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onsubmit="bar">Hello.</div>
onsubmit :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onsubmit = attribute " onsubmit=\""
{-# INLINE onsubmit #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onsuspend@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onsuspend "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onsuspend="bar">Hello.</div>
onsuspend :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onsuspend = attribute " onsuspend=\""
{-# INLINE onsuspend #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ontimeupdate@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ontimeupdate "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ontimeupdate="bar">Hello.</div>
ontimeupdate :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
             -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ontimeupdate = attribute " ontimeupdate=\""
{-# INLINE ontimeupdate #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onundo@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onundo "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onundo="bar">Hello.</div>
onundo :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onundo = attribute " onundo=\""
{-# INLINE onundo #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onunload@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onunload "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onunload="bar">Hello.</div>
onunload :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onunload = attribute " onunload=\""
{-# INLINE onunload #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onvolumechange@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onvolumechange "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onvolumechange="bar">Hello.</div>
onvolumechange :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
               -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onvolumechange = attribute " onvolumechange=\""
{-# INLINE onvolumechange #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @onwaiting@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! onwaiting "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div onwaiting="bar">Hello.</div>
onwaiting :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
          -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
onwaiting = attribute " onwaiting=\""
{-# INLINE onwaiting #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @open@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! open "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div open="bar">Hello.</div>
open :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
open = attribute " open=\""
{-# INLINE open #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @optimum@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! optimum "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div optimum="bar">Hello.</div>
optimum :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
optimum = attribute " optimum=\""
{-# INLINE optimum #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @pattern@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! pattern "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div pattern="bar">Hello.</div>
pattern :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
pattern = attribute " pattern=\""
{-# INLINE pattern #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @ping@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! ping "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div ping="bar">Hello.</div>
ping :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
ping = attribute " ping=\""
{-# INLINE ping #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @placeholder@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! placeholder "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div placeholder="bar">Hello.</div>
placeholder :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
            -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
placeholder = attribute " placeholder=\""
{-# INLINE placeholder #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @preload@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! preload "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div preload="bar">Hello.</div>
preload :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
preload = attribute " preload=\""
{-# INLINE preload #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @pubdate@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! pubdate "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div pubdate="bar">Hello.</div>
pubdate :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
pubdate = attribute " pubdate=\""
{-# INLINE pubdate #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @radiogroup@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! radiogroup "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div radiogroup="bar">Hello.</div>
radiogroup :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
radiogroup = attribute " radiogroup=\""
{-# INLINE radiogroup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @readonly@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! readonly "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div readonly="bar">Hello.</div>
readonly :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
readonly = attribute " readonly=\""
{-# INLINE readonly #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @rel@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! rel "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div rel="bar">Hello.</div>
rel :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
rel = attribute " rel=\""
{-# INLINE rel #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @required@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! required "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div required="bar">Hello.</div>
required :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
required = attribute " required=\""
{-# INLINE required #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @reversed@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! reversed "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div reversed="bar">Hello.</div>
reversed :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
reversed = attribute " reversed=\""
{-# INLINE reversed #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @rows@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! rows "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div rows="bar">Hello.</div>
rows :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
rows = attribute " rows=\""
{-# INLINE rows #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @rowspan@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! rowspan "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div rowspan="bar">Hello.</div>
rowspan :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
rowspan = attribute " rowspan=\""
{-# INLINE rowspan #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @sandbox@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! sandbox "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div sandbox="bar">Hello.</div>
sandbox :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
sandbox = attribute " sandbox=\""
{-# INLINE sandbox #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @scope@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! scope "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div scope="bar">Hello.</div>
scope :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
scope = attribute " scope=\""
{-# INLINE scope #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @scoped@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! scoped "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div scoped="bar">Hello.</div>
scoped :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
scoped = attribute " scoped=\""
{-# INLINE scoped #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @seamless@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! seamless "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div seamless="bar">Hello.</div>
seamless :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
seamless = attribute " seamless=\""
{-# INLINE seamless #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @selected@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! selected "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div selected="bar">Hello.</div>
selected :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
selected = attribute " selected=\""
{-# INLINE selected #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @shape@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! shape "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div shape="bar">Hello.</div>
shape :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
shape = attribute " shape=\""
{-# INLINE shape #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @size@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! size "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div size="bar">Hello.</div>
size :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
size = attribute " size=\""
{-# INLINE size #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @sizes@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! sizes "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div sizes="bar">Hello.</div>
sizes :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
sizes = attribute " sizes=\""
{-# INLINE sizes #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @span@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! span "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div span="bar">Hello.</div>
span :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
span = attribute " span=\""
{-# INLINE span #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @spellcheck@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! spellcheck "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div spellcheck="bar">Hello.</div>
spellcheck :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
           -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
spellcheck = attribute " spellcheck=\""
{-# INLINE spellcheck #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @src@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! src "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div src="bar">Hello.</div>
src :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
    -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
src = attribute " src=\""
{-# INLINE src #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @srcdoc@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! srcdoc "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div srcdoc="bar">Hello.</div>
srcdoc :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
srcdoc = attribute " srcdoc=\""
{-# INLINE srcdoc #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @start@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! start "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div start="bar">Hello.</div>
start :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
start = attribute " start=\""
{-# INLINE start #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @step@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! step "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div step="bar">Hello.</div>
step :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
step = attribute " step=\""
{-# INLINE step #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @style@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! style "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div style="bar">Hello.</div>
style :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
style = attribute " style=\""
{-# INLINE style #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @subject@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! subject "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div subject="bar">Hello.</div>
subject :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
subject = attribute " subject=\""
{-# INLINE subject #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @summary@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! summary "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div summary="bar">Hello.</div>
summary :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
        -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
summary = attribute " summary=\""
{-# INLINE summary #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @tabindex@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! tabindex "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div tabindex="bar">Hello.</div>
tabindex :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
         -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
tabindex = attribute " tabindex=\""
{-# INLINE tabindex #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @target@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! target "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div target="bar">Hello.</div>
target :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
target = attribute " target=\""
{-# INLINE target #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @title@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! title "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div title="bar">Hello.</div>
title :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
title = attribute " title=\""
{-# INLINE title #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @type@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! type_ "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div type="bar">Hello.</div>
type_ :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
type_ = attribute " type=\""
{-# INLINE type_ #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @usemap@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! usemap "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div usemap="bar">Hello.</div>
usemap :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
       -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
usemap = attribute " usemap=\""
{-# INLINE usemap #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @value@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! value "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div value="bar">Hello.</div>
value :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
value = attribute " value=\""
{-# INLINE value #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @width@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! width "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div width="bar">Hello.</div>
width :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
width = attribute " width=\""
{-# INLINE width #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @wrap@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! wrap "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div wrap="bar">Hello.</div>
wrap :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
     -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
wrap = attribute " wrap=\""
{-# INLINE wrap #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:248
-- | Combinator for the @xmlns@ attribute.
-- Example:
-- > div ! xmlns "bar" $ "Hello."
-- Result:
-- > <div xmlns="bar">Hello.</div>
xmlns :: AttributeValue  -- ^ Attribute value.
      -> Attribute       -- ^ Resulting attribute.
xmlns = attribute " xmlns=\""
{-# INLINE xmlns #-}