module Bluetooth.Internal.HasInterface where

import Control.Monad.Except        (liftIO, mapExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word                   (Word16)
import DBus
import DBus.Types                  (SomeSignal, methodError, object)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Lens.Micro

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map        as Map
import qualified Data.Text       as T

import Bluetooth.Internal.Errors
import Bluetooth.Internal.Interfaces
import Bluetooth.Internal.Types
import Bluetooth.Internal.Utils

-- The Bluez DBus API makes certain requirements about the interfaces
-- that objects must meet. These requirements are outlined in:
-- In this file, we declare how our objects meet these interfaces.

-- A class that declares that @obj@ meets the interface @iface@.
class KnownSymbol iface => HasInterface obj (iface :: Symbol) where
  getInterface :: obj -> Proxy iface -> Interface

withInterface :: HasInterface obj iface => obj -> Proxy iface -> Object
withInterface o p = object (T.pack i) $ getInterface o p
    i = symbolVal p

-- * ObjectManager

instance HasInterface Application ObjectManager where
  getInterface app _ =
      { interfaceMethods = [getManagedObjects]
      , interfaceSignals = []
      , interfaceAnnotations = []
      , interfaceProperties = []

    getManagedObjects :: Method
      = Method (repMethod (return app :: IO Application))
               ("rep" :> Done)

-- * Properties
-- | The @org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties@ interface.
-- See the <
-- relevant section of the DBus spec> for more information.

type ChangedProperties = 'TypeStruct
  [ 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeString               -- interface_name
  , AnyDBusDict                               -- changed_properties
  , 'TypeArray ('DBusSimpleType 'TypeString)  -- invalidated_properties

-- A helper function for constructing D-Bus Property interfaces. Pass a
-- non-Nothing if the object supports the PropertiesChanged signal.
-- The 'Get' and 'Set' methods don't seem to be used by the Bluez DBus API, but
-- are supplied for compliance with the D-Bus Property Interface.
defPropIFace :: forall a.
  ( Representable a
  , RepType a ~ AnyDBusDict
  => Maybe ObjectPath -> T.Text -> a -> Interface
defPropIFace opath supportedIFaceName val =
      { interfaceMethods = [getAll]
      -- The 'd-bus' library's implementation of does
      -- not create an independent signal for PropertyChanged, which makes me
      -- wonder whether this is the right thing to do.
      , interfaceSignals = signals
      , interfaceAnnotations = []
      , interfaceProperties = []
       = Method (repMethod go)
                ("interface" :> Done)
                ("rep" :> Done)
         go :: T.Text -> MethodHandlerT IO a
         go iface
           | iface == supportedIFaceName = return val
           | otherwise = methodError invalidArgs

     signals = case opath of
       Nothing -> []
       Just p  -> [SSD propertiesChanged]
         propertiesChanged :: SignalDescription '[ChangedProperties]
         propertiesChanged = SignalDescription
           { signalDPath = p
           , signalDInterface = T.pack propertiesIFace
           , signalDMember = "PropertiesChanged"
           , signalDArguments = "changes" :> Done

instance HasInterface (WithObjectPath Service) Properties where
  getInterface service _
    = defPropIFace (Just $ service ^. path) (T.pack gattServiceIFace) service

instance HasInterface (WithObjectPath CharacteristicBS) Properties where
  getInterface char _ = case char ^. value . notifying of
    Nothing -> baseIface
    Just _  -> baseIface { interfaceProperties = SomeProperty prop : interfaceProperties baseIface }
     baseIface = defPropIFace (Just $ char ^. path) (T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace) char
     prop = mkProperty (char ^. path)
                       (T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace)
                       (handlerToMethodHandler <$> char ^. value . readValue)
                       (fmap handlerToMethodHandler <$> char ^. value . writeValue)

instance HasInterface Advertisement Properties where
  getInterface adv _
    = defPropIFace Nothing (T.pack leAdvertisementIFace) adv

-- * GattService

instance HasInterface (WithObjectPath Service) GattService where
  getInterface service _ =
      { interfaceMethods = []
      , interfaceSignals = []
      , interfaceAnnotations = []
      , interfaceProperties = [SomeProperty uuid', SomeProperty primary]
      uuid' :: Property (RepType UUID)
      uuid' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (service ^. path . toText) </> "UUID"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack gattServiceIFace
        , propertyName = "UUID"
        , propertyGet = Just . return $ toRep (service ^. value . uuid)
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      primary :: Property (RepType Bool)
      primary = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (service ^. path . toText) </> "Primary"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack gattServiceIFace
        , propertyName = "Primary"
        , propertyGet = Just . return $ toRep True
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

-- * GattCharacteristic

acceptingOptions :: MethodHandlerT IO BS.ByteString
 -> CharacteristicOptions
 -> MethodHandlerT IO BS.ByteString
acceptingOptions handler opts = case opts ^. offset of
  Nothing -> handler
  Just v -> BS.drop (fromInteger $ toInteger v) <$> handler

handlerToMethodHandler :: Handler errs a -> MethodHandlerT IO a
handlerToMethodHandler (Handler h) = MHT $ mapExceptT go h
    go :: IO (Either T.Text a) -> WriterT [SomeSignal] IO (Either MsgError a)
    go x = liftIO $ x >>= \x' -> case x' of
      Left e -> return . Left $ MsgError e Nothing []
      Right v -> return $ Right v

instance HasInterface (WithObjectPath CharacteristicBS) GattCharacteristic where
  getInterface char _ =
      { interfaceMethods = [readVal, writeVal, startNotify, stopNotify]
      , interfaceSignals = []
      , interfaceAnnotations = []
      , interfaceProperties = [ SomeProperty uuid'
                              , SomeProperty service
                              , SomeProperty flags
                              , SomeProperty $ valProp char
      notSup :: MethodHandlerT IO ()
      notSup = methodError notSupported

      readVal = case char ^. value . readValue of
        Just v -> Method (repMethod $ acceptingOptions $ handlerToMethodHandler v)
                         "ReadValue" ("options" :> Done) ("rep" :> Done)
        Nothing -> Method (repMethod notSup) "ReadValue" Done Done

      writeVal = case char ^. value . writeValue of
        Just w -> Method (repMethod $ go w)
                          "WriteValue" ("arg" :> Done) ("rep" :> Done)
        Nothing -> Method (repMethod notSup) "WriteValue" Done Done
          go writeTheVal newVal = do
            res <- handlerToMethodHandler $ writeTheVal newVal
            nots <- liftIO $ sequence $ readIORef <$> char ^. value . notifying
            liftIO $ print (nots, res)
            {-when (nots == Just True && res) $ propertyChanged val newVal-}
            return res

      stopNotify = Method (repMethod go) "StopNotify" Done Done
          go :: MethodHandlerT IO ()
          go = case char ^. value . notifying of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just r -> liftIO $ writeIORef r False

      startNotify = Method (repMethod go) "StartNotify" Done Done
          go :: MethodHandlerT IO ()
          go = case char ^. value . notifying of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just r -> liftIO $ writeIORef r True

      uuid' :: Property (RepType UUID)
      uuid' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (char ^. path . toText) </> "UUID"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace
        , propertyName = "UUID"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ char ^. value . uuid
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      service :: Property (RepType ObjectPath)
      service = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (char ^. path . toText) </> "Service"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace
        , propertyName = "Service"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep . objectPath . parentPath
            $ char ^. path . toText
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      flags :: Property (RepType [CharacteristicProperty])
      flags = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (char ^. path . toText) </> "Flags"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace
        , propertyName = "Flags"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ char ^. value . properties
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

valProp :: WithObjectPath (CharacteristicBS) -> Property (RepType BS.ByteString)
valProp char = mkProperty (char ^. path)
                          (T.pack gattCharacteristicIFace)
                          (handlerToMethodHandler <$> char ^. value . readValue)
                          (fmap handlerToMethodHandler <$> char ^. value . writeValue)

instance HasInterface (WithObjectPath Advertisement) LEAdvertisement where
  getInterface adv _ =
      { interfaceMethods = [release]
      , interfaceSignals = []
      , interfaceAnnotations = []
      , interfaceProperties = [ SomeProperty type'
                              , SomeProperty serviceUUIDs'
                              , SomeProperty manufacturerData'
                              , SomeProperty solicitUUIDs'
                              , SomeProperty serviceData'
                              , SomeProperty includeTxPower']
      release = Method (repMethod (return () :: IO ())) "Release" Done Done

      type' :: Property (RepType AdvertisementType)
      type' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "Type"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "Type"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . type_
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      serviceUUIDs' :: Property (RepType [UUID])
      serviceUUIDs' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "ServiceUUIDs"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "ServiceUUIDs"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . serviceUUIDs
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      solicitUUIDs' :: Property (RepType [UUID])
      solicitUUIDs' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "SolicitUUIDs"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "SolicitUUIDs"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . solicitUUIDs
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      manufacturerData' :: Property (RepType (Map.Map Word16 BS.ByteString))
      manufacturerData' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "ManufacturerData"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "ManufacturerData"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . manufacturerData
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      serviceData' :: Property (RepType (Map.Map UUID BS.ByteString))
      serviceData' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "ServiceData"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "ServiceData"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . serviceData
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse

      includeTxPower' :: Property (RepType Bool)
      includeTxPower' = Property
        { propertyPath = objectPath $ (adv ^. path . toText) </> "IncludeTxPower"
        , propertyInterface = T.pack leAdvertisementIFace
        , propertyName = "IncludeTxPower"
        , propertyGet = Just . return . toRep $ adv ^. value . includeTxPower
        , propertySet = Nothing
        , propertyEmitsChangedSignal = PECSFalse