module System.Hardware.Blink1.Linux
  ( Blink1Raw
  , openRawDev
  , openRawHID
  , openRawHIDs
  , closeRaw
  ) where

import Control.Exception (onException, bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, genericLength)
import Foreign.C.Error (errnoToIOError, eFTYPE) -- hack
import Numeric (readHex)
import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, fullErrorType, doesNotExistErrorType)
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Directory (openDirStream, readDirStream, closeDirStream)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array

import System.Linux.HIDRaw
import System.Hardware.Blink1.Class

newtype Blink1Raw = Blink1Raw Fd

-- | Open the given blink(1) hidraw device
openRawDev :: FilePath -> IO Blink1Raw
openRawDev f = do
  d <- openFd df ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags
  i <- devInfo d `onException` closeFd d
  when (devVendor i /= blink1Vendor || devProduct i /= blink1Product) $ do
    closeFd d
    ioError $ errnoToIOError "not Blink1" eFTYPE Nothing (Just f)
  return $ Blink1Raw d
  where df = case f of { '/':_ -> f ; _ -> "/dev/" ++ f }

findRawDev :: MonadPlus m => IO (m String)
findRawDev = pds dp hiddir where
  hiddir = "/sys/bus/hid/devices"
  pds f d = bracket (openDirStream d) closeDirStream r where
    r d = do
      e <- readDirStream d
      if null e then return mzero else liftM2 mplus (f e) (r d)
  dp f | null (do
      (_,':':vs) <- rh f
      (v,':':ps) <- rh vs
      guard (v == blink1Vendor)
      (p,'.':_) <- rh ps
      guard (p == blink1Product)) = return mzero
    | otherwise = pds fp (hiddir ++ '/' : f ++ "/hidraw")
  fp f = return $ guard ("hidraw" `isPrefixOf` f) >> return f
  rh = readHex

-- | Search for and open the first blink(1) hidraw device
openRawHID :: IO Blink1Raw
openRawHID = maybe 
  (ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType "Blink1.openRawHID" Nothing Nothing) 
  openRawDev =<< findRawDev
-- | Search for and open all blink(1) hidraw devices
openRawHIDs :: IO [Blink1Raw]
openRawHIDs = mapM openRawDev =<< findRawDev

writeRaw :: Blink1Raw -> [Word8] -> IO ()
writeRaw (Blink1Raw d) x = do -- setFeature d x
  let l = genericLength x
  r <- withArray x $ \p -> fdWriteBuf d p l
  when (r /= l) $ ioError $ mkIOError fullErrorType "Blink1Raw: short write" Nothing Nothing

readRaw :: Blink1Raw -> Int -> IO [Word8]
readRaw (Blink1Raw d) n = tail `liftM` getFeature d n
closeRaw :: Blink1Raw -> IO ()
closeRaw (Blink1Raw d) = closeFd d

instance Blink1 Blink1Raw where
  writeBlink1 = writeRaw
  readBlink1 = readRaw
  closeBlink1 = closeRaw