{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Blunt where

import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Network.HTTP.Types (notFound404, ok200)
import Network.Wai (queryString, pathInfo, requestMethod, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Pointfree (pointfree')

main :: IO ()
main = run 8080 $ \ request respond -> do
    let method = requestMethod request
        path = pathInfo request
        response = case (method, path) of
            ("GET", []) -> responseLBS ok200 [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")] $ pack $ unlines
                [ "<!doctype html>"
                , ""
                , "<html>"
                , "  <head>"
                , "    <title>Pointfree</title>"
                , "  </head>"
                , ""
                , "  <body>"
                , "    <input id='input' autofocus>"
                , "    <input id='output' readonly>"
                , ""
                , "    <script>"
                , "      'use strict';"
                , ""
                , "      (function () {"
                , "        var input = document.getElementById('input');"
                , "        var output = document.getElementById('output');"
                , ""
                , "        input.oninput = function (event) {"
                , "          var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"
                , "          request.onreadystatechange = function () {"
                , "            if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {"
                , "              output.value = request.response;"
                , "            }"
                , "          };"
                , "          request.open('GET', '/pointfree?input=' + encodeURIComponent(input.value));"
                , "          request.send();"
                , "        };"
                , "      }());"
                , "    </script>"
                , "  </body>"
                , "</html>"
            ("GET", ["pointfree"]) ->
                let params = queryString request
                    input = case lookup "input" params of
                        Just (Just param) -> param
                        _ -> ""
                    maybeOutput = pointfree' (unpack input)
                    body = case maybeOutput of
                        Just output -> pack output
                        Nothing -> fromStrict input
                in  responseLBS ok200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")] body
            _ -> responseLBS notFound404 [] ""
    respond response