{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Codec.BMP.Unpack (unpackBMPToRGBA32) where import Codec.BMP.Base import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfo import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV3 import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Storable import System.IO.Unsafe import Data.Word import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS import Prelude as P -- | Unpack a BMP image to a string of RGBA component values. unpackBMPToRGBA32 :: BMP -> ByteString unpackBMPToRGBA32 bmp = let info = getBitmapInfoV3 $ bmpBitmapInfo bmp width = fromIntegral $ dib3Width info height = fromIntegral $ dib3Height info bitCount = dib3BitCount info in case bitCount of 24 -> packRGB24ToRGBA32 width height (bmpRawImageData bmp) 32 -> packRGB32ToRGBA32 width height (bmpRawImageData bmp) _ -> error "Codec.BMP.unpackBMPToRGBA32: unhandled bitcount." -- | Unpack raw, uncompressed 24 bit BMP image data to a string of RGBA component values. -- The alpha component is set to 255 for every pixel. packRGB24ToRGBA32 :: Int -- Width of image. -> Int -- Height of image. -> ByteString -- Input string. -> ByteString packRGB24ToRGBA32 width height str = let bytesPerLine = BS.length str `div` height padPerLine = bytesPerLine - width * 3 sizeDest = width * height * 4 -- We allow padding bytes on the end of the image data. in if BS.length str < height * (width * 3 + padPerLine) then error "Codec.BMP.unpackRGB24ToRGBA32: image data is truncated." else unsafePerformIO $ allocaBytes sizeDest $ \bufDest -> BS.unsafeUseAsCString str $ \bufSrc -> do packRGB24ToRGBA32' width height padPerLine (castPtr bufSrc) (castPtr bufDest) packCStringLen (bufDest, sizeDest) -- We're doing this via Ptrs because we don't want to take the -- overhead of doing the bounds checks in ByteString.index. packRGB24ToRGBA32' width height pad ptrSrc ptrDest = go 0 0 0 0 where go posX posY oSrc oDest -- skip over padding bytes at the end of each line. | posX == width = go 0 (posY + 1) (oSrc + pad) oDest -- we've finished the image. | posY == height = return () -- process a pixel. | otherwise = do blue :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 0) green :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 1) red :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 2) pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 0) red pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 1) green pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 2) blue pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 3) (255 :: Word8) go (posX + 1) posY (oSrc + 3) (oDest + 4) -- | Unpack raw, uncompressed 32 bit BMP image data to a string of RGBA component values. -- Note in the BMP file the components are arse-around ABGR instead of RGBA. -- The 'unpacking' here is really just flipping the components around. packRGB32ToRGBA32 :: Int -- Width of image. -> Int -- Height of image. -> ByteString -- Input string. -> ByteString packRGB32ToRGBA32 width height str = let sizeDest = height * width * 4 in if BS.length str < sizeDest then error "Codec.BMP.packRGB24ToRGBA32: image data is truncated." else unsafePerformIO $ allocaBytes sizeDest $ \bufDest -> BS.unsafeUseAsCString str $ \bufSrc -> do packRGB32ToRGBA32' width height (castPtr bufSrc) (castPtr bufDest) packCStringLen (bufDest, sizeDest) -- We're doing this via Ptrs because we don't want to take the -- overhead of doing the bounds checks in ByteString.index. packRGB32ToRGBA32' width height ptrSrc ptrDest = go 0 0 0 0 where go posX posY oSrc oDest -- skip over padding bytes at the end of each line. | posX == width = go 0 (posY + 1) oSrc oDest -- we've finished the image. | posY == height = return () -- process a pixel. | otherwise = do blue :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 0) green :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 1) red :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 2) alpha :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 3) pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 0) red pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 1) green pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 2) blue pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 3) alpha go (posX + 1) posY (oSrc + 4) (oDest + 4)