{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Codec.BMP.Pack
import Codec.BMP.Base
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfo
import Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV3
import Codec.BMP.FileHeader
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString		as BS
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe	as BS
import Prelude			as P

-- | Pack a string of RGBA component values into a BMP image.
--  * If the given dimensions don't match the input string then `error`.
--  * If the width or height fields are negative then `error`.
--  * This currently ignores the alpha component of the input string and
--    produces a 24bit RGB image.
	:: Int 		-- ^ Width of image  (must be positive).
	-> Int 		-- ^ Height of image (must be positive).
	-> ByteString	-- ^ A string of RGBA component values.
                        --   Must have length (@width * height * 4@)
	-> BMP
packRGBA32ToBMP width height str
 | width < 0
 = error "Codec.BMP: Negative width field."

 | height < 0
 = error "Codec.BMP: Negative height field."

 | height * width * 4 /= BS.length str
 = error "Codec.BMP: Image dimensions don't match input data."

 | otherwise
 = let	(imageData, _)	= packRGBA32ToRGB24 width height str

		= FileHeader
		{ fileHeaderType	= bmpMagic

		, fileHeaderFileSize	
                        = fromIntegral
			$ sizeOfFileHeader + sizeOfBitmapInfoV3	
                                           + BS.length imageData

		, fileHeaderReserved1	= 0
		, fileHeaderReserved2	= 0
		, fileHeaderOffset	
                        = fromIntegral (sizeOfFileHeader + sizeOfBitmapInfoV3)}

		= BitmapInfoV3
		{ dib3Size		= fromIntegral sizeOfBitmapInfoV3
		, dib3Width		= fromIntegral width
		, dib3Height		= fromIntegral height
                , dib3HeightFlipped     = False
		, dib3Planes		= 1
		, dib3BitCount		= 24
		, dib3Compression	= CompressionRGB
		, dib3ImageSize		= fromIntegral $ BS.length imageData

		-- The default resolution seems to be 72 pixels per inch.
		--	This equates to 2834 pixels per meter.
		--	Dunno WTF this should be in the header though...
		, dib3PelsPerMeterX	= 2834
		, dib3PelsPerMeterY	= 2834

		, dib3ColorsUsed	= 0
		, dib3ColorsImportant	= 0 }
        -- We might as well check to see if we've made a well-formed BMP file.
        -- It would be sad if we couldn't read a file we just wrote.
	errs	= catMaybes		
			[ checkFileHeader   fileHeader
			, checkBitmapInfoV3 bitmapInfoV3 
                                           (fromIntegral $ BS.length imageData)]
   in	case errs of
	 [] -> BMP 
		{ bmpFileHeader		= fileHeader
		, bmpBitmapInfo		= InfoV3 bitmapInfoV3
		, bmpRawImageData	= imageData }
	 _  -> error $ "Codec.BMP: Constructed BMP file has errors, sorry." 
                     ++ show errs

	:: Int		       -- ^ Width of image.
	-> Int		       -- ^ Height of image.
	-> ByteString          -- ^ Source bytestring holding the image data. 
	-> (ByteString, Int)   -- output bytestring, and number of pad
                               -- bytes per line.
packRGBA32ToRGB24 width height str
 | height * width * 4 /= BS.length str
 = error "Codec.BMP: Image dimensions don't match input data."

 | otherwise
 = let	padPerLine	
	 = case (width * 3) `mod` 4 of
		0	-> 0
		x	-> 4 - x
	sizeDest	= height * (width * 3 + padPerLine)
   in	unsafePerformIO
	 $ allocaBytes sizeDest 	$ \bufDest ->
	   BS.unsafeUseAsCString str	$ \bufSrc  ->
	    do	packRGBA32ToRGB24' width height padPerLine
                        (castPtr bufSrc) (castPtr bufDest)
		bs	<- packCStringLen (bufDest, sizeDest)
		return	(bs, padPerLine)
packRGBA32ToRGB24' width height pad ptrSrc ptrDest
 = go 0 0 0 0
	go posX posY oSrc oDest

	 -- add padding bytes at the end of each line.
	 | posX == width
	 = do	mapM_ (\n -> pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + n) (0 :: Word8)) 
			$ P.take pad [0 .. ]
		go 0 (posY + 1) oSrc (oDest + pad)
	 -- we've finished the image.
	 | posY == height
	 = return ()
	 -- process a pixel
	 | otherwise
	 = do   red	:: Word8  <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 0)
                green	:: Word8  <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 1)
		blue	:: Word8  <- peekByteOff ptrSrc (oSrc + 2)
		pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 0) blue
		pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 1) green
		pokeByteOff ptrDest (oDest + 2) red
		go (posX + 1) posY (oSrc + 4) (oDest + 3)