{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | CSV serialization of BNB Staking Rewards. module Console.BnbStaking.Csv ( makeCsvContents , ExportData (..) , convertReward , MyZonedTime (..) ) where import Data.Csv ( DefaultOrdered , ToField (..) , ToNamedRecord , encodeDefaultOrderedByName ) import Data.Scientific ( FPFormat (..) , formatScientific ) import Data.Time ( ZonedTime (..) , defaultTimeLocale , formatTime , utcToLocalZonedTime ) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Console.BnbStaking.Api (Reward (..)) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS import Data.Text qualified as T -- | Build the CSV contents for the given rewards, including the header -- row. makeCsvContents :: [Reward] -> IO LBS.ByteString makeCsvContents = fmap encodeDefaultOrderedByName . mapM convertReward -- | Datatype representing a single row in the CSV export. data ExportData = ExportData { time :: MyZonedTime -- ^ The time of the reward. , amount :: T.Text -- ^ The reward amount. , currency :: T.Text -- ^ Always @BNB@, but sometimes a useful column for CSV imports. , delegator :: T.Text -- ^ The address that was rewarded. , validator :: T.Text -- ^ The validator's name. , validatorAddress :: T.Text -- ^ The address the delegator is validating to. , height :: Integer -- ^ The height of the reward's block. } deriving (Show, Read, Generic) instance ToNamedRecord ExportData instance DefaultOrdered ExportData -- | Render a 'Reward' into our target export data by converting to -- localtime(respecting DST), & formatting the amount column to 8 decimal -- places. convertReward :: Reward -> IO ExportData convertReward Reward {..} = do localRewardTime <- utcToLocalZonedTime rRewardTime return $ ExportData { time = MyZonedTime localRewardTime , amount = T.pack $ formatScientific Fixed (Just 8) rReward , currency = "BNB" , delegator = rDelegator , validator = rValidatorName , validatorAddress = rValidatorAddress , height = rHeight } -- | Wrapper type to support custom 'ToField' instance. newtype MyZonedTime = MyZonedTime {fromMyZonedTime :: ZonedTime} deriving (Show, Read) -- | Render with @%FT%T%Q%Ez@ formatting string. instance ToField MyZonedTime where toField (MyZonedTime zt) = toField $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%Q%Ez" zt