-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

module Language.Bond.Lexer

    ( angles

    , braces

    , brackets

    , colon

    , comma

    , commaEnd

    , commaEnd1

    , commaSep1

    , decimal

    , equal

    , float

    , identifier

    , namespaceIdentifier

    , integer

    , keyword

    , lexeme

    , natural

    , parens

    , unescapedStringLiteral

    , semi

    , semiEnd

    , semiOrCommaEnd

    , semiOrCommaSep

    , semiOrCommaSep1

    , semiOrCommaSepEnd

    , semiOrCommaSepEnd1

    , semiSep

    , stringLiteral

    , symbol

    , whiteSpace

    , Environment(..)

    , ImportResolver

    , Symbols(..)

    , Parser

    ) where

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Data.List

import Data.Void (Void)

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Types

import Text.Megaparsec

import Text.Megaparsec.Char

import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L

-- parser state, mutable and global

data Symbols =


    { symbols :: [Declaration]  -- list of structs, enums and aliases declared in the current and all imported files

    , imports :: [FilePath]     -- list of imported files


type ImportResolver =

    FilePath                    -- ^ path of the file containing the <https://microsoft.github.io/bond/manual/compiler.html#import-statements import statement>

 -> FilePath                    -- ^ (usually relative) path of the imported file

 -> IO (FilePath, String)       -- ^ the resolver function returns the resolved path of the imported file and its content

-- parser environment, immutable but contextual

data Environment =


    { currentNamespaces :: [Namespace]  -- namespace(s) in current context

    , currentParams :: [TypeParam]      -- type parameter(s) for current type (struct or alias)

    , currentFile :: FilePath           -- path of the current file

    , resolveImport :: ImportResolver   -- imports resolver


type Parser a = StateT Symbols (ParsecT Void String (ReaderT Environment IO)) a

-- space consumer parser

sc :: Parser ()

sc = L.space space1 lineCmnt blockCmnt


    lineCmnt  = L.skipLineComment "//"

    blockCmnt = L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/"

-- consume whitespace after every lexeme

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a

lexeme = L.lexeme sc

-- list of reserved words

rws :: [String]

rws = [ "blob"

      , "bond_meta"

      , "bonded"

      , "bool"

      , "class"

      , "double"

      , "enum"

      , "false"

      , "float"

      , "import"

      , "int16"

      , "int32"

      , "int64"

      , "int8"

      , "list"

      , "map"

      , "namespace"

      , "nullable"

      , "optional"

      , "required"

      , "required_optional"

      , "Schema"

      , "sealed"

      , "service"

      , "set"

      , "string"

      , "struct"

      , "true"

      , "uint16"

      , "uint32"

      , "uint64"

      , "uint8"

      , "using"

      , "var"

      , "vector"

      , "view_of"

      , "void"

      , "wstring"


angles :: Parser a -> Parser a

angles = between (symbol "<") (symbol ">")

braces :: Parser a -> Parser a

braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")

brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a

brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")

colon :: Parser String

colon = symbol ":"

comma :: Parser String

comma = symbol ","

commaSep1 p = sepBy1 p comma

identifier' :: [String] -> Parser String

identifier' restricted = (lexeme . try) (p >>= check)


    p       = (:) <$> (letterChar <|> char '_') <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_')

    check x = if x `elem` restricted

                then fail $ "keyword " ++ show x ++ " cannot be an identifier"

                else return x

identifier = identifier' rws

decimal :: Parser Integer

decimal = lexeme L.decimal

integer = L.signed sc natural

keyword :: String -> Parser ()

keyword w = lexeme (string w *> notFollowedBy (alphaNumChar <|> char '_'))

hexadecimal :: Parser Integer

hexadecimal = lexeme . try $ char '0' >> char' 'x' >> L.hexadecimal

octal :: Parser Integer

octal = lexeme . try $ char '0' >> char' 'o' >> L.octal

natural = hexadecimal <|> octal <|> decimal

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a

parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")

semi :: Parser String

semi = symbol ";"

semiSep p = sepBy p semi

symbol :: String -> Parser String

symbol = L.symbol sc

whiteSpace = sc

namespaceIdentifier = identifier' (delete "Schema" rws)

equal = symbol "="

semiEnd p = endBy p semi

commaEnd p = endBy p comma

commaEnd1 p = endBy1 p comma

semiOrComma = semi <|> comma

semiOrCommaSep p = sepBy p semiOrComma

semiOrCommaSep1 p = sepBy1 p semiOrComma

semiOrCommaEnd p = endBy p semiOrComma

semiOrCommaSepEnd p = sepEndBy p semiOrComma

semiOrCommaSepEnd1 p = sepEndBy1 p semiOrComma

quote = symbol "\""

quotes = between quote quote

stringLiteral :: Parser String

stringLiteral = char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"')

unescapedStringLiteral = quotes $ many $ satisfy (/= '"')

float' :: Parser Double

float' = lexeme L.float

float :: Parser Double

float = L.signed sc float'