-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. -- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-} module Options ( getOptions , processOptions , Options(..) , ApplyOptions(..) ) where import Paths_bond (version) import Data.Version (showVersion) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (processValue) data ApplyOptions = Compact | Fast | Simple deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Eq) data Options = Options | Cpp { files :: [FilePath] , import_dir :: [FilePath] , output_dir :: FilePath , using :: [String] , namespace :: [String] , header :: [String] , enum_header :: Bool , allocator :: Maybe String , apply :: [ApplyOptions] , apply_attribute :: Maybe String , jobs :: Maybe Int , no_banner :: Bool } | Cs { files :: [FilePath] , import_dir :: [FilePath] , output_dir :: FilePath , using :: [String] , namespace :: [String] , collection_interfaces :: Bool , readonly_properties :: Bool , fields :: Bool , jobs :: Maybe Int , no_banner :: Bool } | Schema { files :: [FilePath] , import_dir :: [FilePath] , output_dir :: FilePath , jobs :: Maybe Int , runtime_schema :: Bool } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) cpp :: Options cpp = Cpp { files = def &= typFile &= args , import_dir = def &= typDir &= name "i" &= help "Add the directory to import search path" , output_dir = "." &= typDir &= name "o" &= help "Output generated files into the specified directory" , using = def &= typ "MAPPING" &= name "u" &= help "Custom type alias mapping in the form alias=type" , namespace = def &= typ "MAPPING" &= name "n" &= help "Custom namespace mapping in the form bond_namespace=language_namespace" , header = def &= typ "HEADER" &= name "h" &= help "Emit #include HEADER into the generated files" , enum_header = def &= name "e" &= help "Generate enums into a separate header file" , allocator = def &= typ "ALLOCATOR" &= help "Generate types using the specified allocator" , apply = def &= typ "PROTOCOL" &= help "Generate Apply function overloads for the specified protocol only; supported protocols: compact, fast and simple" , apply_attribute = def &= typ "ATTRIBUTE" &= help "Prefix the declarations of Apply functions with the specified C++ attribute/declspec" , jobs = def &= opt "0" &= typ "NUM" &= name "j" &= help "Run NUM jobs simultaneously (or '$ncpus' if no NUM is not given)" , no_banner = def &= help "Omit the banner at the top of generated files" } &= name "c++" &= help "Generate C++ code" cs :: Options cs = Cs { collection_interfaces = def &= name "c" &= help "Use interfaces rather than concrete collection types" , readonly_properties = def &= name "r" &= help "Generate private property setters" , fields = def &= name "f" &= help "Generate public fields rather than properties" } &= name "c#" &= help "Generate C# code" schema :: Options schema = Schema { runtime_schema = def &= help "Generate Simple JSON representation of runtime schema, aka SchemaDef" } &= name "schema" &= help "Output the JSON representation of the schema" mode :: Mode (CmdArgs Options) mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [cpp, cs, schema] &= program "gbc" &= help "Compile Bond schema file(s) and generate specified output. The schema file(s) can be in one of two formats: Bond IDL or JSON representation of the schema abstract syntax tree as produced by `gbc schema`. Multiple schema files can be specified either directly on the command line or by listing them in a text file passed to gbc via @listfile syntax." &= summary ("Bond Compiler " ++ showVersion version ++ ", (C) Microsoft") getOptions :: IO Options getOptions = cmdArgsRun mode processOptions :: [String] -> Options processOptions = cmdArgsValue . processValue mode