-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

Copyright   : (c) Microsoft
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : adamsap@microsoft.com
Stability   : provisional
Portability : portable

module Language.Bond.Syntax.JSON
    ( -- * FromJSON and ToJSON instances
      -- $aeson

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
import Language.Bond.Syntax.Types

-- $aeson
-- This module defines 'FromJSON' and 'ToJSON' instances for Bond abstract
-- syntax tree.  They allow using the <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson aeson>
-- library to encode Bond AST types to <https://microsoft.github.io/bond/manual/compiler.html#schema-ast JSON format>:
-- > > encode (Bond [] [Namespace Nothing ["example"]] [])
-- > "{\"namespaces\":[{\"name\":[\"example\"]}],\"imports\":[],\"declarations\":[]}"
-- and decode Bond data types from JSON:
-- > > decode "{\"namespaces\":[{\"name\":[\"example\"]}],\"imports\":[],\"declarations\":[]}" :: Maybe Bond
-- > Just (Bond {bondImports = [], bondNamespaces = [Namespace {nsLanguage = Nothing, nsName = ["example"]}], bondDeclarations = []})

instance FromJSON Type where
    parseJSON (String "int8") = pure BT_Int8
    parseJSON (String "int16") = pure BT_Int16
    parseJSON (String "int32") = pure BT_Int32
    parseJSON (String "int64") = pure BT_Int64
    parseJSON (String "uint8") = pure BT_UInt8
    parseJSON (String "uint16") = pure BT_UInt16
    parseJSON (String "uint32") = pure BT_UInt32
    parseJSON (String "uint64") = pure BT_UInt64
    parseJSON (String "float") = pure BT_Float
    parseJSON (String "double") = pure BT_Double
    parseJSON (String "bool") = pure BT_Bool
    parseJSON (String "string") = pure BT_String
    parseJSON (String "wstring") = pure BT_WString
    parseJSON (String "bond_meta::name") = pure BT_MetaName
    parseJSON (String "bond_meta::full_name") = pure BT_MetaFullName
    parseJSON (String "blob") = pure BT_Blob
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        type_ <- o .: "type"
        case type_ of
            String "maybe" -> BT_Maybe <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "list" -> BT_List <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "vector" -> BT_Vector <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "nullable" -> BT_Nullable <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "set" -> BT_Set <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "map" -> BT_Map <$>
                o .: "key" <*>
                o .: "element"
            String "bonded" -> BT_Bonded <$>
                o .: "element"
            String "constant" -> BT_IntTypeArg <$>
                o .: "value"
            String "parameter" -> BT_TypeParam <$>
                o .: "value"
            String "user" -> BT_UserDefined <$>
                o .: "declaration" <*>
                o .:? "arguments" .!= []
            _ -> modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Invalid value `" ++ show type_ ++ "` for the `type` key.")
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected a representation of Type but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Type where
    toJSON BT_Int8 = "int8"
    toJSON BT_Int16 = "int16"
    toJSON BT_Int32 = "int32"
    toJSON BT_Int64 = "int64"
    toJSON BT_UInt8 = "uint8"
    toJSON BT_UInt16 = "uint16"
    toJSON BT_UInt32 = "uint32"
    toJSON BT_UInt64 = "uint64"
    toJSON BT_Float = "float"
    toJSON BT_Double = "double"
    toJSON BT_Bool = "bool"
    toJSON BT_String = "string"
    toJSON BT_WString = "wstring"
    toJSON BT_MetaName = "bond_meta::name"
    toJSON BT_MetaFullName = "bond_meta::full_name"
    toJSON BT_Blob = "blob"
    toJSON (BT_Maybe t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "maybe"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_List t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "list"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_Vector t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "vector"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_Nullable t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "nullable"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_Set t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "set"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_Map k t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "map"
        , "key" .= k
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_Bonded t) = object
        [ "type" .= String "bonded"
        , "element" .= t
    toJSON (BT_IntTypeArg n) = object
        [ "type" .= String "constant"
        , "value" .= n
    toJSON (BT_TypeParam p) = object
        [ "type" .= String "parameter"
        , "value" .= p
    toJSON (BT_UserDefined decl []) = object
        [ "type" .= String "user"
        , "declaration" .= decl
    toJSON (BT_UserDefined decl args) = object
        [ "type" .= String "user"
        , "declaration" .= decl
        , "arguments" .= args

instance FromJSON Default where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        type_ <- o .: "type"
        case type_ of
            String "bool" -> DefaultBool <$> o .: "value"
            String "integer" -> DefaultInteger <$> o .: "value"
            String "float" -> DefaultFloat <$> o .: "value"
            String "string" -> DefaultString <$> o .: "value"
            String "enum" -> DefaultEnum <$> o .: "value"
            String "nothing" -> pure DefaultNothing
            _ -> modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Invalid value `" ++ show type_ ++ "` for the `type` key.")
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected a representation of Default but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Default where
    toJSON (DefaultBool x) = object
        [ "type" .= String "bool"
        , "value" .= x
    toJSON (DefaultInteger x) = object
        [ "type" .= String "integer"
        , "value" .= x
    toJSON (DefaultFloat x) = object
        [ "type" .= String "float"
        , "value" .= x
    toJSON (DefaultString x) = object
        [ "type" .= String "string"
        , "value" .= x
    toJSON (DefaultEnum x) = object
        [ "type" .= String "enum"
        , "value" .= x
    toJSON DefaultNothing = object
        [ "type" .= String "nothing"

instance FromJSON Field where
    parseJSON (Object o) = Field <$>
        o .:? "fieldAttributes" .!= [] <*>
        o .:  "fieldOrdinal" <*>
        o .:? "fieldModifier" .!= Optional <*>
        o .:  "fieldType" <*>
        o .:  "fieldName" <*>
        o .:? "fieldDefault" .!= Nothing
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected a representation of Field but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Field where
    toJSON f = object
        [ "fieldAttributes" .= fieldAttributes f
        , "fieldOrdinal" .= fieldOrdinal f
        , "fieldModifier" .= fieldModifier f
        , "fieldType" .= fieldType f 
        , "fieldName" .= fieldName f
        , "fieldDefault" .= fieldDefault f

instance FromJSON Constraint where
    parseJSON (String "value") = pure Value
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected a representation of Constraint but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Constraint where
    toJSON Value = "value"

instance FromJSON Namespace where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Namespace <$>
            v .:? "language" <*>
            v .: "name"
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected an object but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Namespace where
    toJSON (Namespace Nothing name) = object
        [ "name" .= name
    toJSON Namespace {..} = object
        [ "language" .= nsLanguage
        , "name" .= nsName

instance FromJSON Bond where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Bond <$>
            v .: "imports" <*>
            v .: "namespaces" <*>
            v .: "declarations"
    parseJSON x = modifyFailure
                    (const $ "Expected an object but found: " ++ show x)

instance ToJSON Bond where
    toJSON Bond {..} = object
        [ "imports" .= bondImports
        , "namespaces" .= bondNamespaces
        , "declarations" .= bondDeclarations

$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Modifier)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Attribute)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Constant)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''TypeParam)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Declaration)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Import)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Language)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Method)