-- | a 'Boomerang' library for working with '[Text]' {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators #-} module Text.Boomerang.Texts ( -- * Types TextsError -- * Combinators , (), alpha, anyChar, anyText, char, digit, digits, signed, eos, integral, int , integer, lit, readshow, satisfy, satisfyStr, space , rTextCons, rEmpty, rText, rText1 -- * Running the 'Boomerang' , isComplete, parseTexts, unparseTexts ) where import Prelude hiding ((.), id, (/)) import Control.Category (Category((.), id)) import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit, isSpace) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text import Text.Boomerang.Combinators (opt, duck1, manyr, somer) import Text.Boomerang.Error (ParserError(..),ErrorMsg(..), (), condenseErrors, mkParserError) import Text.Boomerang.HStack ((:-)(..), arg) import Text.Boomerang.Pos (InitialPosition(..), MajorMinorPos(..), incMajor, incMinor) import Text.Boomerang.Prim (Parser(..), Boomerang(..), parse1, xmaph, xpure, unparse1, val) type TextsError = ParserError MajorMinorPos instance InitialPosition TextsError where initialPos _ = MajorMinorPos 0 0 instance a ~ b => IsString (Boomerang TextsError [Text] a b) where fromString = lit . Text.pack -- | a constant string lit :: Text -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r r lit l = Boomerang pf sf where pf = Parser $ \tok pos -> case tok of [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input", Expect (show l)] (p:ps) | Text.null p && (not $ Text.null l) -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment", Expect (show l)] | otherwise -> case Text.stripPrefix l p of (Just p') -> [Right ((id, p':ps), incMinor (Text.length l) pos)] Nothing -> mkParserError pos [UnExpect (show p), Expect (show l)] sf b = [ (\strings -> case strings of [] -> [l] ; (s:ss) -> ((l `Text.append` s) : ss), b)] infixr 9 -- | equivalent to @f . eos . g@ () :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] b c -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a b -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a c f g = f . eos . g -- | end of string eos :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r r eos = Boomerang (Parser $ \path pos -> case path of [] -> [Right ((id, []), incMajor 1 pos)] -- [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"] (p:ps) | Text.null p -> [ Right ((id, ps), incMajor 1 pos) ] | otherwise -> mkParserError pos [Message $ "path-segment not entirely consumed: " ++ (Text.unpack p)]) (\a -> [((Text.empty :), a)]) -- | statisfy a 'Char' predicate satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) satisfy p = val (Parser $ \tok pos -> case tok of [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"] (s:ss) -> case Text.uncons s of Nothing -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"] (Just (c, cs)) | p c -> [Right ((c, cs : ss), incMinor 1 pos )] | otherwise -> mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect $ show c] ) (\c -> [ \paths -> case paths of [] -> [Text.singleton c] ; (s:ss) -> ((Text.cons c s):ss) | p c ]) -- | satisfy a 'Text' predicate. -- -- Note: must match the entire remainder of the 'Text' in this segment satisfyStr :: (Text -> Bool) -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r) satisfyStr p = val (Parser $ \tok pos -> case tok of [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"] (s:ss) | Text.null s -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"] | p s -> do [Right ((s, Text.empty:ss), incMajor 1 pos )] | otherwise -> do mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect $ show s] ) (\str -> [ \strings -> case strings of [] -> [str] ; (s:ss) -> ((str `Text.append` s):ss) | p str ]) -- | ascii digits @\'0\'..\'9\'@ digit :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) digit = satisfy isDigit "a digit 0-9" -- | matches alphabetic Unicode characters (lower-case, upper-case and title-case letters, -- plus letters of caseless scripts and modifiers letters). (Uses 'isAlpha') alpha :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) alpha = satisfy isAlpha "an alphabetic Unicode character" -- | matches white-space characters in the Latin-1 range. (Uses 'isSpace') space :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) space = satisfy isSpace "a white-space character" -- | any character anyChar :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) anyChar = satisfy (const True) -- | matches the specified character char :: Char -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r) char c = satisfy (== c) show [c] -- | lift 'Read'/'Show' to a 'Boomerang' -- -- There are a few restrictions here: -- -- 1. Error messages are a bit fuzzy. `Read` does not tell us where -- or why a parse failed. So all we can do it use the the position -- that we were at when we called read and say that it failed. -- -- 2. it is (currently) not safe to use 'readshow' on integral values -- because the 'Read' instance for 'Int', 'Integer', etc, readshow :: (Read a, Show a) => Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (a :- r) readshow = val readParser s where s a = [ \strings -> case strings of [] -> [Text.pack $ show a] ; (s:ss) -> (((Text.pack $ show a) `Text.append` s):ss) ] readParser :: (Read a) => Parser TextsError [Text] a readParser = Parser $ \tok pos -> case tok of [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"] (p:_) | Text.null p -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"] (p:ps) -> case reads (Text.unpack p) of [] -> mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect (Text.unpack p), Message $ "decoding using 'read' failed."] [(a,r)] -> [Right ((a, (Text.pack r):ps), incMinor ((Text.length p) - (length r)) pos)] readIntegral :: (Integral a) => Text -> a readIntegral s = case (Text.signed Text.decimal) s of (Left e) -> error $ "readIntegral: " ++ e (Right (a, r)) | Text.null r -> a | otherwise -> error $ "readIntegral: ambiguous parse. Left over data: " ++ Text.unpack r -- | the empty string rEmpty :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r) rEmpty = xpure (Text.empty :-) $ \(xs :- t) -> if Text.null xs then (Just t) else Nothing -- | the first character of a 'Text' rTextCons :: Boomerang e tok (Char :- Text :- r) (Text :- r) rTextCons = xpure (arg (arg (:-)) (Text.cons)) $ \(xs :- t) -> do (a, as) <- Text.uncons xs return (a :- as :- t) -- | construct/parse some 'Text' by repeatedly apply a 'Char' 0 or more times parser rText :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Char :- r) -> Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r) rText r = manyr (rTextCons . duck1 r) . rEmpty -- | construct/parse some 'Text' by repeatedly apply a 'Char' 1 or more times parser rText1 :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Char :- r) -> Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r) rText1 r = somer (rTextCons . duck1 r) . rEmpty -- | a sequence of one or more digits digits :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r) digits = rText1 digit -- | an optional - character -- -- Typically used with 'digits' to support signed numbers -- -- > signed digits signed :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] a (Text :- r) -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a (Text :- r) signed r = opt (rTextCons . char '-') . r -- | matches an 'Integral' value -- -- Note that the combinator @(rPair . integral . integral)@ is ill-defined because the parse canwell. not tell where it is supposed to split the sequence of digits to produced two ints. integral :: (Integral a, Show a) => Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (a :- r) integral = xmaph readIntegral (Just . Text.pack . show) (signed digits) -- | matches an 'Int' -- Note that the combinator @(rPair . int . int)@ is ill-defined because the parse canwell. not tell where it is supposed to split the sequence of digits to produced two ints. int :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Int :- r) int = integral -- | matches an 'Integer' -- -- Note that the combinator @(rPair . integer . integer)@ is ill-defined because the parse can not tell where it is supposed to split the sequence of digits to produced two ints. integer :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Integer :- r) integer = integral -- | matches any 'Text' -- -- the parser returns the remainder of the current Text segment, (but does not consume the 'end of segment'. -- -- Note that the only combinator that should follow 'anyText' is -- 'eos' or ''. Other combinators will lead to inconsistent -- inversions. -- -- For example, if we have: -- -- > unparseTexts (rPair . anyText . anyText) ("foo","bar") -- -- That will unparse to @Just ["foobar"]@. But if we call -- -- > parseTexts (rPair . anyText . anyText) ["foobar"] -- -- We will get @Right ("foobar","")@ instead of the original @Right ("foo","bar")@ anyText :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r) anyText = val ps ss where ps = Parser $ \tok pos -> case tok of [] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input", Expect "any string"] -- ("":_) -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment", Expect "any string"] (s:ss) -> [Right ((s, Text.empty:ss), incMinor (Text.length s) pos)] ss str = [\ss -> case ss of [] -> [str] (s:ss') -> ((str `Text.append` s) : ss') ] -- | Predicate to test if we have parsed all the Texts. -- Typically used as argument to 'parse1' -- -- see also: 'parseTexts' isComplete :: [Text] -> Bool isComplete [] = True isComplete [t] = Text.null t isComplete _ = False -- | run the parser -- -- Returns the first complete parse or a parse error. -- -- > parseTexts (rUnit . lit "foo") ["foo"] parseTexts :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] () (r :- ()) -> [Text] -> Either TextsError r parseTexts pp strs = either (Left . condenseErrors) Right $ parse1 isComplete pp strs -- | run the printer -- -- > unparseTexts (rUnit . lit "foo") () unparseTexts :: Boomerang e [Text] () (r :- ()) -> r -> Maybe [Text] unparseTexts pp r = unparse1 [] pp r