-- |
-- Module      :  Bound
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- We represent the target language itself as an ideal monad supplied by the
-- user, and provide a 'Scope' monad transformer for introducing bound
-- variables in user supplied terms. Users supply a 'Monad' and 'Traversable'
-- instance, and we traverse to find free variables, and use the 'Monad' to
-- perform substitution that avoids bound variables.
-- An untyped lambda calculus:
-- @
-- {-\# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable \#-}
-- import Bound
-- import Control.Applicative
-- import Control.Monad ('Control.Monad.ap')
-- import Prelude.Extras
-- import Data.Foldable
-- import Data.Traverable
-- @
-- @
-- infixl 9 :\@
-- data Exp a = V a | Exp a :\@ Exp a | Lam ('Scope' () Exp a)
--   deriving ('Eq','Ord','Show','Read','Functor','Data.Foldable.Foldable','Data.Foldable.Traversable')
-- @
-- @
-- instance 'Prelude.Extras.Eq1' Exp   where ('Prelude.Extras.==#')      = ('==')
-- instance 'Prelude.Extras.Ord1' Exp  where 'Prelude.Extras.compare1'   = 'compare'
-- instance 'Prelude.Extras.Show1' Exp where 'Prelude.Extras.showsPrec1' = 'showsPrec'
-- instance 'Prelude.Extras.Read1' Exp where 'Prelude.Extras.readsPrec1' = 'readsPrec'
-- instance 'Control.Applicative.Applicative' Exp where 'Control.Applicative.pure' = V; ('<*>') = 'Control.Monad.ap'
-- @
-- @
-- instance 'Monad' Exp where
--   'return' = V
--   V a      '>>=' f = f a
--   (x :\@ y) '>>=' f = (x '>>=' f) :\@ (y >>= f)
--   Lam e    '>>=' f = Lam (e '>>>=' f)
-- @
-- @
-- lam :: 'Eq' a => a -> 'Exp' a -> 'Exp' a
-- lam v b = Lam ('abstract1' v b)
-- @
-- @
-- whnf :: 'Exp' a -> 'Exp' a
-- whnf (f :\@ a) = case whnf f of
--   Lam b -> whnf ('instantiate1' a b)
--   f'    -> f' :\@ a
-- whnf e = e
-- @
-- More exotic combinators for manipulating a 'Scope' can be imported from
-- "Bound.Scope".
-- You can also retain names in your bound variables by using 'Bound.Name.Name'
-- and the related combinators from "Bound.Name". They are not re-exported
-- from this module by default.
-- The approach used in this package was first elaborated upon by Richard Bird 
-- and Ross Patterson
-- in \"de Bruijn notation as a nested data type\", available from
-- <http://www.cs.uwyo.edu/~jlc/courses/5000_fall_08/debruijn_as_nested_datatype.pdf>
-- However, the combinators they used required higher rank types. Here we
-- demonstrate that the higher rank @gfold@ combinator they used isn't necessary
-- to build the monad and use a monad transformer to encapsulate the novel
-- recursion pattern in their generalized de Bruijn representation. It is named
-- 'Scope' to match up with the terminology and usage pattern from Conor McBride
-- and James McKinna's \"I am not a number: I am a free variable\", available
-- from <http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~james/RESEARCH/notanum.pdf>, but since
-- the set of variables is visible in the type, we can provide stronger type
-- safety guarantees.
-- There are longer examples in the @examples/@ folder:
-- <https://github.com/ekmett/bound/tree/master/examples>
-- (1) /Simple.hs/ provides an untyped lambda calculus with recursive let
--   bindings and includes an evaluator for the untyped lambda calculus and a
--   longer example taken from Lennart Augustsson's "λ-calculus cooked four
--   ways" available from <http://www.augustsson.net/Darcs/Lambda/top.pdf>
-- 2. /Derived.hs/ shows how much of the API can be automated with
--    DeriveTraversable and adds combinators for building binders that support
--    pattern matching.
-- 3. /Overkill.hs/ provides very strongly typed pattern matching many modern
--   language extensions, including polymorphic kinds to ensure type safety.
--   In general, the approach taken by Derived seems to deliver a better power
--   to weight ratio.
module Bound
  -- * Manipulating user terms
  , isClosed
  , closed
  -- * Scopes introduce bound variables
  , Scope(..)
  -- ** Abstraction over bound variables
  , abstract, abstract1
  -- ** Instantiation of bound variables
  , instantiate, instantiate1
  -- * Structures permitting substitution
  , Bound(..)
  , (=<<<)
  -- * Conversion to Traditional de Bruijn
  , Var(..)
  , fromScope
  , toScope
  ) where

import Bound.Var
import Bound.Class
import Bound.Scope
import Bound.Term