module Language.Brainfuck.Examples where

-- Example Programs
helloWorld, bottles, helloum, sort, toupper :: String
helloWorld =
-- works now, thanks to int-e for explaining the BF spec to me
bottles =
  "99 Bottles of Beer in Urban Mueller's BrainF*** (The actual"++
  "name is impolite)"++
  "by Ben Olmstead"++
  "ANSI C interpreter available on the internet; due to"++
  "constraints in comments the address below needs to have the"++
  "stuff in parenthesis replaced with the appropriate symbol:"++
  "Believe it or not this language is indeed Turing complete!"++
  "Combines the speed of BASIC with the ease of INTERCAL and"++
  "the readability of an IOCCC entry!"++
helloum =
-- can't figure this one out either...
sort =
  "Here is a Brainf*** program that bubblesorts its input and spits it out:"++
toupper =

Example optimized programs:


[(0,IncByteBy 4),  (1,SetIpTo 7),     (2,IncPtrBy 1),
 (3,IncByteBy 8),  (4,IncPtrBy (-1)), (5,IncByteBy (-1)),
 (6,SetIpTo (-1)), (7,IncPtrBy 1),    (8,SetIpTo 12),
 (9,OutputByte),   (10,IncByteBy 1),  (11,SetIpTo (-8)),


[(0,SetIpTo 4),
 (1,SetIpTo 3),
 (2,SetIpTo (-1)),
 (3,SetIpTo 0),
