{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Buchhaltung.Importers
  , aqbankingImporter
  , comdirectVisaImporter
  , monefyImporter
  , natwestIntlImporter
  , barclaysUkImporter
  , revolutImporter
  , barclaycardusImporter
  , pncbankImporter
  , module Buchhaltung.Import
  , getBayesFields

import           Buchhaltung.Common
import           Buchhaltung.Import
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Monad.Cont
import           Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.ListLike as L
import qualified Data.ListLike.String as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord
import           Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import           Data.Time.Calendar
import           Debug.Trace
import           Formatting (sformat, (%), shown)
import qualified Formatting.ShortFormatters as F
import           Safe as S
import           Text.Parsec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as C
import           Text.Printf
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as R
import           Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ()

-- * CSV

-- findVersion
--   :: (MonadError Msg m, Show k, Ord k) => Maybe k -> M.Map k b -> m b
  :: MonadError Msg m =>
     VersionedCSV a -> Maybe Version -> m (SFormat Version, CsvImport a)
headerInfo g v = do
  (format, map) <- g
  let convert rh = (cVersion rh <$ format, rh)
  convert . cRaw <&> lookupErrM
    (printf "Version is not defined for format '%s%'" $ fName format)
    M.lookup (fromMaybe (fromDefaultVersion $ fVersion format) v) map

-- | Data type for preprocessing and meta-data extraction of CSV files
type Preprocessor env1 env2 = forall m. MonadError Msg m
                      => (T.Text, env1) -> m (T.Text, env2)

processLines :: ([T.Text] -> [T.Text]) -> Preprocessor env env
processLines f = return . (first $ T.unlines . f . T.lines)

csvImport = csvImportPreprocessed return

csvImportPreprocessed :: Preprocessor env1 env2
                    -> VersionedCSV env2
                    -> T.Text
                    -> CommonM (env1, Maybe Version) [ImportedEntry]
csvImportPreprocessed pp versionedCsv csv1 = do
  (env, version) <- reader oEnv
  (csv2, env2) <- pp (csv1, env)
  (form, g@CSV{cHeader=expected,
     cDescription = desc,
     cVersion = version }) <- headerInfo versionedCsv version
  let toEntry x = ImportedEntry
          { ieT = genTrans date (vdate =<< cVDate g x)
                  (getCsvConcatDescription env2 desc x)
          , ieSource  = fromMapToSource form x
          , iePostings = 
            (\p -> (AccountId (cBank g env2 x) (cAccount p x)
                   , cAmount p x
                   , ($ x) <$> cSuffix p
                   , cNegate p x)) . ($ env2) <$> cPostings g
            vdate vd = if date == vd then Nothing
                       else Just vd
            date  = cDate g x
      (header, rows) = (if cStrip g then stripCsv else id) $
        parseCsv (cSeparator g) . TL.fromStrict $ csv2
  if expected == header then
    return $ fmap toEntry $ filter (cFilter g) rows
    else throwError $ L.unlines
                  [sformat ("Headers do not match. Expected by format '"%
                            F.st%"' version '"%F.st%"':")
                   (fName form) version
                  ,fshow expected
                  ,fshow header

-- * AQBanking
-- imports output from @aqbankingcli listtrans@

aqbankingImporter :: Importer env
aqbankingImporter = Importer Nothing $ csvImport aqbankingImport

aqbankingImport :: VersionedCSV env
aqbankingImport = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "aqBanking" $ DefaultVersion "4")
    { cFilter  = const True
    , cDate = readdate . getCsv "date"
        , cStrip = False
    , cVDate = Just . readdate . getCsv "valutadate"
    , cBank = const $ getCsv "localBankCode"
    , cPostings =
        [ const CsvPosting
          { cAccount = getCsv "localAccountNumber"
          , cAmount = getCsvConcat [ "value_value"
                                   , "value_currency"]
          , cSuffix = Nothing
          , cNegate = const False
    , cSeparator = ';'
    , cVersion= "4"
    , cHeader = ["transactionId"
    , cDescription = Field <$> desc
    , cBayes = ["remoteBankCode","remoteAccountNumber"]
               ++ desc
  where desc = concatMap (\(f,i) -> (f <>) <$> "":i)
               [ ("remoteName", ["1"])
               , ("purpose",  fshow <$> [1..11])
               , ("category", fshow <$> [1..7])]

-- * Postbank Germany Kontoauszüge (from PDF with @pdftotext@)

-- fromPostbankPDF2 :: T.Text -> [ImportedEntry]
-- fromPostbankPDF2 xx = fmap (f . mconcat) $ groupBy y $ readcsvrow ',' <$> L.lines xx
--   where y a b = head b==""
--         f :: [T.Text] -> ImportedEntry
--         f l@(dat:(_:(des:(am:rest)))) = ImportedEntry{
--            ieT = genTrans (parseDateDE $ dat <> "2014") Nothing (L.unwords s)
--            ,ieSource  = v $ T.intercalate (v $ T.singleton hbci_sep) l
--            ,iePostings=("Aktiva:Konten:Giro", a <> " EUR")
--            }
--           where s = (c des):rest
--                 c = L.unwords . tail . L.words
--                 a = mconcat $ L.words $ comma am
--                 v r = "\"" <> r <> "\""

-- -- "/home/data/finanzen/imported/daniela_manuell1.csv"
-- fromPostbankPDF1 :: T.Text -> [ImportedEntry]
-- fromPostbankPDF1 xx = fmap (f.concat) $ groupBy y $ readcsvrow ',' <$> L.lines xx
--   where y a b = head b==""
--         f :: [T.Text] -> ImportedEntry
--         f l@(dat:(des:(am:rest))) = ImportedEntry{
--            ieT = genTrans (parseDateDE $ dat <> "2013") Nothing (L.unwords s)
--            ,ieSource  = v $ T.intercalate (v $ T.singleton hbci_sep) l
--            ,iePostings=("Aktiva:Konten:Giro", a <> " EUR")
--            }
--           where s = (c des):rest
--                 c = L.unwords . tail . L.words
--                 a = mconcat $ L.words $ comma am
--                 v r = "\"" <> r <> "\""

-- * Comdirect Germany
-- uses the old way. Do not adopt!

comdirectToAqbanking :: IO ()
comdirectToAqbanking = toAqbanking2 ';' T.getContents comdirect_header comdirect_mapping $ const True

comdirect_header :: [[Char]]
comdirect_header = ["Buchungstag","Wertstellung (Valuta)","Vorgang","Buchungstext","Umsatz in EUR"]

comdirect_header_visa :: [[Char]]
comdirect_header_visa = ["Buchungstag","Umsatztag","Vorgang","Referenz","Buchungstext","Umsatz in EUR"]

comdirect_mapping_visa :: [([Char], T.Text -> T.Text)]
comdirect_mapping_visa = [
  ("Referenz",const ""),
  ( "Referenz" , undefined),
  ( "Referenz" , const "Visa")
  ] ++ empty 2 ++ [
  ( "Buchungstag", fshow . readdate2),
  ( "Umsatztag", fshow. readdate2),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", comma ),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", const "EUR" ),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", const "Johannes Gerer" ),
  ( "Buchungstext", id),
  ("Referenz",const ""),
  ( "Vorgang",id),
  ( "Referenz",id)] ++ empty (32-14)
    where empty x = take x $ repeat ( "Referenz" , const "")

comdirect_mapping :: [([Char], T.Text -> T.Text)]
comdirect_mapping = [
  ("Buchungstag",const ""),
  ( "Buchungstag" , undefined),
  ( "Buchungstag" , const "Visa")
  ] ++ empty 2 ++ [
  ( "Buchungstag", fshow . readdate2),
  ( "Wertstellung (Valuta)", fshow . readdate2),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", const "WTF" ),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", const "EUR" ),
  ( "Umsatz in EUR", const "Johannes Gerer" ),
  ( "Buchungstext", id),
  ( "Vorgang",id)] ++ empty (32-10-2)
    where empty x = take x $ repeat ( "Buchungstag" , const "")

-- comdirectVisaCSVImport :: AccountMap -> T.Text -> [ImportedEntry]
-- comdirectVisaCSVImport accountMappings =
--   aqbankingCsvImport accountMappings . toAqbanking2Pure ';'
--   comdirect_header_visa comdirect_mapping_visa (const True)
--   . T.replace "\n\"Neu\";" "" . L.unlines . ok

ok :: (IsString b, Eq b, L.StringLike b) => b -> [b]
ok = L.takeWhile (/= fromString "")
     . L.dropWhile (/= fromString "\"Buchungstag\";\"Umsatztag\";\"Vorgang\";\"Referenz\";\"Buchungstext\";\"Umsatz in EUR\";")
     . L.lines

p :: ParsecT [Char] u Identity [Char]
p = do a <- C.manyTill C.anyChar (C.try $ C.string "\n\"Neu\";")
       return a

-- comdirectVisaImporter :: CustomImport2
-- comdirectVisaImporter = Importer windoof comdirectVisaCSVImport

-- paypalImport :: AccountMap -> T.Text -> [ImportedEntry]
-- paypalImport accountMappings = aqbankingCsvImport accountMappings . myf2 ','
--                paypal_header (paypal_mapping " Brutto" "") filt
--   where filt x = not $ "Storniert" `elem` x
--         myf2 sep header mapping' filtercond =
--          T.intercalate "\n" . show2 . (:) csv_header
--          . map appl . filter filtercond . drop 1 . (readcsv sep)
--                   where appl = map (\(a,b) -> a b) . zip transformation . description_list header mapping
--                         mapping = map fst mapping'

hbci_sep = ';'

-- | Descriptions create the description, by concatenation of all cols
  :: (L.ListLike c item, L.StringLike c, Show a, Eq a) =>
     [a] -> [c] -> c
description cols r = L.unwords . filter (not . L.null) $ description_list csv_header
  cols r

description_list :: (Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [b] -> [b]
description_list t cols r = map fst $ sorted r
    desc_indices  = map (idx t)  cols  -- check if all desired columns exist
    magic v k = do i <- elemIndices k desc_indices
                   return (v,i)
    -- for every col in desc_cols get a pair containing the value and
    -- the index in the desc_cols arrays
    sorted r = sortBy (comparing snd) $ mconcat $ zipWith magic r [0..]
    -- extract all desc_cols in the specified order

                        -- transformation = map snd mapping'
csv_header = undefined

-- * PNC Bank USA transaction logs

pncbankImporter :: Importer T.Text
pncbankImporter = Importer windoof $ csvImport pncbank

pncbank :: VersionedCSV T.Text
pncbank = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "pncbank" $ DefaultVersion "May 2017")
        { cFilter  =(/= "") . getCsv "Date"
        , cDate = parseDateUS . getCsv "Date"
        , cStrip = False
        , cVDate = Just . parseDateUS . getCsv "Date"
        , cBank = const $ const "PNC Bank"
        , cPostings =
          [ \env -> CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const env
            , cAmount = textstrip . (T.replace "$" "") .
                        (T.replace "," "") . (<> " USD") .
                        getCsvCreditDebit "Withdrawals" "Deposits"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Date"
        , cDescription = Field <$> desc
        , cBayes = desc
        , cVersion = "May 2017"
  where desc = ["Description"]

-- * Barclaycard US transaction logs

barclaycardusImporter :: Importer ()
barclaycardusImporter = Importer windoof $ csvImportPreprocessed barclaycardPreprocessor barclaycardus

barclaycardPreprocessor :: Preprocessor () AccountId
barclaycardPreprocessor (wholeFile, _) =
    maybe e (return . (,) (T.unlines body) . AccountId bank . T.dropWhile (== 'X'))
    $ T.stripPrefix accountPrefix accountLine
    (bank : accountLine : _ : _ : body) = T.lines wholeFile
    accountPrefix = "Account Number: "
    e = throwError $
      "Expected second line of file to begin with prefix " `T.append` accountPrefix

barclaycardus :: VersionedCSV AccountId
barclaycardus = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "barclaycard" $ DefaultVersion "May 2017")
        { cFilter  =(/= "") . getCsv "Transaction Date"
        , cDate = parseDateUS . getCsv "Transaction Date"
        , cStrip = False
        , cVDate = Just . parseDateUS . getCsv "Transaction Date"
        , cBank = const . aBank
        , cPostings =
          [ \env -> CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const $ aAccount env
            , cAmount = textstrip . (<> " USD") . getCsv "Amount"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Transaction Date"
        , cDescription = Field <$> desc
        , cBayes = "Category" : desc
        , cVersion = "May 2017"
  where desc = ["Description"]

-- * Revolut Csv
revolutImporter :: Importer (RevolutSettings ())
revolutImporter = Importer Nothing $ csvImportPreprocessed extractCurrency revolut

extractCurrency :: Preprocessor (RevolutSettings ()) (RevolutSettings T.Text)
extractCurrency (text, env) = do
  cur <- maybe (throwError $ "Cannot find currency (regular expression: "
                 <> T.pack (show currencyColumn) <> " in header:\n" <> header)
         (return . fst) $ (flip atMay 1 . toList =<<)
         $ listToMaybe $ currencyRegex header
  return (T.unlines $ T.replace (" (" <> cur <> ")") "" header:rest
         , const cur <$> env)
  where header:rest = T.lines text 

currencyRegex = R.matchAllText (R.makeRegex currencyColumn :: R.Regex)

currencyColumn = "\\bPaid Out \\(([^)]+)\\)" :: T.Text 

revolut :: VersionedCSV (RevolutSettings T.Text)
revolut = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "revolut" $ DefaultVersion "2017")
  [ CSV { cFilter  = (/= "") . getCsv "Completed Date"
        , cDate = (\x -> headNote ("no parse of " <> T.unpack x) $ mapMaybe
                    (\format -> parseDateM format x) ["%b %e, %Y", "%e %b %Y"]) . getCsv "Completed Date"
        , cStrip = True
        , cVDate = const Nothing
        , cBank = const $ const "Revolut"
        , cPostings =
          [ \env -> CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const $ revolutUser env
            , cAmount = (<> revolutCurrency env) . getCsvCreditDebit "Paid Out" "Paid In"
            , cSuffix = Just $ const $ revolutCurrency env
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ';'
        , cHeader = ["Completed Date"
                    ,"Paid Out"
                    ,"Paid In"
                    ,"Exchange Out"
                    ,"Exchange In"
        , cDescription = [Const "Revolut"
                         , Field "Reference"
                         , Const ", Category"
                         , Field "Category" ]
        , cBayes = ["Reference", "Category" ]
        , cVersion = "2017"
-- remove currency signs and append corresponding currency name
normalizeCurrency :: T.Text -> T.Text
normalizeCurrency text = (`runCont` id) $ callCC $ \exit -> do
  let g (symbol, name) text1 = unless (T.length text2 == L.length text1)
        $ exit $ T.replace " " "" text2 <> " " <> name
        where text2 = T.replace symbol "" text1
  mapM_ (\x -> g x text) currencySymbols
  return text

currencySymbols = [ ("$", "USD")
                  , ("€", "EUR")
                  , ("£", "GBP") ]
-- * Monefy Csv
monefyImporter :: Importer MonefySettings
monefyImporter = Importer Nothing $ csvImportPreprocessed unambiguousHeader monefy

-- | replace the header by one with unique column names (currency2)
unambiguousHeader :: Preprocessor env env
unambiguousHeader = processLines $ (h2:) . tail
  where h2 = "date,account,category,amount,currency,converted amount,currency2,description"
             -- (T.replace "ü" "ue" <$> rest)

monefy :: VersionedCSV MonefySettings
monefy = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "monefy" $ DefaultVersion "2017")
        { cFilter  = const True
        , cStrip = False
        , cDate = parseDate "%d/%m/%Y" . getCsv "date"
        , cVDate = const Nothing
        , cBank = const . monefyInstallation
        , cPostings =
          [ const CsvPosting
            { cAccount = getCsv "account"
            , cAmount = amt
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
          , \env -> let suf = monefyCategorySuffix env in CsvPosting 
            { cAccount = if suf then const "Monefy Category Account"
                         else getCsv "category"
            , cAmount = amt
            , cSuffix = if suf then Just $ getCsv "category"
                        else Nothing
            , cNegate = const True
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["date"
                    ,"converted amount"
        , cDescription = [Const "Monefy"
                         , Read monefyInstallation
                         , Field "description"]
        , cBayes = []
        , cVersion = "2017"
  where amt = (\a b -> textstrip $ T.replace "," "" a <> " " <> b)
              <$> getCsv "amount" <*> getCsv "currency"

-- * BarclaysUk International CSV export

barclaysUkImporter :: Importer ()
barclaysUkImporter = Importer Nothing $ csvImport barclaysUk
barclaysUk :: VersionedCSV ()
barclaysUk = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "barclaysUk" $ DefaultVersion "2017")
        { cFilter = (/= "") . getCsv "Date"
        , cStrip = False
        , cDate = parseDate "%d/%m/%Y" . getCsv "Date"
        , cVDate = const Nothing
        , cBank = const $ fst <$> accountBank
        , cPostings =
          [ const CsvPosting
            { cAccount = snd <$> accountBank
            , cAmount = (<> " GBP") <$> getCsv "Amount"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Number"
        , cDescription = Field <$> desc 
        , cBayes = desc
        , cVersion = "2017"
  where accountBank = (g . T.splitOn " ") . getCsv "Account"
        g [acc,bank] = (acc, bank)
        g _ = error "Expected 'Account' to be of the format \"{sort code} {account number}\""
        desc = ["Subcategory", "Memo"]

-- * Natwest International CSV export

natwestIntlImporter :: Importer ()
natwestIntlImporter = Importer Nothing $ csvImportPreprocessed (processLines $ tail) natwestIntl
natwestIntl :: VersionedCSV ()
natwestIntl = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "natwestIntl" $ DefaultVersion "2017")
        { cFilter = (/= "") . getCsv "Date"
        , cStrip = False
        , cDate = parseDate "%d/%m/%Y" . getCsv "Date"
        , cVDate = const Nothing
        , cBank = const $ fst <$> accountBank
        , cPostings =
          [ const CsvPosting
            { cAccount = snd <$> accountBank
            , cAmount = (<> " GBP") <$> getCsv " Value"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Date"
                    ," Type"
                    ," Description"
                    ," Value"
                    ," Balance"
                    ," Account Name"
                    ," Account Number"
        , cDescription = [Field " Description"
                         ,Const ", Type"
                         ,Field " Type"]
        , cBayes = [" Description"
                   ," Type"]
        , cVersion = "2017"
  where accountBank = (g . T.splitOn "-" . T.tail ) . getCsv " Account Number"
        g [acc,bank] = (acc, bank)
        g _ = error "Expected ' Account Number' to be of the format \"'{sort code}-{account number}\""

-- natwestTransactionType = 
--           [("103"   ,"MT103 Payment")
--           ,("ACI"   ,"Interest on Account Balance")
--           ,("ADV"   ,"Separate Advice")
--           ,("AMD"   ,"Amendments History")
--           ,("ATM"   ,"Cash Withdrawal")
--           ,("BAC"   ,"Automated Credit")
--           ,("BAE"   ,"Branch Account Entry")
--           ,("BCO"   ,"Non Market Close Out")
--           ,("BGC"   ,"Bank Giro Credit")
--           ,("BGT"   ,"Guarantees")
--           ,("BLN"   ,"Bankline Charges")
--           ,("BOE"   ,"Bill of Exchange")
--           ,("BSP"   ,"Branch single payment")
--           ,("C/R"   ,"Credit")
--           ,("C/L"   ,"Automated teller machine cash withdrawal")
--           ,("CAE"   ,"Cheque Collection")
--           ,("CCB"   ,"Cheque Collection")
--           ,("CDM"   ,"Cash and Deposit Machine")
--           ,("CHG"   ,"Charges")
--           ,("CHP"   ,"CHAPS Transfer (NatWest only)")
--           ,("CHQ"   ,"Cheque")
--           ,("CNA"   ,"Clean Cheque Neg")
--           ,("CND"   ,"Cheque Negotiation")
--           ,("COM"   ,"Commission")
--           ,("CRD"   ,"Card Payment or Cash")
--           ,("D/D"   ,"Direct Debit")
--           ,("D/R"   ,"Debit")
--           ,("DCR"   ,"Documentary Credit")
--           ,("DFT"   ,"Foreign Draft")
--           ,("DIV"   ,"Dividend")
--           ,("DPC"   ,"Digital Banking Payment")
--           ,("EBP"   ,"Electronic Payment")
--           ,("FPAY"  ,"Faster Payment - Future Dated (Appears on statements as EBP)")
--           ,("GSD"   ,"Gov Stamp Duty")
--           ,("IBP"   ,"Inter Branch Payment")
--           ,("ICP"   ,"Inward Currency Payment")
--           ,("INT"   ,"Interest")
--           ,("INV"   ,"Investment")
--           ,("IPAY"  ,"Faster Payment -Immediate (Appears on statements as EBP)")
--           ,("ISP"   ,"Inward Sterling Payment")
--           ,("ITL"   ,"International Transfer & Treasury Settlements (and RBS CHAPS Payments)")
--           ,("ITM"   ,"Incoming CHAPS")
--           ,("LON"   ,"New Loan")
--           ,("LST"   ,"Supplementary List")
--           ,("LVP"   ,"Low Value Payment")
--           ,("MEC"   ,"Export Credits")
--           ,("MFD"   ,"Maturing Fwd Deal")
--           ,("MGT"   ,"Bonds & Guarantees")
--           ,("MIB"   ,"Inward Bills")
--           ,("MIC"   ,"Import Credits")
--           ,("MKD"   ,"Market Deal")
--           ,("MOB"   ,"Outward Bills")
--           ,("MSC"   ,"Miscellaneous Entry")
--           ,("NDC"   ,"No Dividend Counterfoil")
--           ,("NPAY"  ,"Faster Payment - Next Day (Appears on statement as EBP)")
--           ,("POS"   ,"Maestro Transaction")
--           ,("RTF"   ,"Relay Transfer")
--           ,("S/O"   ,"Standing Order")
--           ,("SBT"   ,"Funds Transfer")
--           ,("SCR"   ,"Sundry Credit Item")
--           ,("SDE"   ,"Urgent Euro Transfer")
--           ,("SDR"   ,"Sundry Debit Item")
--           ,("STF"   ,"Manually Keyed Standard Transfer")
--           ,("STL"   ,"Settlement")
--           ,("TFP"   ,"Trade Finance Product")
--           ,("TFR"   ,"Transfer")
--           ,("TRF"   ,"International Payment (NatWest only)")
--           ,("TLR"   ,"Card Payment or Cash")
--           ,("TEL"   ," Telephone Banking transaction")
--           ,("TSU"   ,"Telephone Banking")
--           ,("U/D"   ,"Unpaid Direct Debit")
--           ,("UTF"   ,"Urgent Transfer")
--           ,("WSF"   ,"Foreign Exchange Deal")
--           ,("WSM"   ,"Money Market Deal")]

-- * Comdirect Visa Statements

comdirectVisaImporter :: Importer T.Text
comdirectVisaImporter = Importer windoof $ csvImport comdirectVisa

comdirectVisa :: VersionedCSV T.Text
comdirectVisa = toVersionedCSV (SFormat "visa" $ DefaultVersion "manuell")
        { cFilter  =(/= "") . getCsv "Buchungstag"
        , cStrip = False
        , cDate = parseDateDE . getCsv "Buchungstag"
        , cVDate = Just . parseDateDE . getCsv "Valuta"
        , cBank = const
        , cPostings =
          [ const CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const "Visa"
            , cAmount = textstrip . comma . (<> " EUR") . getCsv "Ausgang"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Buchungstag"
        , cDescription = Field <$> desc
        , cBayes = desc
        , cVersion = "manuell"
         -- hand extracted from @pdftotext -layout@
  , CSV
        { cFilter  =(/= "") . getCsv "Buchungstag"
        , cDate = parseDateDE . getCsv "Buchungstag"
        , cStrip = False
        , cVDate = Just . parseDateDE . getCsv "Umsatztag"
        , cBank = const
        , cPostings =
          [ const CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const "Visa"
            , cAmount = comma . (<> " EUR") . getCsv "Umsatz in EUR"
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cHeader = ["Buchungstag"
                    ,"Umsatz in EUR"]
        , cDescription = Field <$> desc2
        , cBayes = desc2
        , cVersion = "export"
  where desc = ["Vorgang"
        desc2 = ["Vorgang"

-- * Paypal (German)
-- understands exports under the following setting:
-- @
-- alle guthaben relevanten Zahlungen (kommagetrennt) ohne warenkorbdetails!
-- @

paypalImporter :: Importer T.Text
paypalImporter = Importer windoof $ csvImport paypalImport

paypalImport :: VersionedCSV T.Text
paypalImport =
  let base = CSV
        { cFilter  = (/= "Storniert") . getCsv " Status"
        , cDate = parseDateDE . getCsv "Datum"
        , cStrip = False
        , cVDate = const Nothing
        , cBank = const $ const "Paypal"
        , cPostings =
          [ \env -> CsvPosting
            { cAccount = const env
            , cAmount = comma . getCsvConcat [ " Netto"
                                             , " Währung"]
            , cSuffix = Nothing
            , cNegate = const False
        , cSeparator = ','
        , cVersion = "undefined"
        , cHeader = []
        , cBayes = ["undefined"]
        , cDescription = [Field "undefined"]
      desc = Field <$> [" Name"
                       ," Verwendungszweck"
                       ," Art"
                       ," Zeit"]
      desc2 = Field <$> [" Name"
                       ," Artikelbezeichnung"
                       ," Typ"
                       ," Zeit"]
  in toVersionedCSV (SFormat "paypal" $ DefaultVersion "2017")
  [base { cVersion = "2017"
        , cHeader = ["Datum"
                    ," Zeit" 
                    ," Zeitzone" 
                    ," Name" 
                    ," Typ" 
                    ," Status" 
                    ," Betreff" 
                    ," W\195\164hrung" 
                    ," Brutto" 
                    ," Geb\195\188hr" 
                    ," Netto" 
                    ," Hinweis" 
                    ," Von E-Mail-Adresse" 
                    ," An E-Mail-Adresse" 
                    ," Transactionscode" 
                    ," Zahlungsart" 
                    ,"Status der Gegenpartei" 
                    ," Lieferadresse" 
                    ," Adressstatus" 
                    ," Artikelbezeichnung" 
                    ," Artikelnummer" 
                    ," Betrag f\195\188r Versandkosten" 
                    ," Versicherungsbetrag" 
                    ," Umsatzsteuer" 
                    ," Trinkgeld" 
                    ," Rabatt" 
                    ," Mitgliedsname des Verk\195\164ufers" 
                    ," Option 1 - Name" 
                    ," Option 1 - Wert" 
                    ," Option 2 - Name" 
                    ," Option 2 - Wert" 
                    ," Auktions-Site" 
                    ," K\195\164ufer-ID" 
                    ," Artikel-URL" 
                    ," Angebotsende" 
                    ," Txn-Referenzkennung" 
                    ," Rechnungsnummer" 
                    ," Abonnementnummer" 
                    ," Individuelle Nummer" 
                    ," Belegnummer" 
                    ," Guthaben" 
                    ," Adresszeile 1" 
                    ," Zus\195\164tzliche Angaben" 
                    ," Ort" 
                    ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\195\164fektur/Republik" 
                    ," PLZ" 
                    ," Land" 
                    ," Telefonnummer" 
                    ," Auswirkung auf Guthaben" 
                    ," "]
        , cBayes = [" Name"
                   ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                   ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                   ," Artikelbezeichnung"
                   ," Typ"
                   ," Status"
                   ," K\195\164ufer-ID"
                   , "Status der Gegenpartei"," Adressstatus"
                   , " Option 1 - Name"
                   , " Option 2 - Name"
                   ," Auktions-Site"
                   ," K\195\164ufer-ID"
                   ," Artikel-URL"
                   ," Adresszeile 1"
                   ," Zus\195\164tzliche Angaben"
                   ," Ort"
                   ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\195\164fektur/Republik"
                   ," PLZ"
                   ," Land"
                   ," Telefonnummer"
        , cDescription = desc2
  ,base { cVersion = "2016"
        , cHeader = ["Datum"
                    ," Zeit"
                    ," Zeitzone"
                    ," Name"
                    ," Typ"
                    ," Status"
                    ," W\228hrung"
                    ," Brutto"
                    ," Geb\252hr"
                    ," Netto"
                    ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," Transactionscode"
                    ," Status der Gegenpartei"
                    ," Adressstatus"
                    ," Artikelbezeichnung"
                    ," Artikelnummer"
                    ," Betrag f\252r Versandkosten"
                    ," Versicherungsbetrag"
                    ," Umsatzsteuer"
                    ," Option 1 - Name"
                    ," Option 1 - Wert"
                    ," Option 2 - Name"
                    ," Option 2 - Wert"
                    ," Auktions-Site"
                    ," K\228ufer-ID"
                    ," Artikel-URL"
                    ," Angebotsende"
                    ," Vorgangs-Nr."
                    ," Rechnungs-Nr."
                    ," Txn-Referenzkennung"
                    ," Rechnungsnummer"
                    ," Individuelle Nummer"
                    ," Belegnummer"
                    ," Guthaben"
                    ," Adresszeile 1"
                    ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                    ," Ort"
                    ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                    ," PLZ"
                    ," Land"
                    ," Telefonnummer"
                    ," "]
        , cBayes = [" Name"
                   ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                   ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                   ," Artikelbezeichnung"
                   ," Typ"
                   ," Status"
                   ," Käufer-ID"
                   , " Status der Gegenpartei"," Adressstatus"
                   , " Option 1 - Name"
                   , " Option 2 - Name"
                   ," Auktions-Site"
                   ," K\228ufer-ID"
                   ," Artikel-URL"
                   ," Adresszeile 1"
                   ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                   ," Ort"
                   ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                   ," PLZ"
                   ," Land"
                   ," Telefonnummer"
        , cDescription = desc2
    ,base { cVersion = "2014"
         , cHeader = ["Datum"
                     ," Zeit"
                     ," Zeitzone"
                     ," Name"
                     ," Art"
                     ," Status"
                     ," W\228hrung"
                     ," Brutto"
                     ," Geb\252hr"
                     ," Netto"
                     ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                     ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                     ," Transaktionscode"
                     ," Status der Gegenpartei"
                     ," Adressstatus"
                     ," Verwendungszweck"
                     ," Artikelnummer"
                     ," Betrag f\252r Versandkosten"
                     ," Versicherungsbetrag"
                     ," Umsatzsteuer"
                     ," Option 1 - Name"
                     ," Option 1 - Wert"
                     ," Option 2 - Name"
                     ," Option 2 - Wert"
                     ," Auktions-Site"
                     ," K\228ufer-ID"
                     ," Artikel-URL"
                     ," Angebotsende"
                     ," Vorgangs-Nr."
                     ," Rechnungs-Nr."
                     ," Txn-Referenzkennung"
                     ," Rechnungsnummer"
                     ," Individuelle Nummer"
                     ," Best\228tigungsnummer"
                     ," Guthaben"
                     ," Adresse"
                     ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                     ," Ort"
                     ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                     ," PLZ"
                     ," Land"
                     ," Telefonnummer der Kontaktperson"
                     ," "]
         , cBayes = [" Name"
                    ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," Verwendungszweck"
                    ," Art"
                    ," Status"
                    ," Käufer-ID"
                    , " Status der Gegenpartei"," Adressstatus"
                    , " Option 1 - Name"
                    , " Option 2 - Name"
                    ," Auktions-Site"
                    ," K\228ufer-ID"
                    ," Artikel-URL"
                    ," Adresse"
                    ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                    ," Ort"
                    ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                    ," PLZ"
                    ," Land"
                    ," Telefonnummer der Kontaktperson"
        , cDescription = desc
  , base { cVersion = "2013"
         , cHeader = ["Datum"
                     ," Zeit"
                     ," Zeitzone"
                     ," Name"
                     ," Art"
                     ," Status"
                     ," W\228hrung"
                     ," Brutto"
                     ," Geb\252hr"
                     ," Netto"
                     ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                     ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                     ," Transaktionscode"
                     ," Status der Gegenpartei"
                     ," Adressstatus"
                     ," Verwendungszweck"
                     ," Artikelnummer"
                     ," Betrag f\252r Versandkosten"
                     ," Versicherungsbetrag"
                     ," Umsatzsteuer"
                     ," Option 1 - Name"
                     ," Option 1 - Wert"
                     ," Option 2 - Name"
                     ," Option 2 - Wert"
                     ," Auktions-Site"
                     ," K\228ufer-ID"
                     ," Artikel-URL"
                     ," Angebotsende"
                     ," Vorgangs-Nr."
                     ," Rechnungs-Nr."
                     ," Txn-Referenzkennung"
                     ," Rechnungsnummer"
                     ," Individuelle Nummer"
                     ," Menge"
                     ," Best\228tigungsnummer"
                     ," Guthaben"
                     ," Adresse"
                     ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                     ," Ort"
                     ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                     ," PLZ"
                     ," Land"
                     ," Telefonnummer der Kontaktperson"
                     ," "]
         , cBayes = [" Name"
                    ," An E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," Von E-Mail-Adresse"
                    ," Verwendungszweck"
                    ," Art"
                    ," Status"
                    ," Käufer-ID"
                    ," Status der Gegenpartei"," Adressstatus"
                    ," Option 1 - Name"
                    ," Option 2 - Name"
                    ," Auktions-Site"
                    ," K\228ufer-ID"
                    ," Artikel-URL"
                    ," Adresse"
                    ," Zus\228tzliche Angaben"
                    ," Ort"
                    ," Staat/Provinz/Region/Landkreis/Territorium/Pr\228fektur/Republik"
                    ," PLZ"
                    ," Land"
                    ," Telefonnummer der Kontaktperson"
        , cDescription = desc

-- * other stuff

show2 :: [[T.Text]] -> [T.Text]
show2 = map (T.intercalate ";" . map (\x -> "\"" <> (quote x) <> "\""))
  where quote x = T.replace "\"" escapedDoubleQuotes x

hibiscusToAqbanking :: IO ()
hibiscusToAqbanking = toAqbanking ';'
  (T.readFile "/home/data/finanzen/imported/hibiscus-export-20120930.csv")
  hibicus_header hibiscus_mapping hibiscus_transf $ const True

  :: (Show a, Eq a) =>
     -> [a]
     -> [a]
     -> [T.Text -> T.Text]
     -> ([T.Text] -> Bool)
     -> T.Text
     -> T.Text
toAqbankingPure sep header mapping transformation filtercond =
   T.intercalate "\n" . show2 . (:) csv_header
   . map appl . filter filtercond . drop 1 . (readcsv sep)
            where appl = map (\(a,b) -> a b) . zip transformation . description_list header mapping

  :: (Show a, Eq a) =>
     -> IO T.Text
     -> [a]
     -> [a]
     -> [T.Text -> T.Text]
     -> ([T.Text] -> Bool)
     -> IO ()
toAqbanking sep f header mapping transf filt =
  T.putStr =<< toAqbankingPure sep header mapping transf filt <$> f

  :: (Show a, Eq a) =>
     -> [a]
     -> [(a, T.Text -> T.Text)]
     -> ([T.Text] -> Bool)
     -> T.Text
     -> T.Text
toAqbanking2Pure sep header mapping filt = toAqbankingPure sep header mapping' transf filt
  where mapping' = map fst mapping
        transf = map snd mapping

toAqbanking2 sep f header mapping filt =
  T.writeFile "/tmp/new" =<< toAqbanking2Pure sep header mapping filt <$> f

hibicus_header :: [[Char]]
hibicus_header =["Kontonummer","BLZ","Konto","Gegenkonto","Gegenkonto BLZ","Gegenkonto Inhaber","Betrag","Valuta","Datum","Verwendungszweck","Verwendungszweck 2","Zwischensumme","Primanota","Kundenreferenz","Kategorie","Kommentar","Weitere Verwendungszwecke"]

hibiscus_mapping :: [[Char]]
hibiscus_mapping = ["Primanota","BLZ","Kontonummer","Gegenkonto BLZ","Gegenkonto","Datum","Valuta","Betrag"        , "Betrag"  , "Betrag"              , "Gegenkonto Inhaber", "Betrag", "Verwendungszweck","Verwendungszweck 2","Kommentar","Weitere Verwendungszwecke"] ++ (take 16 $ repeat "Betrag")

hibiscus_transf :: [T.Text -> T.Text]
hibiscus_transf  = [id,         id  , id          , id             , id         , fshow . readdate2, fshow . readdate2,comma ,const "EUR", const "Johannes Gerer", id                  , const ""] <> (take 4 $ repeat id) <> (take 16 $ repeat $ const "") :: [T.Text -> T.Text]

comma :: T.Text -> T.Text
comma  = T.replace "," "." . T.replace "." "" :: T.Text -> T.Text

readdate2 :: Stream t Data.Functor.Identity.Identity Char
          => t -> Date2
readdate2 s = either (error.show) id (parse p_date2 "date" s)

p_date2 :: Stream t Data.Functor.Identity.Identity Char
        => Parsec t () Date2
p_date2 = do d <- many1 digit
             char '.'
             m <- many1 digit
             char '.'
             y <- many1 digit
             return (D y m d)

readdate :: T.Text -> Day
readdate s = either (error.show) id (parse p_date "date" s)

p_date :: Stream t Data.Functor.Identity.Identity Char
        => Parsec t () Day
p_date = do y <- many1 digit
            char '/'
            m <- many1 digit
            char '/'
            d <- many1 digit
            return $ fromGregorian (read y) (read m) (read d)

instance Show Date2 where
  show (D y m d) = concat [y, "/", m, "/", d]

data Date2 = D String String String  -- year month day
  deriving (Eq)

  :: MonadError Msg m
  => VersionedCSV a
  -> m (SFormat DefaultVersion, M.Map Version [T.Text])
toBayes = fmap (second $ fmap $ cBayes . cRaw)

-- create a map that associates each format with a map that associates
-- each version with a list of fields
  :: MonadError Msg m =>
     m (M.Map (SFormat ()) (M.Map Version [T.Text]))
defaultFields = fromListUnique . fmap (first $ (() <$))
  =<< sequence [toBayes paypalImport
               ,toBayes aqbankingImport
               ,toBayes barclaycardus
               ,toBayes pncbank
               ,toBayes revolut
               ,toBayes natwestIntl
               ,toBayes barclaysUk
               ,toBayes monefy]

-- extract the values of all available bayes fields of a given
-- source.
  :: MonadError Msg m
  => Source -> m [T.Text]
getBayesFields source = do
  -- extract the correct bayes fields that correspond to the source's
  -- format and version.
  fields <- lookupErrM "Version has to be configured" M.lookup
            (fVersion format)
            =<< lookupErrM "Format has to be configured" M.lookup
            (() <$ format)
            =<< defaultFields
  return $ mapMaybe (flip M.lookup $ sStore source) fields
    where format = sFormat source