module BuildBox.Data.Comparison
	( -- * Comparisons
	  Comparison	(..)
	, makeComparison)
import BuildBox.Pretty
import Text.Printf

-- | The comparison of two values.
data Comparison a	
	-- | Comparison of a recent value with a baseline.
	= Comparison
	{ comparisonBaseline	:: a
	, comparisonRecent	:: a
	, comparisonSwing	:: Double }
	-- | A new value that doesn't have a baseline.
	| ComparisonNew
	{ comparisonNew		:: a }
	deriving (Read, Show)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Comparison a) where
	ppr (Comparison _ recent ratio)
		| abs ratio < 0.01	
		= text $ printf "%s (----)"
				(render $ ppr recent)

		| otherwise		
		= text $ printf "%s (%+4.0f)"
				(render $ ppr recent)
				(ratio * 100)

	ppr (ComparisonNew new)
		= (padL 10 $ ppr new)

-- | Make a comparison from two values.
makeComparison :: Real a => a -> a -> Comparison a
makeComparison base recent
	= Comparison base recent swing
	where	dBase	= fromRational $ toRational base
		dRecent	= fromRational $ toRational recent
		swing = ((dRecent - dBase) / dBase)