buildbox- Rehackable components for writing buildbots and test harnesses.

Safe HaskellNone




Defines the main Build monad and common utils.



data BuildState Source

Global builder configuration.




buildStateLogSystem :: Maybe Handle

Log all system commands executed to this file handle.

buildStateSeq :: Integer

Sequence number for generating fresh file names.

buildStateScratchDir :: FilePath

Scratch directory for making temp files.

buildStateDefault :: FilePath -> BuildState Source

The default build config.

type Build a = StateT BuildState IO a Source

The builder monad encapsulates and IO action that can fail with an error, and also read some global configuration info.


runBuild :: FilePath -> Build a -> IO (Either BuildError a) Source

Run a build command. The first argument is a directory that can be used for temporary files (like "/tmp")

runBuildWithState :: BuildState -> Build a -> IO (Maybe a) Source

Like runBuild but also takes a BuildState.

runBuildPrint :: FilePath -> Build a -> IO (Maybe a) Source

Like runBuild, but report whether it succeeded to the console. If it succeeded then return Just the result, else Nothing.

successfully :: IO a -> IO () Source

Discard the resulting value of a compuation. Used like successfully . runBuild ...


data BuildError Source

The errors we recognise.


ErrorOther String

Some generic error


Some system command fell over, and it barfed out the given stdout and stderr.

ErrorIOError IOError

Some miscellanous IO action failed.

forall prop . Show prop => ErrorCheckFailed Bool prop

Some property check was supposed to return the given boolean value, but it didn't.

ErrorNeeds FilePath

A build command needs the following file to continue. This can be used for writing make-like bots.

throw :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a Source

Alias for throwM from Control.Monad.Catch.

catch :: MonadCatch m => forall a e. Exception e => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a

Provide a handler for exceptions thrown during execution of the first action. Note that type of the type of the argument to the handler will constrain which exceptions are caught. See Control.Exception's catch.

needs :: FilePath -> Build () Source

Throw a needs error saying we needs the given file. A catcher could then usefully create the file, or defer the compuation until it has been created.


io :: IO a -> Build a Source

Lift an IO action into the build monad. If the action throws any exceptions they get caught and turned into ErrorIOError exceptions in our Build monad.

whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m () Source

Like when, but with teh monadz.


out :: Pretty a => a -> Build () Source

Print some text to stdout.

outLn :: Pretty a => a -> Build () Source

Print some text to stdout followed by a newline.

outBlank :: Build () Source

Print a blank line to stdout

outLine :: Build () Source

Print a ----- line to stdout

outLINE :: Build () Source

Print a ===== line to stdout

logSystem :: String -> Build () Source

Log a system command to the handle in our BuildConfig, if any.