-- | Working with the network.
module BuildBox.Command.Network
import BuildBox.Build
import BuildBox.Command.File
import BuildBox.Command.System

type HostName   = String
type URL        = String

data PropNetwork

        -- | The given host is reachable with @ping@.
        = HostReachable HostName

        -- | Use @wget@ to check if a web-page is gettable.
        --   The page is deleted after downloading.
        | UrlGettable   URL

        deriving Show
instance Testable PropNetwork where
 test prop
  = case prop of

        -- Works on OSX 10.6.2
        -- -o               exit successfully after recieving one reply packet.
        HostReachable hostName
         -> do  check   $ HasExecutable "ping"
                (code, _, _) <- systemq $ "ping -o " ++ hostName
                return $ code == ExitSuccess
        -- Works on OSX 10.6.2, wget 1.12
        --  -q              quiet
        --  --delete-after  delete page after downloading.
        UrlGettable url
         -> do  check   $ HasExecutable "wget"
                (code, _, _) <- systemq $ "wget -q --delete-after " ++ url
                return  $ code == ExitSuccess