{-#LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface#-} #include "Bullet.h" module Physics.Bullet.Raw.LinearMath ( module Physics.Bullet.Raw.LinearMath ) where import Control.Monad import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Ptr import Physics.Bullet.Raw.C2HS import Physics.Bullet.Raw.Types import Physics.Bullet.Raw.Class -- * CProfileIterator {#fun cProfileIterator_free `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Name as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Name `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `String' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Total_Calls as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Total_Calls `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Total_Time as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Total_Time `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Enter_Child as cProfileIterator_Enter_Child `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Int' -- ^ index } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Is_Done as cProfileIterator_Is_Done `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Bool' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Next as cProfileIterator_Next `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Is_Root as cProfileIterator_Is_Root `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Bool' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Name as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Name `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `String' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Total_Calls as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Total_Calls `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Total_Time as cProfileIterator_Get_Current_Parent_Total_Time `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_Enter_Parent as cProfileIterator_Enter_Parent `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileIterator_First as cProfileIterator_First `( CProfileIteratorClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} -- * CProfileManager {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_new as cProfileManager { } -> `CProfileManager' mkCProfileManager* #} {#fun cProfileManager_free `( CProfileManagerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Reset as cProfileManager_Reset `( )' => { } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_dumpAll as cProfileManager_dumpAll `( )' => { } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Get_Frame_Count_Since_Reset as cProfileManager_Get_Frame_Count_Since_Reset `( )' => { } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Release_Iterator as cProfileManager_Release_Iterator `( CProfileIteratorClass p0 )' => { withBt* `p0' -- ^ iterator } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Stop_Profile as cProfileManager_Stop_Profile `( )' => { } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_CleanupMemory as cProfileManager_CleanupMemory `( )' => { } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Get_Time_Since_Reset as cProfileManager_Get_Time_Since_Reset `( )' => { } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Start_Profile as cProfileManager_Start_Profile `( )' => { `String' -- ^ name } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Increment_Frame_Counter as cProfileManager_Increment_Frame_Counter `( )' => { } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_dumpRecursive as cProfileManager_dumpRecursive `( CProfileIteratorClass p0 )' => { withBt* `p0' -- ^ profileIterator , `Int' -- ^ spacing } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileManager_Get_Iterator as cProfileManager_Get_Iterator `( )' => { } -> `CProfileIterator' mkCProfileIterator* #} -- * CProfileNode {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_new as cProfileNode `( CProfileNodeClass p1 )' => { `String' , withBt* `p1' } -> `CProfileNode' mkCProfileNode* #} {#fun cProfileNode_free `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Reset as cProfileNode_Reset `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Return as cProfileNode_Return `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Bool' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Sub_Node as cProfileNode_Get_Sub_Node `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `String' -- ^ name } -> `CProfileNode' mkCProfileNode* #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_CleanupMemory as cProfileNode_CleanupMemory `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Parent as cProfileNode_Get_Parent `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `CProfileNode' mkCProfileNode* #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Total_Calls as cProfileNode_Get_Total_Calls `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Name as cProfileNode_Get_Name `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `String' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Total_Time as cProfileNode_Get_Total_Time `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Call as cProfileNode_Call `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Sibling as cProfileNode_Get_Sibling `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `CProfileNode' mkCProfileNode* #} {- | -} {#fun cProfileNode_Get_Child as cProfileNode_Get_Child `( CProfileNodeClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `CProfileNode' mkCProfileNode* #} -- * CProfileSample {- | -} {#fun cProfileSample_new as cProfileSample { `String' } -> `CProfileSample' mkCProfileSample* #} {#fun cProfileSample_free `( CProfileSampleClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btBlock {- | -} {#fun btBlock_new as btBlock { } -> `BtBlock' mkBtBlock* #} {#fun btBlock_free `( BtBlockClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btBlock_previous_set `( BtBlockClass bc , BtBlockClass a )' => { withBt* `bc' , withBt* `a' } -> `()' #} -- * btChunk {- | -} {#fun btChunk_new as btChunk { } -> `BtChunk' mkBtChunk* #} {#fun btChunk_free `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_chunkCode_set `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_chunkCode_get `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_length_set `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_length_get `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_dna_nr_set `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_dna_nr_get `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_number_set `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btChunk_m_number_get `( BtChunkClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Int' #} -- * btClock {- | -} {#fun btClock_new as btClock { } -> `BtClock' mkBtClock* #} {#fun btClock_free `( BtClockClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btClock_reset as btClock_reset `( BtClockClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btClock_getTimeMilliseconds as btClock_getTimeMilliseconds `( BtClockClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Word64' #} {- | -} {#fun btClock_getTimeMicroseconds as btClock_getTimeMicroseconds `( BtClockClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Word64' #} -- * btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_new as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil { `Float' , `Float' } -> `BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil' mkBtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil* #} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_free `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_updateSeparatingDistance as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_updateSeparatingDistance `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transA , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transB } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_updateSeparatingDistance as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_updateSeparatingDistance' `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transA , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transB } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_getConservativeSeparatingDistance as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_getConservativeSeparatingDistance `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_initSeparatingDistance as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_initSeparatingDistance `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ separatingVector , `Float' -- ^ separatingDistance , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transA , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transB } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_initSeparatingDistance as btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil_initSeparatingDistance' `( BtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ separatingVector , `Float' -- ^ separatingDistance , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transA , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transB } -> `()' #} -- * btDefaultMotionState {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_new as btDefaultMotionState { withTransform* `Transform' , withTransform* `Transform' } -> `BtDefaultMotionState' mkBtDefaultMotionState* #} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_free `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_setWorldTransform as btDefaultMotionState_setWorldTransform `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ centerOfMassWorldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_setWorldTransform as btDefaultMotionState_setWorldTransform' `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ centerOfMassWorldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_getWorldTransform as btDefaultMotionState_getWorldTransform `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ centerOfMassWorldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_getWorldTransform as btDefaultMotionState_getWorldTransform' `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ centerOfMassWorldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_graphicsWorldTrans_set `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , withTransform* `Transform' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_graphicsWorldTrans_get `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_centerOfMassOffset_set `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , withTransform* `Transform' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_centerOfMassOffset_get `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_startWorldTrans_set `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , withTransform* `Transform' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultMotionState_m_startWorldTrans_get `( BtDefaultMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* } -> `()' #} -- * btDefaultSerializer {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_new as btDefaultSerializer { `Int' } -> `BtDefaultSerializer' mkBtDefaultSerializer* #} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_free `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_setSerializationFlags as btDefaultSerializer_setSerializationFlags `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Int' -- ^ flags } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_startSerialization as btDefaultSerializer_startSerialization `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_getSerializationFlags as btDefaultSerializer_getSerializationFlags `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_finishSerialization as btDefaultSerializer_finishSerialization `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_getCurrentBufferSize as btDefaultSerializer_getCurrentBufferSize `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btDefaultSerializer_serializeName as btDefaultSerializer_serializeName `( BtDefaultSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `String' -- ^ name } -> `()' #} -- * btGeometryUtil {- | -} {#fun btGeometryUtil_new as btGeometryUtil { } -> `BtGeometryUtil' mkBtGeometryUtil* #} {#fun btGeometryUtil_free `( BtGeometryUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btHashInt {- | -} {#fun btHashInt_new as btHashInt { `Int' } -> `BtHashInt' mkBtHashInt* #} {#fun btHashInt_free `( BtHashIntClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashInt_getUid1 as btHashInt_getUid1 `( BtHashIntClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashInt_getHash as btHashInt_getHash `( BtHashIntClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Word32' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashInt_setUid1 as btHashInt_setUid1 `( BtHashIntClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Int' -- ^ uid } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashInt_equals as btHashInt_equals `( BtHashIntClass bc , BtHashIntClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ other } -> `Bool' #} -- * btHashPtr {#fun btHashPtr_free `( BtHashPtrClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashPtr_getHash as btHashPtr_getHash `( BtHashPtrClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Word32' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashPtr_equals as btHashPtr_equals `( BtHashPtrClass bc , BtHashPtrClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ other } -> `Bool' #} -- * btHashString {- | -} {#fun btHashString_new as btHashString { `String' } -> `BtHashString' mkBtHashString* #} {#fun btHashString_free `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_getHash as btHashString_getHash `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Word32' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_equals as btHashString_equals `( BtHashStringClass bc , BtHashStringClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ other } -> `Bool' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_portableStringCompare as btHashString_portableStringCompare `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `String' -- ^ src , `String' -- ^ dst } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_m_hash_set `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Word32' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_m_hash_get `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Word32' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_m_string_set `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `String' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btHashString_m_string_get `( BtHashStringClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `String' #} -- * btIDebugDraw {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_draw3dText as btIDebugDraw_draw3dText `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ location , `String' -- ^ textString } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_draw3dText as btIDebugDraw_draw3dText' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ location , `String' -- ^ textString } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox0 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox0 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox0 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox0 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox0 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox0' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox1 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox1 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ trans , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawBox1 as btIDebugDraw_drawBox1' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMin , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ bbMax , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ trans , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCone as btIDebugDraw_drawCone `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ height , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCone as btIDebugDraw_drawCone' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ height , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCapsule as btIDebugDraw_drawCapsule `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ halfHeight , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCapsule as btIDebugDraw_drawCapsule' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ halfHeight , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawArc as btIDebugDraw_drawArc `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ center , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ normal , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ axis , `Float' -- ^ radiusA , `Float' -- ^ radiusB , `Float' -- ^ minAngle , `Float' -- ^ maxAngle , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Bool' -- ^ drawSect , `Float' -- ^ stepDegrees } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawArc as btIDebugDraw_drawArc' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ center , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ normal , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ axis , `Float' -- ^ radiusA , `Float' -- ^ radiusB , `Float' -- ^ minAngle , `Float' -- ^ maxAngle , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Bool' -- ^ drawSect , `Float' -- ^ stepDegrees } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCylinder as btIDebugDraw_drawCylinder `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ halfHeight , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawCylinder as btIDebugDraw_drawCylinder' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ halfHeight , `Int' -- ^ upAxis , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_reportErrorWarning as btIDebugDraw_reportErrorWarning `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `String' -- ^ warningString } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg3 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg4 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg5 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ alpha } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg3 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg4 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg5 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ alpha } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg3 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg4 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg5 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ alpha } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle0' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg3 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg4 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ arg5 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ alpha } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle1 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle1 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ arg4 } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle1 as btIDebugDraw_drawTriangle1' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v0 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v1 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ v2 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ arg4 } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_getDebugMode as btIDebugDraw_getDebugMode `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine0 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine0 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine0 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine0 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine0 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine0' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine1 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine1 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ fromColor , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ toColor } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawLine1 as btIDebugDraw_drawLine1' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ fromColor , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ toColor } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTransform as btIDebugDraw_drawTransform `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , `Float' -- ^ orthoLen } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawTransform as btIDebugDraw_drawTransform' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , `Float' -- ^ orthoLen } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawAabb as btIDebugDraw_drawAabb `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawAabb as btIDebugDraw_drawAabb' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ from , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ to , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawPlane as btIDebugDraw_drawPlane `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ planeNormal , `Float' -- ^ planeConst , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawPlane as btIDebugDraw_drawPlane' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ planeNormal , `Float' -- ^ planeConst , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawContactPoint as btIDebugDraw_drawContactPoint `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ PointOnB , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ normalOnB , `Float' -- ^ distance , `Int' -- ^ lifeTime , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawContactPoint as btIDebugDraw_drawContactPoint' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ PointOnB , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ normalOnB , `Float' -- ^ distance , `Int' -- ^ lifeTime , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_setDebugMode as btIDebugDraw_setDebugMode `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Int' -- ^ debugMode } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSpherePatch as btIDebugDraw_drawSpherePatch `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ center , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ up , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ axis , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ minTh , `Float' -- ^ maxTh , `Float' -- ^ minPs , `Float' -- ^ maxPs , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ stepDegrees } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSpherePatch as btIDebugDraw_drawSpherePatch' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ center , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ up , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ axis , `Float' -- ^ radius , `Float' -- ^ minTh , `Float' -- ^ maxTh , `Float' -- ^ minPs , `Float' -- ^ maxPs , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color , `Float' -- ^ stepDegrees } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere0' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ radius , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere1 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere1 `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ p , `Float' -- ^ radius , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btIDebugDraw_drawSphere1 as btIDebugDraw_drawSphere1' `( BtIDebugDrawClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ p , `Float' -- ^ radius , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ color } -> `()' #} -- * btMatrix3x3DoubleData {- | -} {#fun btMatrix3x3DoubleData_new as btMatrix3x3DoubleData { } -> `BtMatrix3x3DoubleData' mkBtMatrix3x3DoubleData* #} {#fun btMatrix3x3DoubleData_free `( BtMatrix3x3DoubleDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btMatrix3x3FloatData {- | -} {#fun btMatrix3x3FloatData_new as btMatrix3x3FloatData { } -> `BtMatrix3x3FloatData' mkBtMatrix3x3FloatData* #} {#fun btMatrix3x3FloatData_free `( BtMatrix3x3FloatDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btMotionState {- | -} {#fun btMotionState_setWorldTransform as btMotionState_setWorldTransform `( BtMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ worldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btMotionState_setWorldTransform as btMotionState_setWorldTransform' `( BtMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ worldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btMotionState_getWorldTransform as btMotionState_getWorldTransform `( BtMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ worldTrans } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btMotionState_getWorldTransform as btMotionState_getWorldTransform' `( BtMotionStateClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ worldTrans } -> `()' #} -- * btPointerUid {- | -} {#fun btPointerUid_new as btPointerUid { } -> `BtPointerUid' mkBtPointerUid* #} {#fun btPointerUid_free `( BtPointerUidClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btQuadWord {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_new0 as btQuadWord0 { } -> `BtQuadWord' mkBtQuadWord* #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_new1 as btQuadWord1 { `Float' , `Float' , `Float' } -> `BtQuadWord' mkBtQuadWord* #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_new2 as btQuadWord2 { `Float' , `Float' , `Float' , `Float' } -> `BtQuadWord' mkBtQuadWord* #} {#fun btQuadWord_free `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setMin as btQuadWord_setMin `( BtQuadWordClass bc , BtQuadWordClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ other } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setValue0 as btQuadWord_setValue `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ x , `Float' -- ^ y , `Float' -- ^ z } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setValue0 as btQuadWord_setValue0 `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ x , `Float' -- ^ y , `Float' -- ^ z } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setValue1 as btQuadWord_setValue1 `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ x , `Float' -- ^ y , `Float' -- ^ z , `Float' -- ^ w } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setMax as btQuadWord_setMax `( BtQuadWordClass bc , BtQuadWordClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ other } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_getX as btQuadWord_getX `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_getY as btQuadWord_getY `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_getZ as btQuadWord_getZ `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setW as btQuadWord_setW `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ w } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_w as btQuadWord_w `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_y as btQuadWord_y `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_x as btQuadWord_x `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_z as btQuadWord_z `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Float' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setX as btQuadWord_setX `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ x } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setY as btQuadWord_setY `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ y } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btQuadWord_setZ as btQuadWord_setZ `( BtQuadWordClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Float' -- ^ z } -> `()' #} -- * btSerializer {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_setSerializationFlags as btSerializer_setSerializationFlags `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Int' -- ^ flags } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_getCurrentBufferSize as btSerializer_getCurrentBufferSize `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_startSerialization as btSerializer_startSerialization `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_getSerializationFlags as btSerializer_getSerializationFlags `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_finishSerialization as btSerializer_finishSerialization `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btSerializer_serializeName as btSerializer_serializeName `( BtSerializerClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `String' -- ^ ptr } -> `()' #} -- * btStackAlloc {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_new as btStackAlloc { `Word32' } -> `BtStackAlloc' mkBtStackAlloc* #} {#fun btStackAlloc_free `( BtStackAllocClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_create as btStackAlloc_create `( BtStackAllocClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , `Word32' -- ^ size } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_destroy as btStackAlloc_destroy `( BtStackAllocClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_beginBlock as btStackAlloc_beginBlock `( BtStackAllocClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `BtBlock' mkBtBlock* #} {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_getAvailableMemory as btStackAlloc_getAvailableMemory `( BtStackAllocClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btStackAlloc_endBlock as btStackAlloc_endBlock `( BtStackAllocClass bc , BtBlockClass p0 )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ , withBt* `p0' -- ^ block } -> `()' #} -- * btTransformDoubleData {- | -} {#fun btTransformDoubleData_new as btTransformDoubleData { } -> `BtTransformDoubleData' mkBtTransformDoubleData* #} {#fun btTransformDoubleData_free `( BtTransformDoubleDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btTransformFloatData {- | -} {#fun btTransformFloatData_new as btTransformFloatData { } -> `BtTransformFloatData' mkBtTransformFloatData* #} {#fun btTransformFloatData_free `( BtTransformFloatDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btTransformUtil {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_new as btTransformUtil { } -> `BtTransformUtil' mkBtTransformUtil* #} {#fun btTransformUtil_free `( BtTransformUtilClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_calculateVelocity as btTransformUtil_calculateVelocity `( )' => { withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform0 , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform1 , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linVel , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angVel } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_calculateVelocity as btTransformUtil_calculateVelocity' `( )' => { allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform0 , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ transform1 , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linVel , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angVel } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_integrateTransform as btTransformUtil_integrateTransform `( )' => { withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ curTrans , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linvel , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angvel , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , withTransform* `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ predictedTransform } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_integrateTransform as btTransformUtil_integrateTransform' `( )' => { allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ curTrans , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linvel , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angvel , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , allocaTransform- `Transform' peekTransform* -- ^ predictedTransform } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_calculateVelocityQuaternion as btTransformUtil_calculateVelocityQuaternion `( )' => { withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ pos0 , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ pos1 , withQuaternion* `Quaternion' peekQuaternion* -- ^ orn0 , withQuaternion* `Quaternion' peekQuaternion* -- ^ orn1 , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linVel , withVector3* `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angVel } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTransformUtil_calculateVelocityQuaternion as btTransformUtil_calculateVelocityQuaternion' `( )' => { allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ pos0 , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ pos1 , allocaQuaternion- `Quaternion' peekQuaternion* -- ^ orn0 , allocaQuaternion- `Quaternion' peekQuaternion* -- ^ orn1 , `Float' -- ^ timeStep , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ linVel , allocaVector3- `Vector3' peekVector3* -- ^ angVel } -> `()' #} -- * btTypedObject {- | -} {#fun btTypedObject_new as btTypedObject { `Int' } -> `BtTypedObject' mkBtTypedObject* #} {#fun btTypedObject_free `( BtTypedObjectClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTypedObject_getObjectType as btTypedObject_getObjectType `( BtTypedObjectClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' -- ^ } -> `Int' #} {- | -} {#fun btTypedObject_m_objectType_set `( BtTypedObjectClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {- | -} {#fun btTypedObject_m_objectType_get `( BtTypedObjectClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `Int' #} -- * btVector3DoubleData {- | -} {#fun btVector3DoubleData_new as btVector3DoubleData { } -> `BtVector3DoubleData' mkBtVector3DoubleData* #} {#fun btVector3DoubleData_free `( BtVector3DoubleDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #} -- * btVector3FloatData {- | -} {#fun btVector3FloatData_new as btVector3FloatData { } -> `BtVector3FloatData' mkBtVector3FloatData* #} {#fun btVector3FloatData_free `( BtVector3FloatDataClass bc )' => { withBt* `bc' } -> `()' #}