{% extends "base.html" %} {%- block control -%}

{% if input.inputType != "time" %} {{ T.year }} {{ T.month }} {% endif %} {% if input.inputType != "month" %} {% if input.inputType != "time" %} {{ T.date }} {% endif %} {# NOTE: "week" handling is largely a matter of switching to +/- 7days #} {% if input.inputType != "date" && input.inputType != "week" %} {{ T.hour|pad2 }} : {{ T.minute|pad2 }} {{ T.meridiem }} {% if input.inputType != "datetime-local" && input.inputType != "time" %} {{ T.zone }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}


{% if input.inputType != "time" %} {% endif %} {% if input.inputType != "month" %} {# TODO: Do we want to refine this for "week" inputs? #} {% if input.inputType != "time" %} {% endif %} {% if input.inputType != "date" && input.inputType != "week" %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{%- endblock -%}