{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module System.Hardware.BusPirate.Core where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when, replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.IO
import Data.Word
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Numeric
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)

import System.Hardware.Serialport as SP

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

debug :: Bool
debug = False

newtype BusPirateM a = BPM (EitherT String (ReaderT Handle IO) a)
                     deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

withDevice :: (Handle -> BusPirateM a) -> BusPirateM a
withDevice action = BPM (lift ask) >>= action

settings = defaultSerialSettings { commSpeed = CS115200 }

drainInput :: Handle -> IO ()
drainInput h = do
    threadDelay 10
    a <- BS.hGetSome h 100
    when (not $ BS.null a) $ drainInput h

-- | Attempt to enter binary mode
initialize :: Handle -> EitherT String IO ()
initialize dev = do
    liftIO $ hFlush dev
    liftIO $ BS.hPut dev "\x00"
    a <- liftIO $ BS.hGetSome dev 5
    when (a /= "BBIO1")
      $ left "Invalid response during initialization"

-- | Run the given action until success up to n times
attempt :: Monad m => Int -> EitherT e m a -> EitherT e m a
attempt n action = go n
    go 0 = action
    go n = do res <- lift $ runEitherT action
              case res of
                Right a -> return a
                Left _  -> go (n-1)

-- | Open a Bus Pirate device and run the given action
runBusPirate :: FilePath -> BusPirateM a -> IO (Either String a)
runBusPirate path (BPM action) = do
    dev <- liftIO $ SP.hOpenSerial path settings
    res <- runEitherT $ do
      attempt 20 (initialize dev)
      liftIO $ drainInput dev
      EitherT $ runReaderT (runEitherT action) dev
    replicateM_ 20 $ BS.hPut dev "\x00"
    BS.hPut dev "\x0f"
    hClose dev
    return res

put :: ByteString -> BusPirateM ()
put bs = withDevice $ \dev->BPM $ do
   liftIO $ BS.hPut dev bs
   when debug $ liftIO $ print $ showHex bs

putByte :: Word8 -> BusPirateM ()
putByte b = withDevice $ \dev->BPM $ liftIO $ BS.hPut dev (BS.singleton b)

putWord16 :: Word16 -> BusPirateM ()
putWord16 b = do
    putByte $ fromIntegral $ b `div` 0x100
    putByte $ fromIntegral $ b
get :: Int -> BusPirateM ByteString
get n = withDevice $ \dev->BPM $ liftIO $ BS.hGet dev n

getByte :: BusPirateM Word8
getByte = do
    r <- get 1
    if BS.null r
      then fail $ "Failed to read byte"
      else return $ BS.head r

commandExpect :: Word8 -> ByteString -> BusPirateM ()
commandExpect cmd reply = do
    put $ BS.pack [fromIntegral cmd]
    r <- get (BS.length reply)
    if r /= reply
      then fail $ "Expected reply '"++show reply++"', found '"++show r++"'"
      else return ()
command :: Word8 -> BusPirateM ()
command cmd = commandExpect cmd "\x01"

data PeripheralConfig
    = PConfig { perPower      :: Bool
              , perPullups    :: Bool
              , perAux        :: Bool
              , perChipSelect :: Bool
    deriving (Show)

setPeripherals :: PeripheralConfig -> BusPirateM ()
setPeripherals config = do
    command $ 0x40
            + bit 3 (perPower config)
            + bit 2 (perPullups config)
            + bit 1 (perAux config)
            + bit 0 (perChipSelect config)
    bit n True = 2^n
    bit _ _    = 0

showHex :: BS.ByteString -> String
showHex = intercalate " " . map (zeroPad 2 . flip Numeric.showHex "") . BS.unpack
    zeroPad n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s