-- | Parameters are arguments of your current command that are not prefixed
-- by some flag. Typical commandline interface is something like
-- "PROGRAM [FLAGS] INPUT". Here, FLAGS are Flags in butcher, and INPUT is
-- a Param, in this case a String representing a path, for example.
module UI.Butcher.Monadic.Param
  ( Param(..)
  , paramHelp
  , paramHelpStr
  , paramDefault
  , paramSuggestions
  , addReadParam
  , addReadParamOpt
  , addStringParam
  , addStringParamOpt
  , addStringParams
  , addRestOfInputStringParam

#include "prelude.inc"
import           Control.Monad.Free
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.MultiRWS.Strict as MultiRWSS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.MultiState.Strict as MultiStateS

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP

import           Data.HList.ContainsType

import           UI.Butcher.Monadic.Internal.Types
import           UI.Butcher.Monadic.Internal.Core

-- | param-description monoid. You probably won't need to use the constructor;
-- mzero or any (<>) of param(Help|Default|Suggestion) works well.
data Param p = Param
  { _param_default :: Maybe p
  , _param_help :: Maybe PP.Doc
  , _param_suggestions :: Maybe [p]

instance Monoid (Param p) where
  mempty = Param Nothing Nothing Nothing
  mappend (Param a1 b1 c1)
          (Param a2 b2 c2)
    = Param
          (a1 `f` a2)
          (b1 `mappend` b2)
          (c1 `mappend` c2)
      f Nothing x = x
      f x       _ = x

-- | Create a 'Param' with just a help text.
paramHelpStr :: String -> Param p
paramHelpStr s = mempty { _param_help = Just $ PP.text s }

-- | Create a 'Param' with just a help text.
paramHelp :: PP.Doc -> Param p
paramHelp h = mempty { _param_help = Just h }

-- | Create a 'Param' with just a default value.
paramDefault :: p -> Param p
paramDefault d = mempty { _param_default = Just d }

-- | Create a 'Param' with just a list of suggestion values.
paramSuggestions :: [p] -> Param p
paramSuggestions ss = mempty { _param_suggestions = Just ss }

-- | Add a parameter to the 'CmdParser' by making use of a 'Text.Read.Read'
-- instance. Take care not to use this to return Strings unless you really
-- want that, because it will require the quotation marks and escaping as
-- is normal for the Show/Read instances for String.
addReadParam :: forall f out a
              . (Applicative f, Typeable a, Show a, Text.Read.Read a)
             => String -- ^ paramater name, for use in usage/help texts
             -> Param a -- ^ properties
             -> CmdParser f out a
addReadParam name par = addCmdPart desc parseF
    desc :: PartDesc
    desc = (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par)
         $ (maybe id (PartDefault . show) $ _param_default par)
         $ PartVariable name
    parseF :: String -> Maybe (a, String)
    parseF s = case Text.Read.reads s of
      ((x, ' ':r):_) -> Just (x, dropWhile Char.isSpace r)
      ((x, []):_)    -> Just (x, [])
      _ -> _param_default par <&> \x -> (x, s)

-- | Like addReadParam, but optional. I.e. if reading fails, returns Nothing.
addReadParamOpt :: forall f out a
                 . (Applicative f, Typeable a, Text.Read.Read a)
                => String -- ^ paramater name, for use in usage/help texts
                -> Param a -- ^ properties
                -> CmdParser f out (Maybe a)
addReadParamOpt name par = addCmdPart desc parseF
    desc :: PartDesc
    desc = PartOptional
         $ (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par)
         $ PartVariable name
    parseF :: String -> Maybe (Maybe a, String)
    parseF s = case Text.Read.reads s of
      ((x, ' ':r):_) -> Just (Just x, dropWhile Char.isSpace r)
      ((x, []):_)    -> Just (Just x, [])
      _ -> Just (Nothing, s) -- TODO: we could warn about a default..

-- | Add a parameter that matches any string of non-space characters if
-- input==String, or one full argument if input==[String]. See the 'Input' doc
-- for this distinction.
  :: forall f out . (Applicative f)
  => String
  -> Param String
  -> CmdParser f out String
addStringParam name par = addCmdPartInp desc parseF
    desc :: PartDesc
    desc = addSuggestion (_param_suggestions par)
         $ (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par)
         $ PartVariable name
    parseF :: Input -> Maybe (String, Input)
    parseF (InputString str)
      = case break Char.isSpace $ dropWhile Char.isSpace str of
          ("", rest) -> _param_default par <&> \x -> (x, InputString rest)
          (x, rest) -> Just (x, InputString rest)
    parseF (InputArgs args) = case args of
      (s1:sR) -> Just (s1, InputArgs sR)
      []      -> _param_default par <&> \x -> (x, InputArgs args)

-- | Like 'addStringParam', but optional, I.e. succeeding with Nothing if
-- there is no remaining input.
  :: forall f out . (Applicative f)
  => String
  -> Param Void
  -> CmdParser f out (Maybe String)
addStringParamOpt name par = addCmdPartInp desc parseF
    desc :: PartDesc
    desc = PartOptional
         $ (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par)
         $ PartVariable name
    parseF :: Input -> Maybe (Maybe String, Input)
    parseF (InputString str)
      = case break Char.isSpace $ dropWhile Char.isSpace str of
          ("", rest) -> Just (Nothing, InputString rest)
          (x, rest) -> Just (Just x, InputString rest)
    parseF (InputArgs args) = case args of
      (s1:sR) -> Just (Just s1, InputArgs sR)
      []      -> Just (Nothing, InputArgs [])

-- | Add a parameter that matches any string of non-space characters if
-- input==String, or one full argument if input==[String]. See the 'Input' doc
-- for this distinction.
  :: forall f out
   . (Applicative f)
  => String
  -> Param Void
  -> CmdParser f out [String]
addStringParams name par = addCmdPartManyInp ManyUpperBoundN desc parseF
  desc :: PartDesc
  desc = (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par) $ PartVariable name
  parseF :: Input -> Maybe (String, Input)
  parseF (InputString str) =
    case break Char.isSpace $ dropWhile Char.isSpace str of
      ("", _   ) -> Nothing
      (x , rest) -> Just (x, InputString rest)
  parseF (InputArgs args) = case args of
    (s1:sR) -> Just (s1, InputArgs sR)
    []      -> Nothing

-- | Add a parameter that consumes _all_ remaining input. Typical usecase is
-- after a "--" as common in certain (unix?) commandline tools.
  :: forall f out . (Applicative f)
  => String
  -> Param Void
  -> CmdParser f out String
addRestOfInputStringParam name par = addCmdPartInp desc parseF
    desc :: PartDesc
    desc = (maybe id PartWithHelp $ _param_help par)
         $ PartVariable name
    parseF :: Input -> Maybe (String, Input)
    parseF (InputString str) = Just (str, InputString "")
    parseF (InputArgs args)  = Just (List.unwords args, InputArgs [])