# Butter For easily spreading around monadic computation ## Examples - Example Language usage in `test/first/Main.hs` - Example Protocol usage in `test/protocol/Main.hs` ## Current Language Features Actor Monad Transformer that supports - self - send - receive - selective based on type - yields on empty receive or type mismatch - spawn - built on Forkable-Monad and forkIO - lift - named pids - connect to remote - send via named # Current Library Features - Protocol (OTP Genserver like typeclass) - explicit State type family - explicit Monadic Context type family - Results API ## Future Core Language Features - monitor - serializable computation typeclass - spawn remote - monitor remote - query remote - encrypted message passing by default - config to change encode and decode ## Future Library Features - quasiquoter / convenience Syntax - OTP - supervisor trees - haddock documentation - versioned tutorial series