{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Copyright :  (c) Edward Kmett 2013
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
-- This module generalizes the @binary@ 'B.PutM' and @cereal@ 'S.PutM'
-- monads in an ad hoc fashion to permit code to be written that is
-- compatible across them.
-- Moreover, this class permits code to be written to be portable over
-- various monad transformers applied to these as base monads.
module Data.Bytes.Serial
  ( Serial(..)
  , GSerial(..)
  , Serial1(..), serialize1, deserialize1
  , GSerial1(..)
  , Serial2(..), serialize2, deserialize2
  , store, restore
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.ByteString as Strict
import Data.Int
import Data.Text as SText
import Data.Text.Encoding as SText
import Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LText
import Data.Void
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- Serialization

class Serial a where
  serialize :: MonadPut m => a -> m ()
#ifndef HLINT
  default serialize :: (MonadPut m, GSerial (Rep a), Generic a) => a -> m ()
  serialize = gserialize . from

  deserialize :: MonadGet m => m a
#ifndef HLINT
  default deserialize :: (MonadGet m, Generic a, GSerial (Rep a)) => m a
  deserialize = liftM to gdeserialize

instance Serial Strict.ByteString where
  serialize bs = putWord32host (fromIntegral (Strict.length bs)) >> putByteString bs
  deserialize = do
    n <- getWord32host
    getByteString (fromIntegral n)

instance Serial Lazy.ByteString where
  serialize bs = putWord64host (fromIntegral (Lazy.length bs)) >> putLazyByteString bs
  deserialize = do
    n <- getWord64host
    getLazyByteString (fromIntegral n)

instance Serial SText.Text where
  serialize = serialize . SText.encodeUtf8
  deserialize = SText.decodeUtf8 `fmap` deserialize

instance Serial LText.Text where
  serialize = serialize . LText.encodeUtf8
  deserialize = LText.decodeUtf8 `fmap` deserialize

instance Serial ()
instance Serial a => Serial [a]
instance Serial a => Serial (Maybe a)
instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (Either a b)
instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (a, b)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial (a, b, c)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) => Serial (a, b, c, d)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d, Serial e) => Serial (a, b, c, d, e)

instance Serial Bool

store :: (MonadPut m, Storable a) => a -> m ()
store a = putByteString bs
  where bs = unsafePerformIO $ create (sizeOf a) $ \ p -> poke (castPtr p) a

restore :: forall m a. (MonadGet m, Storable a) => m a
restore = do
  let required = sizeOf (undefined :: a)
  PS fp o n <- getByteString required
  unless (n >= required) $ fail "restore: Required more bytes"
  return $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> peekByteOff p o

instance Serial Double where
  serialize = store
  deserialize = restore

instance Serial Float where
  serialize = store
  deserialize = restore

instance Serial Char where
  serialize = putWord32host . fromIntegral . fromEnum
  deserialize = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) getWord32host

instance Serial Word where
  serialize = putWordhost
  deserialize = getWordhost

instance Serial Word64 where
  serialize = putWord64host
  deserialize = getWord64host

instance Serial Word32 where
  serialize = putWord32host
  deserialize = getWord32host

instance Serial Word16 where
  serialize = putWord16host
  deserialize = getWord16host

instance Serial Word8 where
  serialize = putWord8
  deserialize = getWord8

instance Serial Int where
  serialize = putWordhost . fromIntegral
  deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWordhost

instance Serial Int64 where
  serialize = putWord64host . fromIntegral
  deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord64host

instance Serial Int32 where
  serialize = putWord32host . fromIntegral
  deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord32host

instance Serial Int16 where
  serialize = putWord16host . fromIntegral
  deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord16host

instance Serial Int8 where
  serialize = putWord8 . fromIntegral
  deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord8

instance Serial Void where
  serialize = absurd
  deserialize = fail "I looked into the void."

-- Generic Serialization

-- | Used internally to provide generic serialization
class GSerial f where
  gserialize :: MonadPut m => f a -> m ()
  gdeserialize :: MonadGet m => m (f a)

instance GSerial U1 where
  gserialize U1 = return ()
  gdeserialize = return U1

instance GSerial V1 where
  gserialize _ = fail "I looked into the void."
  gdeserialize = fail "I looked into the void."

instance (GSerial f, GSerial g) => GSerial (f :*: g) where
  gserialize (f :*: g) = do
    gserialize f
    gserialize g
  gdeserialize = liftM2 (:*:) gdeserialize gdeserialize

instance (GSerial f, GSerial g) => GSerial (f :+: g) where
  gserialize (L1 x) = putWord8 0 >> gserialize x
  gserialize (R1 y) = putWord8 1 >> gserialize y
  gdeserialize = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
    0 -> liftM L1 gdeserialize
    1 -> liftM R1 gdeserialize
    _ -> fail "Missing case"

instance GSerial f => GSerial (M1 i c f) where
  gserialize (M1 x) = gserialize x
  gdeserialize = liftM M1 gdeserialize

instance Serial a => GSerial (K1 i a) where
  gserialize (K1 x) = serialize x
  gdeserialize = liftM K1 deserialize

-- Higher-Rank Serialization

class Serial1 f where
  serializeWith :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()
#ifndef HLINT
  default serializeWith :: (MonadPut m, GSerial1 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()
  serializeWith f = gserializeWith f . from1

  deserializeWith :: MonadGet m => m a -> m (f a)
#ifndef HLINT
  default deserializeWith :: (MonadGet m, GSerial1 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => m a -> m (f a)
  deserializeWith f = liftM to1 (gdeserializeWith f)

instance Serial1 [] where
  serializeWith _ [] = putWord8 0
  serializeWith f (x:xs) = putWord8 1 >> f x >> serializeWith f xs
  deserializeWith m = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
    0 -> return []
    1 -> liftM2 (:) m (deserializeWith m)
    _ -> error "[].deserializeWith: Missing case"
instance Serial1 Maybe where
  serializeWith _ Nothing = putWord8 0
  serializeWith f (Just a) = putWord8 1 >> f a
  deserializeWith m = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
    0 -> return Nothing
    1 -> liftM Just m
    _ -> error "Maybe.deserializeWith: Missing case"
instance Serial a => Serial1 (Either a) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance Serial a => Serial1 ((,) a) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial1 ((,,) a b) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial1 ((,,,) a b c) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) => Serial1 ((,,,,) a b c d) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize

serialize1 :: (MonadPut m, Serial1 f, Serial a) => f a -> m ()
serialize1 = serializeWith serialize
{-# INLINE serialize1 #-}

deserialize1 :: (MonadGet m, Serial1 f, Serial a) => m (f a)
deserialize1 = deserializeWith deserialize
{-# INLINE deserialize1 #-}

-- Higher-Rank Generic Serialization

-- | Used internally to provide generic serialization
class GSerial1 f where
  gserializeWith :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()
  gdeserializeWith :: MonadGet m => m a -> m (f a)

instance GSerial1 Par1 where
  gserializeWith f (Par1 a) = f a
  gdeserializeWith m = liftM Par1 m

instance GSerial1 f => GSerial1 (Rec1 f) where
  gserializeWith f (Rec1 fa) = gserializeWith f fa
  gdeserializeWith m = liftM Rec1 (gdeserializeWith m)

-- instance (Serial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 (f :.: g) where

instance GSerial1 U1 where
  gserializeWith _ U1 = return ()
  gdeserializeWith _  = return U1

instance GSerial1 V1 where
  gserializeWith _   = fail "I looked into the void."
  gdeserializeWith _ = fail "I looked into the void."

instance (GSerial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 (f :*: g) where
  gserializeWith f (a :*: b) = gserializeWith f a >> gserializeWith f b
  gdeserializeWith m = liftM2 (:*:) (gdeserializeWith m) (gdeserializeWith m)

instance (GSerial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 (f :+: g) where
  gserializeWith f (L1 x) = putWord8 0 >> gserializeWith f x
  gserializeWith f (R1 y) = putWord8 1 >> gserializeWith f y
  gdeserializeWith m = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
    0 -> liftM L1 (gdeserializeWith m)
    1 -> liftM R1 (gdeserializeWith m)
    _ -> fail "Missing case"

instance GSerial1 f => GSerial1 (M1 i c f) where
  gserializeWith f (M1 x) = gserializeWith f x
  gdeserializeWith = liftM M1 . gdeserializeWith

instance Serial a => GSerial1 (K1 i a) where
  gserializeWith _ (K1 x) = serialize x
  gdeserializeWith _ = liftM K1 deserialize

-- Higher-Rank Serialization

class Serial2 f where
  serializeWith2 :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> (b -> m ()) -> f a b -> m ()
  deserializeWith2 :: MonadGet m => m a -> m b ->  m (f a b)

serialize2 :: (MonadPut m, Serial2 f, Serial a, Serial b) => f a b -> m ()
serialize2 = serializeWith2 serialize serialize
{-# INLINE serialize2 #-}

deserialize2 :: (MonadGet m, Serial2 f, Serial a, Serial b) => m (f a b)
deserialize2 = deserializeWith2 deserialize deserialize
{-# INLINE deserialize2 #-}

instance Serial2 Either where
  serializeWith2 f _ (Left x)  = putWord8 0 >> f x
  serializeWith2 _ g (Right y) = putWord8 1 >> g y
  deserializeWith2 m n = getWord8 >>= \a -> case a of
    0 -> liftM Left m
    1 -> liftM Right n
    _ -> fail "Missing case"

instance Serial2 (,) where
  serializeWith2 f g (a, b) = f a >> g b
  deserializeWith2 m n = liftM2 (,) m n

instance Serial a => Serial2 ((,,) a) where
  serializeWith2 f g (a, b, c) = serialize a >> f b >> g c
  deserializeWith2 m n = liftM3 (,,) deserialize m n

instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial2 ((,,,) a b) where
  serializeWith2 f g (a, b, c, d) = serialize a >> serialize b >> f c >> g d
  deserializeWith2 m n = liftM4 (,,,) deserialize deserialize m n

instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial2 ((,,,,) a b c) where
  serializeWith2 f g (a, b, c, d, e) = serialize a >> serialize b >> serialize c >> f d >> g e
  deserializeWith2 m n = liftM5 (,,,,) deserialize deserialize deserialize m n