{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BenchShort (benchShort) where import Control.DeepSeq (force) import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid import Data.String import Test.Tasty.Bench import Prelude hiding (words, head, tail) import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as S import Data.ByteString.Builder import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (byteStringCopy, byteStringInsert, intHost) import Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal (ensureFree) import Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim (BoundedPrim, FixedPrim, (>$<)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal as PI import Foreign import System.Random ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Benchmark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- input data (NOINLINE to ensure memoization) ---------------------------------------------- -- | Few-enough repetitions to avoid making GC too expensive. nRepl :: Int nRepl = 10000 {-# NOINLINE intData #-} intData :: [Int] intData = [1..nRepl] {-# NOINLINE byteStringData #-} byteStringData :: S.ShortByteString byteStringData = S.pack $ map fromIntegral intData {-# NOINLINE loremIpsum #-} loremIpsum :: S.ShortByteString loremIpsum = mconcat [ " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor" , "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis" , "nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." , "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu" , "fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in" , "culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." ] -- benchmark wrappers --------------------- {-# INLINE benchB' #-} benchB' :: String -> a -> (a -> ShortByteString) -> Benchmark benchB' name x b = bench name $ whnf (S.length . b) x -- We use this construction of just looping through @n,n-1,..,1@ to ensure that -- we measure the speed of the encoding and not the speed of generating the -- values to be encoded. {-# INLINE benchIntEncodingB #-} benchIntEncodingB :: Int -- ^ Maximal 'Int' to write -> BoundedPrim Int -- ^ 'BoundedPrim' to execute -> IO () -- ^ 'IO' action to benchmark benchIntEncodingB n0 w | n0 <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do fpbuf <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (n0 * PI.sizeBound w) withForeignPtr fpbuf (loop n0) >> return () where loop !n !op | n <= 0 = return op | otherwise = PI.runB w n op >>= loop (n - 1) -- Helpers ------------- hashInt :: Int -> Int hashInt x = iterate step x !! 10 where step a = e where b = (a `xor` 61) `xor` (a `shiftR` 16) c = b + (b `shiftL` 3) d = c `xor` (c `shiftR` 4) e = d * 0x27d4eb2d f = e `xor` (e `shiftR` 15) w :: Int -> Word8 w = fromIntegral hashWord8 :: Word8 -> Word8 hashWord8 = fromIntegral . hashInt . fromIntegral foldInputs' :: [[Word8]] foldInputs' = force (S.unpack <$> foldInputs) foldInputs :: [S.ShortByteString] foldInputs = map (\k -> S.pack $ if k <= 6 then take (2 ^ k) [32..95] else concat (replicate (2 ^ (k - 6)) [32..95])) [0..16] largeTraversalInput :: S.ShortByteString largeTraversalInput = S.concat (replicate 10 byteStringData) smallTraversalInput :: S.ShortByteString smallTraversalInput = "The quick brown fox" zeroes :: S.ShortByteString zeroes = S.replicate 10000 0 partitionStrict p = nf (S.partition p) . randomStrict $ mkStdGen 98423098 where randomStrict = fst . S.unfoldrN 10000 (Just . random) -- ASCII \n to ensure no typos nl :: Word8 nl = 0xa {-# INLINE nl #-} -- non-inlined equality test nilEq :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool {-# NOINLINE nilEq #-} nilEq = (==) -- lines of 200 letters from a to e, followed by repeated letter f absurdlong :: S.ShortByteString absurdlong = (S.replicate 200 0x61 <> S.singleton nl <> S.replicate 200 0x62 <> S.singleton nl <> S.replicate 200 0x63 <> S.singleton nl <> S.replicate 200 0x64 <> S.singleton nl <> S.replicate 200 0x65 <> S.singleton nl) <> S.replicate 999999 0x66 bench_find_index_second :: ShortByteString -> Maybe Int bench_find_index_second bs = let isNl = (== nl) in case S.findIndex isNl bs of Just !i -> S.findIndex isNl (S.drop (i+1) bs) Nothing -> Nothing {-# INLINE bench_find_index_second #-} bench_elem_index_second :: ShortByteString -> Maybe Int bench_elem_index_second bs = case S.elemIndex nl bs of Just !i -> S.elemIndex nl (S.drop (i+1) bs) Nothing -> Nothing {-# INLINE bench_elem_index_second #-} -- benchmarks ------------- benchShort :: Benchmark benchShort = absurdlong `seq` bgroup "ShortByteString" [ bgroup "Small payload" [ benchB' "mempty" () (const mempty) , benchB' "UTF-8 String (naive)" "hello world\0" fromString , benchB' "String (naive)" "hello world!" fromString ] , bgroup "intercalate" [ bench "intercalate (large)" $ whnf (S.intercalate $ " and also ") (replicate 300 "expression") , bench "intercalate (small)" $ whnf (S.intercalate "&") (replicate 30 "foo") , bench "intercalate (tiny)" $ whnf (S.intercalate "&") (["foo", "bar", "baz"]) ] , bgroup "partition" [ bgroup "strict" [ bench "mostlyTrueFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 225)) , bench "mostlyFalseFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 10)) , bench "balancedFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 128)) , bench "mostlyTrueSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 225) , bench "mostlyFalseSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 10) , bench "balancedSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 128) ] ] , bgroup "folds" [ bgroup "strict" [ bgroup "foldl" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldl (\acc x -> acc + fromIntegral x) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldl'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldl' (\acc x -> acc + fromIntegral x) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldr" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldr (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldr'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldr' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldr1'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldr1' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "unfoldrN" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.unfoldrN (S.length s) (\a -> Just (a, a + 1))) 0) foldInputs , bgroup "filter" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.filter odd) s) foldInputs ] ] , bgroup "findIndexOrLength" [ bench "takeWhile" $ nf (S.takeWhile even) zeroes , bench "dropWhile" $ nf (S.dropWhile even) zeroes , bench "break" $ nf (S.break odd) zeroes ] , bgroup "findIndex_" [ bench "findIndices" $ nf (sum . S.findIndices (\x -> x == 129 || x == 72)) byteStringData , bench "find" $ nf (S.find (>= 198)) byteStringData ] , bgroup "traversals" [ bench "map (+1) large" $ nf (S.map (+ 1)) largeTraversalInput , bench "map (+1) small" $ nf (S.map (+ 1)) smallTraversalInput ] , bgroup "ShortByteString strict first index" $ [ bench "FindIndices" $ nf (listToMaybe . S.findIndices (== nl)) absurdlong , bench "ElemIndices" $ nf (listToMaybe . S.elemIndices nl) absurdlong , bench "FindIndex" $ nf (S.findIndex (== nl)) absurdlong , bench "ElemIndex" $ nf (S.elemIndex nl) absurdlong ] , bgroup "ShortByteString strict second index" $ [ bench "FindIndices" $ nf (listToMaybe . drop 1 . S.findIndices (== nl)) absurdlong , bench "ElemIndices" $ nf (listToMaybe . drop 1 . S.elemIndices nl) absurdlong , bench "FindIndex" $ nf bench_find_index_second absurdlong , bench "ElemIndex" $ nf bench_elem_index_second absurdlong ] , bgroup "ShortByteString index equality inlining" $ [ bench "FindIndices/inlined" $ nf (S.findIndices (== nl)) absurdlong , bench "FindIndices/non-inlined" $ nf (S.findIndices (nilEq nl)) absurdlong , bench "FindIndex/inlined" $ nf (S.findIndex (== nl)) absurdlong , bench "FindIndex/non-inlined" $ nf (S.findIndex (nilEq nl)) absurdlong ] , bgroup "ShortByteString conversions" $ [ bgroup "unpack" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (\x -> S.unpack x) s) foldInputs , bgroup "pack" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ length s) $ nf S.pack s) foldInputs' , bench "unpack and get last element" $ nf (\x -> last . S.unpack $ x) absurdlong , bench "unpack and get first 120 elements" $ nf (\x -> take 120 . S.unpack $ x) absurdlong ] ]