#ifndef __STRUCTS_H__ #define __STRUCTS_H__ typedef char bool, mychar; typedef struct _point *point; struct _point { int x, y; }; typedef struct { struct _point pnt; int col; } *cpoint; typedef struct { bool b; int x; struct { int y, z; point pnt; } nested; } *weird; typedef struct ambiguousName { int x; } ambiguousName; /* same name for struct tag and type */ typedef struct ambiguousName someOtherName; point make_point (int x, int y); weird make_weird (void); mychar *getSpacePtr (void); /* bitfield functionality */ struct bit_struct { char c1; unsigned int bit : 1; signed int very_small_int : 3; char c2; }; struct bit_struct *get_bit_struct(); #ifdef __GNUC__ /* this is to check c2hs's resistance to GNU extensions */ struct _MyStructAlign {long int x;}; struct _MyStruct { int bar; } __attribute__ ((aligned (__alignof (struct _MyStructAlign)))) ; #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* to test nested struct/unions (regression test) */ typedef struct { int type; int typ1; } FT; typedef union { int type; FT typ1; } SDL_Event; #endif /* __STRUCTS_H__ */